Without regard to that Taras Zhytynsky lives (if nothing has changed) in London – his presence in the Ukrainian space is becoming more and more perceptible. At all events, you now see his already second solo album released in Ukraine – and this is again a disc really worth paying attention to. Taras mainly sings folk songs – and far not all of these songs are as known and popular as they deserve being. But here one should be grateful not only for revival of some songs, but also for how they sound in his performance. Taras Zhytynsky has the voice and intonations that it is just difficult not to trust to. One can hear that nothing pretentious takes place, nothing "on sale". It would seem that that's nothing much – only the guitar and singing – but all that sounds really honest and strong. To make it short – natural. To such an extent that at some instant one even thinks: can it be that once these songs sounded otherwise? Even though Taras accompanies to himself with the guitar, in his manner some subconscious, internal link with the kobza and lyre players' tradition can be recognized – in spite of that the guitar sounds quite modern. Although, probably there is no formal link – let us leave it at discretion of experts. But, anyway, "Cossack Ballads", in our opinion, is one of those albums that are worth attentive listening.
Publisher: Nash Format Year: 2009
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Taras Zhytynsky
Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD