Even those who have never danced tango may like this disc very much – and it is only natural. Many people like ballet, for example, but not so many of them dance ballet dances. By the way, dances. More or less young listeners will be surprised with the fact that this is a collection of dancing music. But once – at that, not long ago - tango used to be extremely popular in our country. Personally with me these melodies arouse certain associations – the time spent in the city park of culture and rest. At any time of the year, since this music was performed there practically always, and it practically always blended harmoniously with a city microclimate. Now it is even difficult to believe that the whole generation has grown up with this music. May be even not one generation. So, kids, listen and be surprised. As for grown-ups, my advice is – listen and don’t cry.
Publisher: Astra Records Catalogue number: A.R. 024-05 Year: 2005
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
The theme of today's disc is close to, as a minimum, half of human population of the planet. Judging by everything, it was also close to the performers represented here – these songs are performed with appreciable enthusiasm.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Personally for me this music draws such a picture – summertime, a park, children with ice cream and balloons in their hands, parents walking leisurely, unexpected meetings with old acquaintances and a lot of smiles.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Київ, Україна
16-04-2007 09:09 |
Є декілька гарних композицій. Однак є і такі які до танго жодного відношення не мають. Дещо розачорований.
, Sydney, Australia (Австралія)
27-12-2006 04:00 |
I really enjoyed this CD! A really beautiful cover, and a delicious assortment of tangos, many from a by-gone era when music brought out the finer emotions from people - love, sadness, joy and just being care-free. I hope more CDs like this are released.
Ola Oliynyk
14-07-2006 22:36 |
Не зовсім відомі танго. Цікаво.
, луцьк
30-06-2006 11:00 |
мав нагоду послухати ці танго в набагато кращому виконанні,а цей диск настрою не створює,на жаль...
, Одесса
24-05-2006 00:34 |
"Украинские танго" уже купила. Валентина Куприна стала для меня своего рода открытием... Когда-то слышала ее поразительное исполнение, ее поразительный голос, который порой путают с высоким мужским... Кто-то имеет информацию об этой исполнительнице? Прошу оставить ее на форуме forum.podii.com.ua/list.php?1 В теме, посвященной украинской популярной музыке, если Вас не затруднит.
, Mississauga,Ontario, Canada
31-01-2006 01:14 |
Can listen to those TANGOS all day long.Great CD.