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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: History

Ukraina radyanska. Ilyuzii ta katastrofy "komunistychnoho rayu". The series "History Uncensored". (Soviet Ukraine. Illusions and Disaster of "communist paradise")

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Ukraina radyanska. Ilyuzii ta katastrofy "komunistychnoho rayu". The series "History Uncensored". (Soviet Ukraine. Illusions and Disaster of "communist paradise")
"The objective of the books in this series is to speak about the Ukrainian past relying on facts rather than fabrications or orders. To create the future, one needs not only the will and courage, not only persistence and daily work, but also knowledge about our history. Uncensored. For the first time in 15 years, a multi-volume popular exposition of the history of our country is published in Ukraine. The authors do not follow an ideological order, their assessments sometimes do not coincide, allowing the reader be the judge in these disputes." Volodymyr Vyatrovych
- Bolsheviks' national policy as a means to revive the empire
- Kryvdonbas case: on the true circumstances surrounding the appearance and disappearance of DKR
- The Holodomor as a natural result of Bolsheviks' policy and the features of illusion generation in Ukraine in the post-Holodomor 1933-1938.
- Bolsheviks "dizzy with success" and the methods of their treatment
The group of authors ​​includes: Hennadiy Yefimenko, Yana Prymachenko, Oksana Yurkova
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 128x200 mm
Number of pages: 352, illustrated
Publisher: Bookclub, Kharkiv


- Vstup

1. Syla iljuziy: osnovni chynnyky posylennja vplyvu bil‘shovyzmu (do zhotnja 1917 r.)

- Pastka dlja intelektualiv: "naukovist‘" ta modernizatsiyni prynady komunizmu

- Zhorstka tsentralizatsija vs "sotsialistychnyy pryntsyp vyzmolennja narodiv": natsional‘ne pytannja u stratehiji y taktytsi bil‘shovykiv do 1917 r.

- "Rozkripachennja narodiv" pislja Rosiys‘koji revoljutsiji: bil‘shovyts‘ki ihry z pytannjam pro maybutniy derzhavnyy ustriy

- Pravo natsiy na samovyznachennja: "kil u spynu revoljutsinomu rukhu" chy zasib real‘noji polityky? Kyjivs‘kyy dosvid 1917 r.

- Komunistychna stratehija ta radjans‘ki hasla: symbioz protylezhnostey (kviten‘-zhovten‘ 1917 r.)

2. Spodivane narodovladdja: iljuziji ta realiji "pershykh sovitiv" (lsytopad 1917 – kviten‘ 1918 r.)

- Lenins‘ka taktyka v natsional‘nomu pytanni jak chynnyk utrymannja vlady pislja Zhovtnevoho perevorotu

- Ukrajins‘ki eksperymenty Radnarkomu

- "Sovits‘ka" UNR jak novyy zasib pohlynannja Ukrajiny

- "Vsja vlada mistsevym radam!" (Vladna systema doby "pershykh sovitiv")

- Kazus Kryvdonbasu: do obstavyn pojavy ta znyknennja DKR (ljutyy-kviten‘ 1918 r.)

3. "Zapamorochennja vid uspikhiv": nehatyvnyy dosvid realizatsiji komunistychnoji doktryny v Ukrajini (sichen‘-serpen‘ 1919r.)

- Vplyv sformovanykh ujavlen‘ pro bil‘shovyzm: strimke zakhoplennja Ukrajiny "chervonymy" ta formuvannja vladnoji vertykali (sichen‘-berezen‘ 1919 r.)

- Uchast‘ mas u vladniy vertykali: osoblyvosti 1919 r.

- "U period 1919 r. bulo pevne pidozrinnja navit‘ do ukrajins‘koji movy: movne pytannja

- "Za bil‘shovykiv proty komunistiv": (ne)zruynovani iljuziji ukrajins‘koho seljanstva

- "Krym, jak i Ukrajina, maje uviyty do skladu jedynoji Sovits‘koji Rosiji": vidnosyny USRR iz Kremlem

4. Pidrykhtovanyy komunizm: pershi postupky pry nezminniy osnovi (lystopad 1919 – ljutyy 1921 r.)

- "Ukraynskyy jazyk ne est‘ jazyk Petljury": postupky komunistiv u movniy sferi ta propahandi

- Zemel‘na liberalizatsija vs posylena prodrozkladka y komnezamy

- Iljuziji ta praktyka povsjakdennoho komunizmu v mistakh

- Kurs na "federal‘nu konstytutsiju RSFRR": derzhavnyts‘ka rytoryka vs upravlins‘ka ta ekonomichna nadtsentralizatsija (hruden‘ 1919 – zhovten‘ 1920 r.)

- Shljakh do formal‘noho sojuzu "na perdbacheniy dohovorom pidstavi povnoji rivnosti pomizh oboma Respublikamy"

5. Ochikuvannja ta realiji mizhvojennoho periodu

- Komunistychna teorija vs praktychni potreby: do obstavyn zaprovadzhennja i naslidkiv novoho ekonomichnoho kursu

- Vid sub'jekta do ob'jekta: vidnosyny mizh USRR ta RSFRR/SRSR u mizhmojennyy period

- Horyzontal‘ni zv'jazky jak nebezpeka dlja komunizmu ta "eorinna zmina polityky vid ukrajinizatsiji do radjanizatsiji" (1920-1922 rr.)

- "Ukrajinizatsija shljakhom radjanizatsiji": prychyna povorotu ta osoblyvosti vprovadzhennja (1922-1928 rr.)

- Literatura i mystetstvo: nadiji ta neharazdy doby nepu

- Nauka pid bil‘shovykamy: rukh po synusojidi

- Pidtrymka natsional‘nykh iljuziy u dobu druhoho komunistychnoho shturmu (1928-1932 rr.)

- "Hahants‘kyy rozmakh i nechuvanyy rozvorot ukrajins‘koji radjans‘koji kul‘tury y derzhavnosti": Holodomor ta osolyvosti formuvannja iljuziy v Ukrajini v postholodomorni 1933-1938 rr.

- "Rozstriljane vidrodzhennja": tsentralizatsija literaturno-mystets‘koho zhyttja, represiji proty dijachiv kul‘tury v 1930-ti rr.

- Literatura

Publisher: BookClub
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786171216853
Year: 2017

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See also:

Ken Wilber. Tramp i epokha postpravdy. (Trump and a Post-Truth World)

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Olena Herasymjuk. Rozstrilny kalendar. (Execution Calendar)

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Oksana Zabuzhko. Litopys samovydciv: devyat misyatsiv ukrainskoho sprotyvu. (Annals of Eyewitnesses: Nine months of the Ukrainian resistance)

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