One should admit that there are not so many universal topics. Death, love, the sense of life - actually, all these things are the same. All of them constitute only one thing - love. In connection with this disc, we may talk about love in pastel shades. To be exact, now we are talking about the language of love, since all these songs were composed in 60-th - 80-th and that's why it is easy to imagine at once which language we are speaking now, which music our talk is accompanied with. The atmosphere of the pop-music of those times was not exactly crystal-clear, but soft and not strained. It is pleasant to plunge into it, to swing back and forth on its waves, to taste this sweet salt. Even if these songs are older than people who are listening to them now. And it is quite easy to imagine the green of parks washed by a warm rain, open-air theatres, from which these songs sound, people with dreamy faces and couples whirling in a dance. So, let this disc set you in a light mood, the mood without anxiety and sadness. Let this disc to bring the inspiration to say to a beloved person that he or she is loved.
Publisher: Astra Records Catalogue number: A.R. 005-04 Year: 2004
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD