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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: History

Julius Weber. Rosiyska okupatsia Chernivtsiv. (The Russian Occupation of Chernivtsi)

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Julius Weber. Rosiyska okupatsia Chernivtsiv. (The Russian Occupation of Chernivtsi)
"The scale of World War I shocked the world and destroyed the old European ways of life. Against the background of large and small battles, military operations, not only their direct participants but also civilians were affected by the burden of the war, they became hostage to the military events. Austrian Chernivtsi found itself under Russian occupation three times, the Russian military and civil administration persistently sought to involve the city into the "Russian world". The chronicle of the events was recorded and described by the editor of the then existing Chernivtsi newspaper "Czernowitzer Tagblatt" Julius Weber.
The book includes photos from private collections."
Translated from German by Serhiy Osachuk
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 130x208 mm
Number of pages: 136, illustrated
Publisher: Knyhy-XXI, Chernivtsi


- Serhiy Osachuk. Do chytacha

- Peredmova


- Tin‘ velykykh podiy

- Persha istorychna stsena

- Urochysta peredacha mista

Na misto nakladajet‘sja kontrybutsija

- Perehovory pro rozmir kontrybutsiji

- Zbyrannja kontrybutsiji

- Dvadtsjat‘ troje horodjan berut‘sja v zaruchnyky

Khaos u ratushi

- Pershyy komendant mista. Pljundruvannja ta pidpaly

Predstavnyky vlady zminjujut‘ odne odnoho

- Dobryy komendant. Smertnyy vyrok

Peredvisnyk neshchastja

- Pojava Gerovs‘koho u Chernivtsjakh

Hubernator Jevrejinov ta yoho era

- Chudova nich

- Pryznachennja rosiys‘koji mis‘koji administratsiji

Rosiys‘ki uklady

- Dyvna audijentsija

- Hromads‘ku vartu zaareshtovano

Zhyttja u misti

- Zlydni y bidnist‘ sered naselennja. Vydacha mis‘kykh kuponiv. Rosiys‘ka torhivlja. Stan mista. Panika. Provisnyk blyz‘koho vyzvolennja

- P'jat‘ tyzhniv svobody


Druha okupatsija, jiji predstavnyky ta tendentsija

- Mertve misto. Peredacha. Spadkojemtsi

Vybrani zasoby

- Nakladannja kontrybutsiji na judejiv. Konfiskatsiji. Rozpodil mayna. Teroryzm. Areshty. Zaruchnyky

Namahannja rusyfikatsiji

- Znjattja impers‘koho orla z vezhi ratushi. Znjattja vsikh avstriys‘kykh plakativ. Vidkryttja rosiys‘koho poshtovoho ta zaliznychnoho spoluchennja

Rosiys‘ki svjatkuvannja

- Benket

Vysokyy hist‘

- Hraf Bobryns‘kyy obitsjaje seljanam zemlju Relihiynoho fondu ta jevrejiv

Kinets‘ nablyzhajet‘sja

- Rukh u viys‘kakh. Pryyshly turkmeny. Nastup na Pivden‘. Porazka. Pokhoronni protsesiji

- Zvil‘nennja

- Zaruchnyky

Volodymyr Zapolovs‘kyy. Zamist‘ pisljamovy

- Podiji tret‘oji rosiys‘koji okupatsiji. Spektony cherven‘ 1916 r. Biy bilja Staroji Zhuchky. Rosijany zakhopljujut‘ misto

- Vidnovlennja Chernivets‘oji huberniji. Pojava hubernatora Lihina

- Kinets‘ "orlynoji spravy"

- Varvarstvo u Chernivets‘komu universyteti

- Zhyttja u misti

- Perenesennja upravy heneral-hubernatora z Ternopolja do Chernivtsiv. Pojava Jevrejinova

- Istorychna stsena z pereymenuvannjam vulyts‘

- Urjaduvannja Viteka

- Berezneva revoljutsija. Demokratychnyy period rosiys‘koho panuvannja. Raptova pojava Gerovs‘koho ta yoho vyhnannja z mista

- Pljundruvannja i pidpaly. Kinets‘ okupatsiji. Povernennja krayovoji vlady

Publisher: Knyhy-XXI
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176141440
Year: 2016

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See also:

Yaroslav Faizulin. Istorija.UA: postati, fakty, versiji. (History.UA: figures, facts, versions)

This is a collection of essays on iconic figures and important events of the XX century. All together they create a fascinating kaleidoscope of this seemingly closest to us, but at the same time the least known time, which is still hidden under a layer of Soviet myths.
Domestic price: 474.60UAH, International price: $33.90USD

Slavenka Drakulic. Niby mene nema(ye). (As If I Am Not There)

This is a terrific novel about massive cases of violence against women during the war in Bosnia, based on actual testimonies of victims, true stories, and painful traumatic memories of the women with whom Slavenka Drakulic talked.
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Martin Pollack. Zhinka bez hrobivtsya. Rozpovid pro moju titku. (The Woman Without a Tomb. A story about my aunt)

Martin Pollack never heard his grandfather mention his sister Paulina. At the same time, she was the only one of the large family to die tragically after World War II: it was Paulina who died in a concentration camp, while her brothers, who supported Nazism, continued to work as lawyers even after the war..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Olha Kari. Kompot iz patysoniv. (Squash Compote)

This is a series of reportage sketches and essays describing how an entire generation of Ukrainians grew up against the backdrop of a breach of epochs and political systems. This book is about what it was like – living in the 1990's..
Domestic price: 334.60UAH, International price: $23.90USD

Lyudmyla Taran. Yablunya. (The Apple Tree)

..a dialog book, where women well-known in Ukraine and abroad – mothers and daughters – speak about important moments, recall significant people and events that left a trace in their life. Oksana Zabuzhko, Natalka Bilotserkivets, Sofia Maydanska, Bohdana Pavlychko, and Marjana Savka speak about the dearest ones..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Oksana Zabuzhko, ILja Hurnik. Iyerykhonski trubachi. Kod Hurnika. (Trumpeters of Jericho. Hurnik's Code)

..It's first translation into Ukrainian was done by Stefan Zabuzhko, the father of writer Oksana Zabuzhko. This second edition is complemented with Oksana Zabuzhko's autobiographical research story, that for the first time reveals unknown pages in the history of the Ukrainian 1960's activism for the reader and helps to take a fresh look at our recent past.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Leonid Plyusch. U karnavali istorii. Testimony. (At the Carnival of History)

An autobiographic memoir by one of the most famous dissidents in the USSR – Leonid Plyusch – belongs to the golden fund of the anti-totalitarian resistance literature. Analyzing his life path, Plyusch develops an invaluable panoramic portrait of the entire generation of those of the sixties..
Domestic price: 460.60UAH, International price: $32.90USD

Nelya Heyko-Medvedeva. Dorohy kameny. (The Roads of Stone)

This is a book about the lost Lemkivshchyna, about the fate of those who, as a result of the post-war deportations, found themselves in the USSR. "The Roads of Stone" is the first book in the contemporary Ukrainian literature written in both the Ukrainian literary language and the living Lemky dialect.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Miljenko Jergovic. Batko. (The Father)

Jergovic speaks about himself, his family, his country, which no longer exists, and the long journey from offense to forgiveness. A stunningly sincere, wise book.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Aharon Appelfeld. Kateryna.

This is a kind of an attempt to look at the Jewish people from aside. After the Catastrophe, Kateryna considers it her duty to recall and restore at least part of the world that irretrievably disappeared along with deaths of millions of innocent people. This is a story about human intimacy and mutual understanding, despite any bias or stereotypes.
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Petra Morsbach. I raptom vzhe vechir. (And Suddenly It's Evening) exciting, witty, terrible, incredible story. A paramount example of the great literature about "a little individual", where, probably for the first time, a Ukrainian voice – expressive and tragic – can be heard against the backdrop of the colorful imperial polyphony.
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Candice Millard. Heroy imperii. (Hero of the Empire)

Where do individuals come from, who at a difficult moment are able to unite an entire nation? What determines the heroes' fates – their personal choice or life circumstances? Winston Churchill, at age 24, was confident that he would reach absolute peaks in politics. However, it took him 40 years to make his path to the highest political office..
Domestic price: 320.60UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Kostyantyn Tur-Konovalov. Kruty 1918.

The January of 1918 turned out to be really cold. Sons of an UPR counterintelligence general Andriy and Oleksa find themselves among defenders of Kruty railway station; in contrast to Muravyov’s trained army, only grass-green students and cadets stay there. There are rumors that among the Ukrainian units there is an agent of the Bolsheviks..
Domestic price: 194.60UAH, International price: $13.90USD

Svetislav Basara. Fama pro velosypedystiv. (The Cyclist Conspiracy)

Svetislav Basara engages with a detective story, suggests his own vision of History, but he truly captivates with witty tricks. Imagine Jesus who enters Jerusalem on a bike, or Sherlock Holmes suffering fiasco in a case of two-wheelers..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Oleh Kotsarev. Lyudy v hnizdakh. (People in Nests)

Every family has its stories that are invariably narrated from one generation to another. Other stories remain out of frame. "People in Nests" is a kind of a mixture of the former and the latter spiced with light humor, parody, and deconstruction. Similar to how, ultimately, almost the entire historic memory in our part of the world is deconstructed..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Askold Melnyczuk. Scho skasano. (What is Told)

The first novel in the American literature that represented Ukraine through the history of a Ukrainian family. It hit two powerful trends at once – the literature of ethnic minorities and the return to traditional values..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Karl-Markus Gauß. Yevropeyska abetka. (The European Alphabet)

...this is a true textbook for skeptical Europeans. An invitation to travel in the continent that is more unexplored and more controversial than those who keep lecturing about it suspect.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Marek Hlasko. Krasyvi 20-litni. (Pretty Twenty-Year Olds)

Written in a "strange mixture of jargon, governmental reports, the vocabulary of streets and party meetings," this parody at an autobiography is one of the most truthful literary reflections of the most deceitful era in the history of Eastern Europe, and the most famous book by the author, which still continues attracting numerous fans worldwide.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Martin Pollack. Otrueni peyzazhi. (Poisoned Landscapes)

The collection of essays by Martin Pollack is dedicated to the culture of memory – of hundreds of thousands of nameless victims of the 20th century bloodiest regimes or of routine hatred, whose graves are hidden in anonymity, camouflaged with picturesque landscapes, or just planted over with vegetable...
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Carola Hansson. Steinhof.

The invasion of the Soviet army in 1956 (suppression of the Hungarian uprising) turned almost 200,000 Hungarians into refugees. The protagonist of the book, a young teacher, while rescuing schoolgirls takes them across the mountains to the secure Austria, where later she tries to start a new life. But what she experienced does not let go so easy..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Melinda Nadj Abonji. Holuby zlitayut. (Pigeons Take Off)

..when the war starts in the Balkans, what can they do for those who stay in the divided country? This autobiographical story is narrated by a daughter of immigrants, with all the passion of youth rebellion against the very existence of the choice between assimilation and preservation of the identity.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Yurko Vovk. Doky smert ne rozluchyt nas. (Until Death Do Us Part)

Descendants of two families of farmer... The routine ordered in detail in centuries and generation... But the storms of the twentieth century will mercilessly uproot them. The love of freedom of their ancestors, Cossacks, the Haidamak tradition of Kholodny Yar, the death from starvation in the 1930th will give birth to them – the new generation of Ukrainian.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Svetlana Aleksievich. Chornobylska molytva: khronika maibutnioho. (Chernobyl Prayer: the Chronicle of the Future)

