We have already repeatedly met Ukrainian Barvy – and the group has never disappointed us. It feels identically easy in absolutely different styles, it performs very varied music – spiritual, ceremonial, classic, modern, folk, variety art. Besides – quite often it seasons its compositions with elements of rock-and-roll, jazz, country. It makes the style of the group easy to recognize – and, at the same time, it always implies an element of the unexpected, surprise. And you would never say that Ukrainian Barvy arranges the melodies too heavily – no, this is virtually always careful arrangement, which rather not changes but underlines some unnoticeable traces of a melody, lyrics. Thus, the songs come back to life – but they do not lose their own face, and that is nice. It is exactly this that you will find on the new disc by the group as well. The name of the album warns at once that mixtures of styles and moods will sound here. As Ukrainian Barvy has already several times confidently proved their mastery in this kind of mixing, the only thing for us to do is to trust the taste of these people – and to listen.
Publisher: author Year: 2007
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Ukrainian Barvy
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
| Hutsul Medley (Hutsul‘s‘ka zbyranka)
2. |
 | The Pan by the Church
(Kolo tserkvy koryto)
3. |
| Don't Forget (Ne zabud‘)
4. |
| In the Green Grove (V haju zelenen‘kim)
5. |
 | When I Raked Green Hay
(Jak ja seno hrabala zelene)
6. |
| Hey, the Bulls Come in the Mountains (Oy horamy volon‘ky)
7. |
 | When I Got My Sign-Up Card
(Ked my pryyshla karta)
8. |
| When the Sun Comes Up (Rano, jak sonechko skhodylo)
9. |
 | Sleep My Little Kossak
(Spy malen‘kyy kozachok)
10. |
| Kolomyjkas (Kolomyyky)
11. |
| The Lark (Zhayvir)
12. |
 | In the Paradise Garden
(V rays‘kim horodi)
13. |
| The Ukrainian variant of "Jingle Bells" (Jidemo sankamy)
| | bonus:
14. |
| I m Khrysynka, the Ukrainian Girl (Ja Khrystynka ukrajinka)
| Total playing time: 47:50 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:
The ninth disc is an interesting attempt to reproduce folk and popular authors' songs in instrumental performance only, without the vocal. Timbre richness, bright expressive opportunities of folk instruments, delicate feeling of the energy of the music material and the general emotional breathing allowed creating the song music masterpieces of the Ukrainian people.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
He is still able to fire up and refresh with light silver brooks of flying notes – and to thrill with unhurried lyricism of melodies. The modern and traditional interlace in his performance absolutely naturally, melodies of other peoples grow into Ukrainian basis simply and naturally – one even does not notice all of that at once. And – it is done in a talented way.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Various synthesis is, actually, a characteristic sign of music by Vognesmih – as it has two powerful grounds. One is rock sounding, strong, deep, modern. The second is the ethnic component, which is based on the pleasantly extensive palette of authentic instruments.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
His solo performance and performance accompanied by an orchestra sound very bright and cheerful. Especially because there has been found the possibility for not only for classical compositions, but also for creative search. To make a long story short – it is good.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, dois irmaos, brasil
28-07-2008 08:24 |
for me ok.
, Kyiv, Ukraine
23-01-2008 13:10 |
Duge podobaetysa zey dysk. Zvuchyt chyro, i po novomu zikavo...
, Chicago,
09-09-2007 00:22 |
Accidentally I visited your concert. I was so impressed! Your energy, good sounding and performance created unbelievable atmosphere.
, Kyiv
09-09-2007 00:20 |
Supper! Ya zahoplyuyusya Vashym vykonannyam i tym yak Vy vmiyete peredaty po inshomu zvuchannya pisen. Dyakuyu i chekayu nastupnyh albomiv
, Kyiv
09-09-2007 00:05 |
Supper! Ya zahoplyuyusya Vashym vykonannyam i tym yak Vy vmiyete peredaty po inshomu zvuchannya pisen. Dyakuyu i chekayu nastupnyh albomiv
, Kyiv
09-09-2007 00:05 |
Supper! Ya zahoplyuyusya Vashym vykonannyam i tym yak Vy vmiyete peredaty po inshomu zvuchannya pisen. Dyakuyu i chekayu nastupnyh albomiv
, Kyiv
08-09-2007 07:45 |
Duge podobayutsya roboty zyoho kolektyvu. Zavgdy z neterpinnyam chekayu na cherhovi ixni novynky.
, Êè¿â, Óêðà¿íà
25-07-2007 00:37 |
Íàñïðàâäí³, ïðèºìíà ìóçèêà, ÷óäîâå çâó÷àííÿ. Îñîáëèâî ñïîäîáàâñÿ 2-é òðåê "Êîëî öåðêâè êîðèòî". ß ãîðäæóñÿ ïðàãíåííÿì Óêðà¿íñüêèõ Áàðâ ïîêàçàòè âñüîìó ñâ³òîâ³ ð³çíîáàðâ'ÿ óêðà¿íñüêî¿ òâîð÷îñò³ â óñ³é ¿¿ êðàñ³ ³ ìèëîçâó÷íîñò³. Ìîëîäö³.
, Chicago, USA
24-07-2007 18:39 |
Meni duge spodobalos- rekomenduyu vsim. Vitayu hurt z chuduvoyu robotoyu i dyakuyu za postiyni muzychni novynky.