The group "Dzvony" is practically ten years old and within this period of time they have become the favourites of quite a vast audience. Thus, today such songs of theirs as "Smereka" and "A flower-enchantress" may be easily called folk songs. Light and pleasant melodies, which bear the mark of West-Ukrainian melos, lyrical lyrics and clear voices make their songs longed-for guests in many houses. The album being presented is a landmark. In it the musicians included the best songs from previous four albums which they consider the best. Their intuition did not let them down, these are really their best songs.
Publisher: Gold Lion Year: 2002
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Dzvony group
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CD1 |
1. |
 | Oj, smereko
music: V. Kuznjecov
lyrics: Narodni
2. |
 | Dvi sopilky
music: O. Lapchyns'kyj
lyrics: O. Lapchyns'kyj
3. |
| Ljubka z Kolomyji
music: N. Savchuk
lyrics: N. Savchuk
4. |
| Zahadkova divchyna
music: V. Kuznjecov
lyrics: V. Kryschenko
5. |
| Ne sumuj
music: V. Kuznjecov
lyrics: I. Adamchuk
6. |
| Hucul's'kyj kraj
music: L. Prorochuk
lyrics: I. Jakovenko
7. |
| Mamo-matusju
music: O. Lifanchuk
lyrics: S. Haljabarda
8. |
| P'ju do dna
music: M. Hadenko
lyrics: M. Hadenko
9. |
| Mozhe ce ty
music: V. Kuznjecov
lyrics: V. Kryschenko
10. |
| Jakby sche ty bula chuzha
music: V. Kuznjecov
lyrics: S. Haljabarda
11. |
| Ja blahaju tebe
music: M. Hadenko
lyrics: M. Hadenko
12. |
| A nich shepoche
music: T. Kukuruza
lyrics: V. Demcjuh
13. |
| Novorichnyj son
music: V. Kuznjecov
lyrics: V. Kryschenko
14. |
| Bili kvity
music: V. Kuznjecov
lyrics: V. Sosjura
15. |
 | Spohad pro lito
music: V. Kuznjecov
lyrics: I. Jakovenko
16. |
| Pam'jataju, bulo
music: A. Mykolajchuk
lyrics: A. Mykolajchuk
| Total playing time: 63:06 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
The ninth disc is an interesting attempt to reproduce folk and popular authors' songs in instrumental performance only, without the vocal. Timbre richness, bright expressive opportunities of folk instruments, delicate feeling of the energy of the music material and the general emotional breathing allowed creating the song music masterpieces of the Ukrainian people.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
He is still able to fire up and refresh with light silver brooks of flying notes – and to thrill with unhurried lyricism of melodies. The modern and traditional interlace in his performance absolutely naturally, melodies of other peoples grow into Ukrainian basis simply and naturally – one even does not notice all of that at once. And – it is done in a talented way.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Various synthesis is, actually, a characteristic sign of music by Vognesmih – as it has two powerful grounds. One is rock sounding, strong, deep, modern. The second is the ethnic component, which is based on the pleasantly extensive palette of authentic instruments.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
His solo performance and performance accompanied by an orchestra sound very bright and cheerful. Especially because there has been found the possibility for not only for classical compositions, but also for creative search. To make a long story short – it is good.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
We have already repeatedly met Ukrainian Barvy – and the group has never disappointed us. It feels identically easy in absolutely different styles, it performs very varied music – spiritual, ceremonial, classic, modern, folk, variety art.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Жашків, Україна
12-04-2012 00:06 |
"Двони", відізвіться! Ігоре, ми з тобою служили в Плавську в оркестрі!
Подзвони будь - ласка! (093) 835-09-50 Василь Горбівський
, Жашків, Україна
11-04-2012 23:52 |
"Двони", відізвіться! Ігоре, ми з тобою служили в Плавську в оркестрі!
Подзвони будь - ласка! (093) 835-09-50 Василь Горбівський
, Коломия
01-12-2008 16:34 |
Чому про Вас нічого не чути? Де ви Дзвони?
Чому немає вашмх концертів?
ми вас любимо, але вас не можливо ніде побачити, не говорячи вже про автограф
, Київ
16-02-2006 13:32 |
Пісні просто чудесні. Особливо:"Білі квіти", "Дві сопілки", "Загадкова дівчина". Захоплююсь українською музикою і піснею. А КАРПАТСЬКУ пісню просто обожнюю. Всім пропоную розвивати в собі духовність, любити рідне українське.
, Киев
22-06-2005 00:09 |
Альбом мне нравиться. Моя мама купила ещё в 97 году ихний альбом, когда уезжали мы с Ивано-Франковска, песня "Смерека" играла на весь вокзал и в последний момент моя мама купила эту касету. Сегодня вставил её в свой магнитофон и просто зазвучала моя любимая музыка, особенно "Смерека" - настоящая, не Гнатюка, а настоящая-гуцульская. Просто супер. Есть хороший альбом, в котором есть песни: "Дана, дана, гей", "Шабелина", "Скажи, чому", "Смерека", "Літній вечір", "Новорічний сон", "Гуцульскі наспіви", "Як ішов я з Дебрецина", "Іду собі, та й думаю", "Ой, ти Любко моя з Коломиї", "Пам'ятаю було", "Біжать літа", "Ой, зриваю руту в гаю", "Фіранка на вікні", "Квітка-Чарівниця", "Там де гори сині". Советую...