The artistic and documentary novel by Belarus writer Svetlana Alexievich, 2015 Nobel Prize laureate, speaks in "little people"'s voices about the catastrophe that destroyed millions of lives, overturned the outlook of an entire generation, and at the same time removed the Iron Curtain and undermined the construction of the soviet state.
Domestic price: 306.60UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Irena Douskova. Hordyi Budscho. (Proud Whatever)

Czechoslovakia, a provincial town, the 1970's. The age of the so-called "normalization", as the contemporary communist regime officially referred to the Soviet occupation of 1968-89. The narrator – eight-year old Helenka, a lonely child with developed imagination – is learning to survive in the cruel and brutal world around her without losing herself..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Yaroslav Faizulin, Volodymyr Hinda. Ukraina u vohni mynuloho stolittya. Personalities, Facts, Versions. (Ukraine in the Flames of the Past Century)

The twentieth century was the time when the face of the modern Ukraine was being formed. The book is dedicated to events and personalities of the Ukrainian history in this controversial period. Based on archival documents, the book's authors highlight interesting and little known facts about outstanding events of the past and prominent personalitie...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Antin Mukharsky. Maidan. (R)evolutsia dukhu: the art and culture project. (The (R)Evolution of the Spirit)

The publication is intended for readers interested in the controversial view of the Ukrainian history, politics, and culture. The book "Maidan" is a kaleidoscope combining candid and critical perspectives of the Ukrainian Revolution of 2013-2014, emotions without cuts, and the details that were left off media screens.
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Stepan Smal-Stockyi. Nemoliv. Memoirs.

The exciting memoir by Stepan Smal-Stotsky about his native village Nemoliv is a bright milestone in the Ukrainian tradition of memoirs highlighting the boundless and charming space of the Ukrainian village in the late 19th century. With much love and warmth, the book recreates the atmosphere in which the future scientist was raised...
Domestic price: 166.60UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Yevhen Ivanychuk. Kholodne nebo Pivnochi. (The Cold Northern Sky)

Evhen Ivanychuk, a brother of Ukrainian novelist Roman Ivanychuk, joined the UPA in the spring of 1944 at the age of seventeen, and a few months later he was arrested and courageously survived through GULAG prisons and camps, as well as the many years of his settlement in the northern part of Russia...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Anna-Lena Lauren. Nevidoma tsina svobody. The Democratic Revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan. (The Unknown Price of Freedom)

This is the third book by the famous Finnish journalist and writer Anna-Lena Lauren published in Ukrainian. While her previous two books reflected current realities of life in Russia and in the Caucasian republics, from this book the Ukrainian reader can learn more about the author's interested perspective of Ukraine as well.
Domestic price: 236.60UAH, International price: $16.90USD

Dmitriy Goychenko. Krasny apokalipsis: Skvoz raskulachivanie i Golodomor. Memoirs of an eye-witness. (Red Apocalypse: Through Dispossession and Great Famine)

Manuscripts by Dmytro Hoychenko are unique testimonies of the terrible times of Soviet collectivization and the Great Famine in Ukraine. In contrast to fiction works by Barka or Bahryany, historical memoirs have virtually not preserved so detailed descriptions of the misanthropic communist regime as in this book.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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Uladzimer Arlov. Krajevyd z mentolovym aromatom. (The Landscape with Menthol Aroma)
Uladzimer Arlov. The Landscape..
Domestic: 250.60UAH 225.54UAH
International: $17.90USD $16.11USD
Serhiy Zhadan. Psalom aviatsiji. (The Psalm of Aviation)
Zhadan. The Psalm of Aviation
Domestic: 320.60UAH
International: $22.90USD
Sofi Oksanen. Sobachy maydanchyk. (The Dog Park)
Sofi Oksanen. The Dog Park
Domestic: 432.60UAH
International: $30.90USD
Kateryna Kalytko. Orden movchalnyts. (The Order of the Silent)
The Order of the Silent
Domestic: 278.60UAH
International: $19.90USD