It is not a secret that in this case everyone expected appearance of a new studio album – and anyone would hardly object if it consisted of Georgian songs. Instead, the group "Gorgisheli" did a sort of a "live" knight's move – hence, actually, the name – the second album is a recording of the performance within the framework of the TV project "Tviy Format". As recording of the program took place in May 2008, the core of the program was made of pieces from the debut work "Amore". But, sure, they did not do without novelties either – and this is a whole third of the current disc. In particular, the hit "Spring" – they say that it is it that must become the head stone of the future studio work. Moreover, another song in Georgian has appeared, "Genatsvale" – and, in contract to "Adzharian" and "Flower" (arrangements of folk songs), both the lyrics and music are the author's ones here. An arrangement of a Ukrainian folk song titled "Merrily" was also added here – and it sounds, we should say, really cool. Thus, the listener does have here something to profit of. It is a pleasure both for those admirers of the group who desired something fresh – and those who favorably treat the litmus in the form of a concert recording. In the end, "Live" by Gorgisheli testifies to that everything is ok here with the positive drive – there's enough of it!
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 2439652 Year: 2009
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- Gorgisheli
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