Masterpieces of Choral Singing. Conducted by Pavlo Muravsky. Golden Collection. | | Track Reviews (3) |
The whole collection and all compositions presented in it are connected with one person - the matter concerns Pavlo Muravskyi. By the way, even today, at his age of 90, he is not looking for calmness; on the contrary, he is working hard and selflessly. At that, not even hundreds, but thousands of professional musicians-choirmasters, singers and cultural workers are proud to call themselves his pupils. It happened that exactly this person has been in charge of the leading and the most appreciable in the whole state choir within the last half a century or so. And, as they say, it is exactly under the direction of this person that such choirs as "Trembita" and "Dumka", as well as the choirs of the Ukrainian radio and Kyiv conservatoire have become the best ones. At that, the mastery performance of these choirs can be compared with academic examples of the world choir music – in particular, thanks exactly to Muravskyi. So, I think that every true admirer of choral singing will perceive this disc with respect – and it will be right of him.
Publisher: Astra Records Catalogue number: A. R. 017 - 05 Year: 2005
Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
 | Shchedryk (khor Kyjivs‘koji konservatoriji)
music: arr. M. Leontovych
2. |
| Stelysja, barvinku (khor Ukrajins‘koho radio)
music: arr. M. Lysenko
3. |
| Oy, ustanu ja v ponedilok (khor Kyjivs‘koji konservatoriji)
music: arr. M. Leontovych
4. |
| Oy, ty, divchyno, z horikha zernja (P. Karmaljuk, (Honoured Chapel of Ukraine "Trembita")
music: A. Kos-Anatol‘s‘kyy
lyrics: I. Franko
5. |
| Oy, u poli krynychen‘ka (khorova kapela "Dumka", (Ivan Kozlovsky) |
6. |
 | Soloveyko (khorova kapela "Dumka", B. Rudenko)
music: M. Kropyvnyts‘kyy
lyrics: M. Kropyvnyts‘kyy
7. |
| Stojit‘ hora vysokaja (khorova kapela "Dumka", (Borys Hmyrya)
music: arr. V. Kyreyko
8. |
| Nenache son (elehija pam'jati M. Lysenka) (khor Kyjivs‘koji konservatoriji)
music: H. Mayboroda
9. |
 | Chernushko dushko
music: arr. M. Leontovych
10. |
| Bukovyns'ka pol'ka (Honoured Chapel of Ukraine "Trembita")
music: Je. Kozak
lyrics: I. Kuten‘
11. |
| Hra v zaychyka (khor Kyjivs‘koji konservatoriji)
music: arr. M. Leontovych
12. |
| Oy, syvaja ta i zozulen‘ka (khor Kyjivs‘koji konservatoriji)
music: arr. K. Stetsenko
13. |
| Oy, u poli, poli (khorova kapela "Dumka", L. Chkonija)
music: arr. P. Kozyts‘kyy
14. |
| Zore moja vechirnjaja (Honoured Chapel of Ukraine "Trembita")
music: arr. M. Leontovych
lyrics: T. Shevchenko
15. |
| Vechirnja pisnja (D. Petrynenko, khor Kyjivs‘koji konservatoriji)
music: K. Stetsenko, arr. Eta Tyrmand
lyrics: V. Samiylenko
16. |
 | Miserere (khor Kyjivs‘koji konservatoriji)
music: Antonio Lotti
17. |
| Mriji (Honoured Chapel of Ukraine "Trembita")
music: R. Schumann
18. |
| Pralja (khor Kyjivs‘koji konservatoriji)
music: arr. M. Leontovych
19. |
| Vivtsi moji, vivtsi (S. Malynovs‘kyy, (Honoured Chapel of Ukraine "Trembita")
music: M. Hrynyshyn
20. |
| Harbuz bilyy kachajet‘sja (khor Kyjivs‘koji konservatoriji)
music: arr. M. Lysenko
21. |
| Dudaryk (khor Ukrajins‘koho radio)
music: arr. M. Leontovych
22. |
| Susidka (khor Kyjivs‘koji konservatoriji)
music: arr. Ja. Jatsynevych
23. |
| Mnohaja lita (khor Kyjivs‘koji konservatoriji)
music: D. Bortnjans‘kyy
| Total playing time: 79:54 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
See also:
This is a really good album, and we are glad that we can present it here. But – NOTE! – unfortunately, the first two tracks have manufacture defects. Therefore, one cannot buy this release from us – but you can get it as a present, as a free bonus to accompany any order..
Domestic price: 0.00UAH,
International price: $0.00USD
Audio cassette/ .."Vydubychi" is a church choir, that is why exactly church music usually makes up their repertoire. But at this disc you will hear Ukrainian folk songs performed by this choir.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
As I have an acquaintance who works at the airport, I can confidently say: when flying away from Ukraine, people search for discs by exactly this Ukrainian collective, in fact, more frequently than any other ones. Whatever you might say, the National Choir named after G.Veryovka is a real, bright, original legend. Living.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
"Berehynya" is not simply an ensemble; this is the theatre of the Ukrainian folklore.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
...these songs at this disc sound somehow strictly, greatly, spiritually in that sense which is meant in connection with the church singing. Natural melodiousness of both Ukrainian language and, as they say, people’s soul is quite evident for everybody who listens to Ukrainian song...
Domestic price: 390.04UAH,
International price: $19.90USD
Here usual Ukrainian songs sound as spiritual ones, though they seem to have nothing to do with the church. So then, here a song as it is acquires a new quality and a new content – to be exact, an old and almost forgotten content.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Sankt Peterburh, Rusia
11-04-2010 19:56 |
Ñëóøàë â èíòåðíåòå "Óêðàèíñêèé ôîëüêîëîð" ðàäèî, â³ñòóïàëè "Áîæè÷³". çàèíòåðåñîâàëñÿ è â ïîèñêå íàø¸ë Âàø ñàéò. ß î÷åíü äàâíî æèâó â Ðîññèè. Äîðîã³å ìî¿ "ÓÌÊÀ" äóæå âäÿ÷íèé Âàì çà òî ùî çíîâó ïî÷óë ï³ñí³ íà ð³äíîé ³ íàéêðàñèâ³øîþ ìîâîþ, ³ ï³ñí³, âñ³ ÿê îäíà - øåäåâðè. Ñëóõàþ ³ ïëà÷ó, äðóç³ ìî¿ íåìຠêðàùå êðà¿íè íàøî¿ ð³äíî¿ Óêðà¿íè! Âèáà÷òå çà ïîìèëêè, äàâíî êàæó ò³ëüêè ïî ðóñêîìó. ªøå ðàç óêë³íî äÿêóþ Âàì! Îëºã Ñàºíêî
, Perkinsville, USA
14-11-2007 02:04 |
Another example of incredible Ukrainian performance of beautiful music in a highly professional performance, both vocal and orchestral. Thoroughly and completely enjoyable to listen to.
, Õàðê³â, Óêðà¿íà
10-05-2006 17:06 |
Äóæå ÷èñòå é ÿê³ñíå âèêîíàííÿ â³äîìèõ óêðà¿íñüêèõ ï³ñåíü àêàïåëëà. Íåçâàæàþ÷è, ùî äåÿê³ çàïèñè çðîáëåí³ íàïî÷àòêó 60-õ ðîê³â, âîíè î÷èùåí³ â³ä øóì³â ³ ñëóõàþòüñÿ íå ã³ðøå ñó÷àñíèõ çàïèñ³â.