It somehow resembles a photo album or even a colour book. Not because some kind of imperfection or amateurishness is present here, on the contrary - masterly performance itself deserves due appreciation. I mean quite a different thing - in colour books usual things as a rule acquire such unexpected and bright colours that you have nothing to do but to be amazed. The same with these melodies – they can’t leave you indifferent simply because they are strikingly beautiful, gentle, bright and incendiary. There is so much sun in them, as well as clear air, height and tints of green that you even forget that mountains may be and sometimes are not only friendly but also menacing. And when you remember that, you have the feeling of respect towards those people who have enough vital enthusiasm to create such music, to reproduce such cheerful and light energy in melodies. In order to understand and to feel all these words you should live in mountains at least for a short period of time. Still, if you do not have such possibility, then you should listen to this music.
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 331859 2 Year: 2005
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CD1 |
1. |
| Myshyns'ka dribon'ka |
2. |
 | Bukovina Folk Melodies
(Bukovyns'ki narodni melodiji)
3. |
| Garland Of Ukrainian Folk Melodies (Vinochok ukrajins'kyh narodnyh melodij)
4. |
| Myshyns'ki Wedding Tunes (Myshyns'ki vesil'ni melodiji)
5. |
| Tylynkovi nahravannja |
6. |
| Scherzo Polka (Zhartivlyva pol'ka)
7. |
| Arkan |
8. |
 | The Chaban's Dream
(Son chabana)
9. |
| The Hutsul Girl (Huculka)
10. |
| Verhovyno, svitku ty nash |
11. |
| Oy, the Dulcimer Said (Oj, kazala cymbalochka)
12. |
 | Yhe Lemkivs'k Yheme Dream
(Fantazija na lemkivs'ku temu)
13. |
| Halyc'ka pol'ka |
14. |
| Bereznjanka |
15. |
| V’jazanka |
16. |
| Verhovynno |
17. |
| V’jazanka zakarpats'kyh tancjuval'nyh kolomyjok |
18. |
 | Verkhovyna Melodies
(Verhovyns'ki melodiji)
| Total playing time: 76:30 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Several years ago, the 2-disc album by the Tafiychuks family band was released – "Hutsul Tunes". Now, only a few copies of that release have been left – so, we offer the same recordings in a new design. Disc two – wedding music.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Several years ago, the 2-disc album by the Tafiychuks family band was released – "Hutsul Tunes". Now, only a few copies of that release have been left – so, we offer the same recordings in a new design. Disk one – tunes on dudas, violins, cymbals and songs.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...music recorded at the CD is really various, cheerful and alive. I would like to stress – alive. Forty one tracks – forty one groups from the whole country, and at that there’s no synthesizers here. It is, I’d rather say, a force...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Meet – the authentic folklore ensemble from Verhniy Bukovets village of Ivano-Frankivsk region, the Tafiychuks family group. "Melodies of the Carpathians" is the first album by the ensemble. However, you would not call these people novices – the surname of the Tafiychuks is well known, at least, to those few thousand people who have at least once visited Sheshory ethnic festival.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
, Le Chesnay, France
02-03-2008 20:25 |
Une belle compilation, variée et originale qui mêle folklore authentique et morceaux plus stylisés. Les interprètes sont tous excellents. Bref, un beau moment de plaisir !
, Perkinsville, USA
11-09-2007 16:19 |
Five gold stars to the producers of this ethnic Hutsul folk music CD. I must admit I had to research the origins of the Hutsul peoples. This is wonderful music played at its best. I recommend it highly for anyone who loves Ukrainian folk music. The flavors of the various tracks are diverse with some reflecting their closeness to Middle Eastern roots. All in all a CD filled with delightful, lively music and some tracks of quieter, soothing folk music. Although my own roots are not Ukrainian, I am completely smitten by the music of this beautiful country.
, Nancy, France
27-03-2006 00:13 |
I live in France and I'm the third generation too, and that's right that this disc make you proud of your origins !! It presents a good choice of beautiful hutsul melodies played with various instruments, splendid !!
06-12-2005 14:15 |
I really enjoyed this disc because of the folk melodies. I live in the USA and am 3rd generation. This disc really made me feel proud of my Ukrainian roots.
, boussoit, belgique
26-09-2005 18:45 |
magnifique melodie excellent