"If some performers are loved by people in their native land, they will be known and respected both in Ukraine and beyond its borders. This is absolutely true about "Yavir". What compels people to listen to songs performed by "Yavir" with bated breath? The clear source of the native folk song, the foundation of our culture. Really, the folk manner of vocal singing, ideal harmony of voices, delicate nuances testify to the singers' high professionalism, and, thus, do not leave the audience indifferent. People seem to feel that the song is a monument of the spiritual culture of the people and one should treat it with care, reasonably, reproduce its authentic beauty, as the vocal quartet "Yavir" always does that in their creative art of singing.
As a sacred thing, the Ukrainian folk song in the artists' soul blossoms and flowers – as well as pieces by contemporary authors. And when there is something sacred in the soul, the soul shines. From generation to generation, from century to century."
(from materials of the official press-release)