Catalogue -> Modern Pop -> Humor

Antin Mukharsky. Zlokohoochy Man.

Reviews (12)
Antin Mukharsky. Zlokohoochy Man.

Speaking about Ukraine, there is not a single person here who would not know the face of Antin Muharsky (aka Orest Lyuty) – at the condition that they have a TV set at home. Persistent shooting in advertising had its negative impact. But I am sure: nobody expected that Anton, apart from the actor's trade, is able to reveal himself as a musician. And nobody expected for sure that he would become an inventor in this domain. However, it is a fact. Antin Muharsky together with the "Coney Island" group sings songs for the entire country that are quite unusual for this country. Actually, once such songs were characteristic of only one country in the world – but since then the Earth has become considerably more rounded. And there are no longer any corners where music could hide from an intent listener. Consequently, maybe, there is nothing strange in that we observe appearance of sheer Ukrainian songs in the country style. In the end, we have appropriate landscapes. Pay attention – the majority of the songs in the album are decorated with the music that is not adopted, but local. That is, it is Muharsky who appears as the author of the music. Moreover, he also became the co-author of all the lyrics. Thus, we see the model birth of such phenomenon as Ukrainian country music. However, the authors have a more capacious definition for this: "songs of the agrarian country in the style of rural glamour". This definition, in my opinion, is as exact as possible.

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

Publisher: Moon records
Catalogue number: MR 1959-2
Year: 2006

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Antin Mukharsky

Domestic price: 311.64UAH
International price: $15.90USD
1.  Zhyhuli VAZ 2103
2. Mp3Zlokohuchyj men
3.  Shestypalyj Petro
4. Mp3Selo Chopilky
5.  Parusamy-kyparysamy
6. Mp3Bobik
7.  Avtobus "Lebedivka-Kyjiv"
8. Mp3Kohaj mene
music: Tammy Wynette
9.  UkrAjino
10. Mp3Moja mala
 Total playing time: 33:40

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

The VYO. Zeleny. /digi-pack/. (Green)

With this music – there are all the chances to swim to the summer almost unnoticeably, without straining where this is not needed. Ukrainian reggae with a mischievous smile and a hardened core. Just put on repeat – so much so that your hand reaches out for that – and you should not interfere with it.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH, International price: $20.90USD

Luiku. Yeher Mayster. /digi-pack/. (Yeger Meister)

Luiku is rather ironic dance music with a very pronounced folk component, the accelerated Ukrainian gypsy romance supplemented with Turkish, Polish, Romanian, and Hungarian lines. The music, besides being catchy (although there are also a couple of relaxed pieces), is also very, so to speak, convex.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Ot Vinta. Pilotka. /digi-pack/. (The Forage Cap)

..there is so much drive that one can hardly believe its "acousticity". And one of the causes of such sound is the truly rich set of instruments used by the musicians during the recording (guitar, banjo, harmonica, kazoo, ukulele, flute, kozobass, xylophone, etc.). Very rich and bright – just like always with "Ot Vinta"..
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Braty Hadyukiny. Made in Ukraine. /digi-pack/.

...this is about us. The ordinary people in the changing times, when it is both scary, and funny, and one wants to go faster, while – one needs to move carefully. Because nobody but us will live through these times for u... That's how it is put in the song "Play!": "Dad taught me – my dad, the last Jedi – play, play on your drymba, play the song of joy..."
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Kuku Shanel. Polubelaya-poluchernaya. (2CD). /digi-pack/. (Semi-White/Semi-Black)

This is stylish music, and not only due to the nice pastiches. Everything is just done simply – in the good sense, when the output sounds so easy and smiling that you never think about the previous hard work.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Vpershe Chuyu. PryamoTok. /digi-pack/. (ForwardFlow)

As far as we know – this is the first album in Ukraine (at least, among officially released ones) dedicated to bikers. Dedicated not only formally, but also thematically. However, the disc "Biker Sich" has been released just recently – but it was a collection of favorite songs, not the author's dedication album. A significant difference.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

TIK. Vesilny. (Wedding)

...the trademark self-irony is still there. To make sure – the first song from the album will be enough. Though, indeed, the rest of the songs also meet this sort of a definition: irony plus clownery. Need I say that both the first and second are not limited to smiles and jokes, subtle and not too subtle?
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Braty Hadyukiny. Schaslyvoi dorohy! /cassette/. (Good Riddance!)

Audio cassette/ ..The forth album of Hadiukiny. Grown-up album.
Domestic price: 272.44UAH, International price: $13.90USD

Antin Mukharsky. Village Glam. /digi-pack/

It is very cool that Antin Muharsky has not abandoned his field research of rural glamour in the Ukrainian context. Moreover – it seems that he has decided to undertake for this good cause a real family contract. But the main thing is that Muharsky has again succeeded in adding to the dozen of songs of the album a double portion of positive pepper..
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Reviews (12)

  antidotcb , Kharkiv, Ukraine
07-06-2008 18:22

Пока ещё не слушал весь альбом, но помоему - Антон - продолжатель традиций Бэдлоу (или как там правильно) ... которые мне очень нравились, сужу это по одной лишь песни которую слышал - Злокохучий мен, и она мне очень понравилась... Послушаю остальное, но я думаю не подведёт. Единственное что на диск конечно же не раскошелюсь ;) Интернет - это свобода.

  Андрій , Львів
29-02-2008 13:02

Кантрі - супер. Радий, що цей стиль вже в Україні.

  Пухнастик , Київ, Україна
21-11-2007 21:53

Дуже радію своїй покупці! Чудова музика, піднімає настрій !
Так тримати!!!

  Яна , Киев
21-10-2007 22:36

полный отстой. музыканты фуфло. Антон лучше порошок рекламируй, а ребята музыканты не зажигайте звезду раньше, чем надо. для начала послушайте нормальную музыку. Удачи.

  , Луцьк, Украина
16-08-2007 19:34

"УКРО-КАНТРИ"... Ребята,мне больно и стыдно,что Украина будет познавать музыку country по таким "образцам" ! Така собі кантрі-Сердючка-на-селі ! Послушайте Alan Jackson,Garth Brooks,Vince Gill, Shania Twain и сотни других исполнителей , в конце концов "Кукурузу" и сравните! Антон--займись лучше другим стилем( укро-Поплавським,что-ли), не мешай способным ребятам из "Кони Айленда"(я вас понимаю-кушать хочется,но : потом будет стыдно)!!! Ваш PAVLO ZARUBA

  13й , Киев
15-08-2007 22:58

Ах какой! Ух ты!!...

любой дятел с баблом лезет на сцену "поспівати"
слушай Джонни Кэша, убогий)
и плачь

  , kharkiv, ukraine
09-07-2007 09:36

Антон,супер!!!я долго ждал,кто же прорвётся с этим музыкальным направлением на украинскую эстраду.Вам удалось -это здорово!!!я со своей группой DREAM WEST около 2-х лет назад написал кучу блюзов и рок-н-роллов на украинском.мы исполняем их в клубах Харькова и очень бы хотелось попеть(джэмануть) блюзы с Вами!!!
как можно с Вами связаться?
с ув.Олег.

  Павло , Ужгород
14-05-2007 23:58

Супер !!! Купую диск і всім раджу. Дуже цікава компіляція, контекстний переклад американської кантрі на українську реальність.

  Леон , Киев
01-05-2007 21:28

Антон ты молодец!!!Удачи тебе и твоей группе!!!

  РОМА , Рівне
06-04-2007 21:59

... Мухарський молодець - кантрі справжня , відверта музика і прикольні тексти... я просто кайфую

  , Харків, Україна
06-03-2007 13:28

Про музику з пані Тумановою згоден, а про слова - не зовсім. Слова сподобалися тільки двох пісень - "Кохай мене" та "Село Чопілки".

  , Київ, Україна
08-02-2007 14:01

музика просто супер... тексти кльові... ніколи б не подумала, що кантрі може бути настільки класним! віва! Антін!