Have you noticed that "Srjabin" almost never disappears for a long time? It seems to perform, create occasions for consideration – it is constantly somewhere near to the center of attention. At all that, it still remains – fair. A somewhat strange and very valuable quality, which only theoretically must be natural for public people. In practice, as is known, popularity corrupts to a certain extent – and frankness disappears somewhere. But "Srjabin" till now keeps the right to quietly express their own, probably not always pleasant, truth. These songs may be contradictory, ambiguous – but by no means can you call them empty. Cheerful and sad, loving and angry, wise and easy – they are sincere. It seems to me that this is a consequence of experience and attention – those that come through one's heart. Certainly, if it is not indifferent. As it is then that fear disappears from it – and there remains no place for anything except for truth and love. Without fake dazzle, without artificial ornaments. Without glamour. No, it is not a reproach addressed to such phenomenon as glam-rock (remember the 1980s?). Just once a glamour person was a carrier of a certain aesthetic idea, an active social position. Punk was choosing dirt, glam was choosing brilliant ornaments, but the both were – rock. And now glamour is simply a cover. And, apart from the rest, it has rather distant relation to music. By the way, speaking about music. This album by "Skrjabin" is just a sort of a greeting to the 1980s and 1990s, to neo-romanticism and everything connected with it. The guys, according to their own recognition, relaxed and just remembered the music they love – and it has appeared convincing.
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Moon records Catalogue number: MR 1792-2 Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Skryabin
Domestic price: 306.60UAH
International price: $21.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 306.60UAH
International price: $21.90USD
See also:
It is nice that Skryabin constantly improves its sound, makes it more refined and, so to say, live. "Natura" is modern lyric, with fine music arrangements and general harmoniousness of the album as a whole. Some personal, intimate things are represented here a bit unusually, very simply – but, surprisingly, intimacy is not lost, and even vice versa.
Domestic price: 264.60UAH,
International price: $18.90USD
There is quite a great temptation to consider "Worm" a turning point album in Skryabin's work. At all events, against the background of all previous works it stands absolutely aloof. Skryabin abandons the light, dancing direction and, to a certain extent, goes back to the initial gloomy style – but already at a different quality level...
Domestic price: 264.60UAH,
International price: $18.90USD
"Skryabin" group has changed it's style several times. Punk, new-wave, neo romantic. At the same time, musicians never loose their face. Skryabin songs are always cognate and a big army of funs like it.
Domestic price: 390.60UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
This is relatively light music – but on each album by Skryabin there are always songs on social topics. And sometimes so serious and poignant that it hurts – although externally they, without unnecessary showing off, may look humorous, or quite simple, or sentimental...
Domestic price: 264.60UAH,
International price: $18.90USD
She as though plays, but so sincerely as only children can – she does not pretend but really lives in it. And that is why – you trust it. Such discs are as if clothes of a Transparent Gipsy. Now beautiful – and then just fanciful. Made of a thousand shreds, each of them having its own story...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Electronic romances, dances full of sense, transcendental lyrics of clearances between worlds, enchanted and warm immersion in evening snow... Ivan Samshit – strange knights of the transparent autumn of urban stones. Sometimes it seems that the very enigma of the night before the dawn speaks to us through the voice of Petro Dain...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, полтава, украина
28-03-2009 21:42 |
, полтава, украина
28-03-2009 21:33 |
Я гражданин россии по национальности украинец Скрябин молодец кто против кинь в меня камень СЛАВЯНЕ харе
, Вінниця, УКРАЇНА
19-10-2007 15:24 |
Кузьма так і держати ,все просто кльово.
11-10-2007 14:59 |
, кировоград
30-05-2007 20:30 |
кузьма кращий кузьма клас!!! мур-мур-мур -ми любим кузьму!!!
, Киев, Україна
15-05-2007 16:04 |
Альбом и Кузьма Супер.Ето лутчий ево альбом!!!
, Нова Каховка, Україна
13-05-2007 19:20 |
Скрябін - супер! Твої пісні викликають найкращі та найщиріші відчуття! намагаюсь писати подібні пісні
, Novojavorivsk, Ukrania
10-05-2007 16:46 |
Kolu pruidew dodom z konzertom? Chekaemo!!!
, Мукачево
30-04-2007 00:17 |
пісня отпад просто клас Скрябін ти ліпший
, Мінск, Беларусь
24-04-2007 20:49 |
Слава пра такі экстраардынарны гурт, як "Скрабін", дайшла і да нашага невялікага мястэчка. Гэты дыск- адно з найлепшых музыкальных тварэнняў, якія я чула апошнім часам. Дужа правільна і жыццёва
, Тернопіль, Україна
16-04-2007 14:59 |
Кліпи супер а Кузьменко супер самі кращі пісні це Кольорова Гламур Модна країна.
, Киев, Украина
12-04-2007 12:28 |
Кузьма твои писни супер. Ти класний.
, одессаа, украина
07-04-2007 11:02 |
здоров Кузьма ты прикольный дядька а твоя песня гламур вообще офегительная
, днiпропетровськ
02-04-2007 01:02 |
Дякую!!! Тобi за те,що ти є! Хтiв би щоб було бiльше року.А льбом Танго був дуже вдалим!!! А про Днiпропетровськ Ти зовсiм зобув.Чому не з"являєшся? А якщо серьозно,ти кращий!!!
, Борислав, Україна
24-02-2007 22:37 |
Диск дуже класний і легко слухається!!! А НАМ КАЗАЛИ супер. Це найкраще Веше видання. Дякуємо що приїхав у Львів 18.02. !!!