Even if you have not heard the previous album, you understand at once that the guys are in the state of active quest for inspiration. At that, activation seems to become a key notion here, both in the sense of lifting some energetic wave, brisk enough to capture you with its fullness and motion, and in that sense, in which the word "activation" is used. It looks as if the guys have found some alternative accumulator in themselves or outside - and connected to it with persistence, which is usually typical for young guys of 17. It is quite unexpected, as Green Grey has recently been somehow even, slow and almost depressed. I am speaking about general mood, general impressions rather than about specific songs or projects. That's the very reason why this unexpected wave of fresh cheerful energy is very pleasant. It looks as if you had met a friend who hadn't left the house for some years making model planes of matches - and suddenly you find out that he has become a persevering diver. At such moments you start thinking - isn't it too early for you to be sure that you know yourself and the world around you very well? All songs are in Russian.
Publisher: Lavina Music Catalogue number: LM CD-425/1 Year: 2004
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Green Grey
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
..Eventually, the debut album by Arlett generally somehow avoids excesses, sticks to certain mainstream – which, incidentally, has its zest. It is read as being without a mask, simple expression, a sort of a light conversation. Due to which, probably, there will be a chance and the will for a deeper conversation.
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Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...the thoughts which are a bit difficult for uttering by forceful recitative. The thoughts which require an unhurried development in the form of emotions and intensive examination at different shades of light. The thoughts which look more like the shadows of thoughts, the track of rash silver fish which have flashed by somewhere in the depth...
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International price: $15.90USD
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International price: $15.90USD
, Montauroux (83), France
15-08-2008 12:11 |
What a beautiful record! Solnce y Luna is a massiva track! All the songs are very worked, with real good sounds. Guitars are brilliants. A very nice discover for the french i am. I just can wish them to export their music outside Ukrainia's borders. They are very friendly too. I wish them a long long career.
, Запорожье, Украина
15-06-2008 14:45 |
Отличный альбом. Здесь есть все: рок, панк, фанк и т.д. Именно своей разноплановостью ребята из "Грин Грей" всегда славились. Отличный альбом, еще раз повторюсь. А песни "Белый флаг", "Все прошло", "Берега", "Солнце и Луна" могут заставить задуматься дае тех людей, кто таким процессом никогда и не занимался раньше. "ГГ" - спасибо!!!
, Киев, украина
28-09-2006 18:03 |
панки хои
, Кировоград, Украина
02-04-2006 01:13 |
Green Grey - це дійсно якісна і класна музика. Кожен альбом дивує своєю оригінальністю і нестардатизмом. Метаморфоза є чудовим альбомом, тобто успішним. Та й взагалі я нерозумію тих людей, які не слухають Грін Грей! Бажаю хлопцям творчої наснаги і побільше фанів.
, винница, украина
24-02-2006 11:45 |
метаморфоза ето просто супер ничего лчшего в жызни я не слышал. я очень большой поклонник етой групы . и с нетерпением жду када они приедут к нам в город
, киев, украина
29-04-2005 23:22 |
ну что можно сказать...как обычно всё отлично!!!очень понравились песни "ПЛАЧУ И ПЛАЧУ" и "БЕРЕГА"...двухсмысленость слова,такого ещё не было! ждёмс новенького... и поскорее!