Personally for me it began with the song about Sykhiv – "My District". Then it became clear that the sense of this music is not in costumes, freaks, decorations... then it felt warm. And then this album was released – and now I know a bit more than before, and I like this knowledge. Here, there is something so honest and very open – something that makes you listen more attentively. And it suddenly appears that there are no masks, that Vova from Lviv is a living man, not just the project's name. And this man is hurt and cheered exactly as you are – certainly, if it hurts and cheers you up. He simply remains himself – and it impresses much stronger than any imaginary coolness. Because one feels – it is not empty here. Softly and quite unobtrusively, he narrates, contemplates, jokes, remembers, dreams up – and convinces. It is strange and nice to note that there is no aggression in it – though usually rap, due to its origins, associates exactly with aggressive presentation. Vova from Lviv unnoticeably destroys this stereotype, brings it down to nothing. In front of us we can see a reciter interested in all of earthly displays of life plus philosophy, literature, religion, and etc. But, presumably, the brightest, significant feature of these songs is tolerance. (the gratitude for the freebee looks as an appropriate addition here). In my personal opinion, it is this tolerance, non-aggressiveness that makes the album – very Ukrainian. Special. I think the author has all the reasons to be proud of it – great work.
Anton Yozhyk Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: M1 records Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- VovaZiL'vova
Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
See also:
This project, without exaggeration, has all chances to become in Ukraine one of the most interesting. "Stereoliza" combines pop music, elements of hip-hop, electronics, something of the disco mood – and the mix appears actual both for Ukraine, and, literally, for the whole of our round Earth. It by no aspects concedes to the best world pieces of the genre.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
You can hear Ukrainian folk songs mixed with such styles as hip-hop, soul, reggae, R'n'B – we should say that the combination has appeared interesting indeed. And the thing is even not only the mix of styles – in the end, there is lately no lack of experiments in this direction. However, whatever you might think, no "white" voice can be compared with what you will hear here.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
You now have the opportunity to hear not only a new work by VovaZIL'vova, but also to meet an enormous number of his friends and colleagues in business. Among them, there are already known ones, and those who are not. Listen yourself – there are really plenty of talented people able to create good and bright hip-hop of a high quality.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
This group was founded not so long time ago but still it was loud ambitious at once. Anyway it was not without a good reason...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
It is very easy to “hook” your ear on the hip-hop by V.U.Z.V. First, there are no questions concerning the quality – it has appeared both sated and simple. And the second reason is the texts. Combination of cute jive and easygoing humor – the combination advantageous and rare.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
, ×åðâîíîãðàä, Óêðà¿íà
17-10-2006 18:20 |
Âîâà òè ë³áøèé, Õàé ùàñòèòü.
, Lviv
13-10-2006 21:22 |
Vova Zi Lvova the dest !!! Respekt
, Êè¿â
13-10-2006 14:41 |
Âîâ÷èê ä³éñíî êðóòèé ïàöàí÷³ê!!! Àëüáîì - ÑÓÏÅÐÎÂÈÉ!!! Íå ïîøêîäóºòå!!!
12-10-2006 18:38 |
Se dyze klasna myzuka!Vova!Dyakyy za taky prukolny myzuky!
new fire
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD