This girl had participated in the "Via Gra" project for a long time. This project became popular not only in Ukraine, but in other countries as well, in Russia in particular. It was a precious experience for her and fortunately it did not turn into a "blind alley". Having heard about the release of Aliona Vinnitskaja’s album, one of my acquaintances, who knows her well, said, "A clever girl. It is pleasant that at last she has taken business upon herself". I do agree with him, since now it is no longer sex-pop as it used to be before. Today we deal not with a mask, but with an alive woman. She lives, suffers, loves – and makes us happy with everything, which is going on. She composes both music and verses by herself and this fact means that we deal not only with a performer, but with a personality. The personality who is looking for the ways of self-expression. In this case it may be defined as a variety art rock, that is soft, light and non-aggressive. She does not teach, just tells her stories, and I am sure that this narrator will find her listeners. I also hope that as time goes on, her stories will become more and more interesting. As for now, it is the first meeting. So quiet, tranquil and melodious. I also guess, it is pleasant. All songs are in Russian.
Publisher: Moon records Catalogue number: MR 780-2 Year: 2004
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Alena Vinnitskaya
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
..Eventually, the debut album by Arlett generally somehow avoids excesses, sticks to certain mainstream – which, incidentally, has its zest. It is read as being without a mask, simple expression, a sort of a light conversation. Due to which, probably, there will be a chance and the will for a deeper conversation.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
"Gouache" has already become one of the most noticeable and interesting recent novices. The guys immediately set the goal of, so to speak, "western" quality – and they are successfully implementing their objective. Everything went right: having heard songs by "Gouache", our audience frequently fails to believe that it is a purely Ukrainian product sounding.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The group says about itself that in the search for its own style it arrived at funk with jazz – and afterwards added into the mixture blues, Brazilian and Hutsul ethno, and not only that. The search continues, windows are open. Suggestions are being accepted. In the end, it is really so – here, it is possible to hear a mixture of "everything with everything", but the mixture is sustained, not aimless eclecticism.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...the thoughts which are a bit difficult for uttering by forceful recitative. The thoughts which require an unhurried development in the form of emotions and intensive examination at different shades of light. The thoughts which look more like the shadows of thoughts, the track of rash silver fish which have flashed by somewhere in the depth...
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
A music of NeDilya group has very kind, light and positive mood. It is not of any particular style but it has well-defined direction – from heart to heart.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
, Николаев, Украина
14-03-2007 00:04 |
Алёна,ты просто супер!!! Ты моя самая любимая!!! Все песни класные! Желаю тебе творческих успехов и вдохновения! Почаще радуй нас своими песнями и оставайся всегда такой,какая ты есть. АЛЁНА FOREVER!!!
, Киев, Украина
09-01-2007 10:42 |
Просто супер
, Munich, Germany
29-12-2006 20:51 |
I think I am a fan of Alena now. The CD was out of stock and I finally got it, and it was worth buying it. Rassvet and Vidish', ja zhiva are my favorites. Vse budet horosho detatches from the previous songs giving the album a strong finale. Different from her later album Kukly. Good start, great evolution.
, Houston, USA
19-12-2006 20:12 |
Prosto vostorg :). Alena na samom del ochen talantlivaya i ya ot vse dyshi jelayu eu yspehos. v ykrainskom shoy biznesse tebe net ravnuh!!!
Ян Мареш
, Чехия
24-09-2006 10:02 |
Супер музыка! Самий лучший альбум!!!
, Boston, MA, USA
30-08-2006 16:00 |
I enjoy listening to female signers of rock/pop. This album has the best sound I have heard in nearly a year. Wish my Russian was much better - but who needs it when the melodies are so strong. A very solid effort through all the tracks - #4 'Davaj zabudem vse' is my favorite. To my ear she is in the same league as Heather Nova, Rachel Yamagata, Butterfly Boucher and Bettie Seveert.
, Green River, USA
27-08-2006 15:55 |
Though my russian is not good enough for me to understand all the lyrics, her voice, the melodies and the music are quite pleasing. Alena rocks!
, Germany
27-06-2006 17:19 |
I like Alena's Music very much. She reminds me of Avril Lavigne. I especially like the songs "Ja zdes, ja rjadom", "Rassvet", "Muzyka Rock", "Davaj zabudem vse", "Tajnu razgadaju" and "Vinograd". Well, it's nice light rock from Ukraine. It would be great to see Alena in the Eurovision Song Contest 2007.
, Енакиево, Украина
26-06-2006 06:53 |
, Киев, Украина
25-06-2006 19:23 |
Алёнка супер! Очень хорошие смысловые тексты, да под такие гитарные переливы- душа ну просто рвётся, когда слушаешь! Спасибо- Алёнка, большое спасибо. ( от Винограда и Измученого сердца вообще в восторге)
, Донецьк, Украина
17-05-2006 13:09 |
СУПЕР!!! Я в восторге!!! Это лучшее из ВИА ГРЫ!!!
, beer-sheva, israel
23-12-2005 21:37 |
, Дортмунд, Германия
17-09-2005 20:11 |
Как поет Алена песни, мне очень нравится. Но как человек и как личность, она вообще супер. Я всегда за нее болею. Потому что знаю, как тяжело ей в Украинском ШОУ бизнесе. Еще когда начинала с ВИАГРЫ!
, Крым, Украина
31-08-2005 03:44 |
Классная гитарная работа! Уважаю, Аленка. Привет тебе и всей твоей команде. Извините, что отклик пишу с бооольшим опозданием, но все же
, vilnius, lithuania
23-08-2005 12:44 |
Molodec,Aliona.Ty nie tolko krasiva,no i talantliva.ok
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD