Les' Poderv'jans'kyj.
Well, here is an absolutely fresh creation by Levko Durko. If his previous discs were intended, in fact, for children, this one will be able to cheer up adults as well. Actually, it is even advisable not to offer this disc to the junior generation – it contains such jokes that may be heard only in an adult company.
Domestic price: 194.04UAH,
International price: $9.90USD
Levko Durko, as usual, does not limit himself to just collecting enough songs for an album and releasing it. As he says himself, songs do not come to him upon request – an impulse from outside is needed. Some event, a funny scene, conversation or even simply a word – and only then songs appear quite independently. Thus, as you see, not one by one, but in real thematic cycles.
Domestic price: 194.04UAH,
International price: $9.90USD
...Well, and the third figure, which on that night was the major magnet – Les Poderevyansky. He recited his play "Splendor and Misery of Maricones", and this disc can be considered its first release. As usual – sharp, funny, attentive...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD