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Catalogue -> Folk -> Golden Collection

Ukrajinski striletski ta povstanski pisni. Golden Collection. (Ukrainian Shooter and Insurgent Troops' Songs)

Reviews (10)
Ukrajinski striletski ta povstanski pisni. Golden Collection. (Ukrainian Shooter and Insurgent Troops' Songs)

Our regular visitors long ago already got convinced that appearance of new discs of the "Golden Collection" series is always a reason for good moods, didn't they? And we are happy to admit that the tradition is kept on – the high level never changes. It is also nice that compilers of the series, as well as before, discover new original themes for the collections – this is important, you should agree. However, we do not neglect the opportunity of that this time the choice of the theme could be influenced, for example, by Oleh Skrypka – as long ago as in 2007, he started raising the theme of heroic songs in Ukrainian culture (you can hear the result of his work in the collection "Ukrainian Heroic Song"). And it is easy to notice, even judging by the name of the present collection, that themes of the two discs overlap to a certain extent. However, the overlapping of the themes does not at all mean identical realization – fortunately. For in the case of the Golden Collection we deal not with modernization, but with classic interpretation – since discs of the series virtually always consist of fund recordings of the NRCU. And these recordings not only have a full right to be considered rarities – they to this day remain in their own way examples of irreproachable performance. And this is the more interesting, when the issue is serious songs of such beauty and internal force as here.

Publisher: Astra Records
Catalogue number: AR 045-07
Year: 2008

Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
1. Mp3Oy, u luzi chervona kalyna (Etnohrafichnyy khor "Homin")
music: arr. L. Jashchenko
lyrics: S. Charnets‘kyy
2.  Vzhe bubon hraje (Kvartet bandurystiv "Ros‘")
3. Mp3Oy, vydno selo (National Honored Bandurist Capella)
music: L. Lepkyy
lyrics: L. Lepkyy
4.  Zazhurylys‘ halychanky (Derzh. zasl. Bukovyns‘kyy ans. pisni i tantsju)
music: R. Kupchyns‘kyy, arr. M. Leontovych
lyrics: R. Kupchyns‘kyy
5.  Jak my pryyshla karta (V. Bokoch, ONI NRKU)
music: arr. L. Revuts‘kyy
6. Mp3Ne smije buty v nas strakhu (Etnohrafichnyy khor "Homin")
music: R. Kupchyns‘kyy, arr. L. Jashchenko
lyrics: R. Kupchyns‘kyy
7.  Hey, nastupajem my, stril‘tsi (Je. Zubko, ONI NRKU)
music: T. Jaroslavenko
8.  Yshly stril‘tsi do boju ta y cherez polja (S. Stepan, ONI NRKU)
music: arr. Ja. Demchyshyn
9. Mp3Jikhav strilets‘ na viynon‘ku (V. Bokoch, ONI NRKU)
music: M. Hayvorons‘kyy, arr. L. Revuts‘kyy
lyrics: M. Hayvorons‘kyy
10. Mp3Povijav viter stepovyy (Zasl. cholovicha khorova kapela s. Radcha)
music: arr. B. Shyptura
11.  U nevoli tjazhkiy (V. Bokoch, D. Popichuk, V. Hekker)
12.  Oy, tam, pry dolyny (Vok. kvartet "Kolo")
music: arr.quartet "Kolo"
13. Mp3Zakvitchaly divchaton‘ka (N. Zjabljuk, L. Potits‘ka)
music: R. Kupchyns‘kyy
lyrics: R. Kupchyns‘kyy
14.  Hey, stepamy (V. Bokoch, chol. sklad khoru im. P. Mayborody ta ONI NRKU)
music: S. Maljutsa, arr. H. Kuljaba
lyrics: S. Maljutsa
15.  Bo viyna – viynoju (Ja. Hnatjuk, ONI NRKU)
music: L. Lepkyy
lyrics: L. Lepkyy
16. Mp3Tam, za nebokrajem (Fol‘klornyy ansambl‘ "Hajivka")
17.  Oy, na hori, na Makivtsi (Cholovichyy sklad Chernihivs‘koho ukr. nar. khoru)
18.  Marsherujut‘ vzhe povstantsi (V. Bokoch, chol. sklad khoru im. P. Mayborody NRKU ta ONI NRKU)
music: R. Kupchyns‘kyy
lyrics: R. Kupchyns‘kyy
19.  Ja s‘ohodni vid vas vid’jizhdzhaju (V. Bokoch, ONI NRKU)
20. Mp3Tam, za lisom (V. Bokoch, ONI NRKU)
21.  Na pokynutykh zharyshchakh (V. Bokoch, ONI NRKU)
22.  Oy, u lisi, na poljantsi (V. Bokoch, ONI NRKU)
lyrics: H. Huryn, S. Tsap, Ja. Vivcharyn
23.  Oy, tam, u luzi, pry dorozi (Ihor Borko)
24.  Chorna hora ne orana (Vok. ansabl‘ s. Dolyna)
25.  Chujesh, brate miy (Kyjivs‘kyy kamernyy khor p\k V. Ikonnyka)
music: L. Lepkyy, arr. K. Stetsenko
lyrics: B. Lepkyy
26.  Shche ne vmerla Ukrajina (Khor studentiv dyr.-khor. fakul‘tetu Kyjivs‘koji derzh. konservatoriji)
music: M. Verbyts‘kyy
lyrics: P. Chubyns‘kyy
 Total playing time: 75:19

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
See also:

Taras Chubay, Kuzma Skryabin, Molotov 20. Nashi partysany. /cassette/. (Our Guerrillas)

Audio cassette/ ..This is, without exaggeration, a legendary album. And it was not even about the list of the project's authors.. The album was first released in 2000 – and it was perhaps the first collection of insurgents' songs in modern arrangements in Ukraine. And it still, in my opinion, remains the best one.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Taras Zhytynsky. Kozats‘ki balady. (Cossack Ballads)

Taras mainly sings folk songs – and far not all of these songs are as known and popular as they deserve being. But here one should be grateful not only for revival of some songs, but also for how they sound in his performance: Taras Zhytynsky has the voice and intonations that it is just difficult not to trust to.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH, International price: $20.90USD

Reviews (10)

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