It is nice that "Skryabin" constantly improves its sound, makes it more refined and, so to say, live. This album, in contrast to, say, "Fall-Seeded People" presented earlier is not that aggressive. In general, "Skryabin" is not aggression. Rather the already unbridled tenderness, or, maybe, even chaste sensuality. In any case, "Natura" is modern lyric, with fine music arrangements and general harmoniousness of the album as a whole. Some personal, intimate things are represented here a bit unusually, very simply – but, surprisingly, intimacy is not lost, and even vice versa. It is just due to simplicity and sincerity – that beauty appears. Not the one you dream about (and it means – that you do not see it) – but the one with which you live. Every day. By the way, it would be interesting to draw parallels between "Natura" by Skryabin and "SuperSymmetry" by Okean Elzy (they were released almost simultaneously) – it seems that in the both cases we have original search for the "golden section". Or is that their age? But such comparison is already the own business of every interested listener. In any case, as to me, "Natura" is a good album, tender and passionate at the same time. Just the same as today's sky at almost four o’clock in the morning. Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Lavina Music
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- Skryabin
Domestic price: 507.64UAH
International price: $25.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 507.64UAH
International price: $25.90USD
See also:
There is quite a great temptation to consider "Worm" a turning point album in Skryabin's work. At all events, against the background of all previous works it stands absolutely aloof. Skryabin abandons the light, dancing direction and, to a certain extent, goes back to the initial gloomy style – but already at a different quality level...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"Srjabin" till now keeps the right to quietly express their own, probably not always pleasant, truth. These songs may be contradictory, ambiguous – but by no means can you call them empty. Cheerful and sad, loving and angry, wise and easy – they are sincere.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This is relatively light music – but on each album by Skryabin there are always songs on social topics. And sometimes so serious and poignant that it hurts – although externally they, without unnecessary showing off, may look humorous, or quite simple, or sentimental...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
She as though plays, but so sincerely as only children can – she does not pretend but really lives in it. And that is why – you trust it. Such discs are as if clothes of a Transparent Gipsy. Now beautiful – and then just fanciful. Made of a thousand shreds, each of them having its own story...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Electronic romances, dances full of sense, transcendental lyrics of clearances between worlds, enchanted and warm immersion in evening snow... Ivan Samshit – strange knights of the transparent autumn of urban stones. Sometimes it seems that the very enigma of the night before the dawn speaks to us through the voice of Petro Dain...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
12-07-2006 21:57 |
Хотелось бы лично пообщаться, чесно говоря с большым удовольствием и с большым уважением
03-07-2006 16:32 |
Червонi колготки, Наш останнiй танець и Вiдстань и др. просто СУПЕР!!! Кузьма лучший!!! Обожаю. Собираю все альбомы. Душевно. Скрябин ура!!! И побольше драйва!!!
, Stirling, Scotland
20-05-2006 17:43 |
I thought it was an enjoyable light hearted CD. I thought all the songs had beautiful melodies and all in all I really enjoyed listening to it.
, Brazil
24-10-2005 18:52 |
The opener "Movchaty" is a good song but the rest sounds without inspiration.
, невеличке таке в америці..., штати
17-10-2005 04:53 |
Хоч альбом уже не новий, та все ж, коли з*явилась можливість прокоментувати, охоче нею користуюсь. ага, і я теж скористуюсь. Альбом продюсований Іллєю Лагутєнком, і цим все сказано. Альбом варто було б перейменувати з "натура" в "порнуха". кузьма спопсився, і це власне природньо. За депресняк менше платять. Хлопці від нього порозбігались від скрябіну не залишилось і сліду. Тільки поведінка і репліки кузьми на виступах в період президентських виборів багато чого говорять. А якшо говорити власне про альбом то композиція "мовчати" хоч і виконана жахливим суржиком це єдине шо слухати можна, але кліп до неї ціла трагедія... Дивитись гидко.
02-09-2005 13:06 |
ya v zahvati vid yihnyogo novogo proektu osoblyvo vid pisni "movchaty"yaku vony vykonali razom z irynoyu bilyk,postaralys!!!baldyozh!!
, Київ, Україна
06-05-2005 11:25 |
Так, справді, досить непогано. Хоч я пам*ятаю "Скрябін" 90-х, але не розчарований їхнім розвитком. Скрипкові елементи в "Спи собі сама" дуже доречні, западають до душі. Водночас немає треку, який би сильно зачепив, можливо, через не надто вибагливі тексти (те, чого не вистачає, на мою думку, "Скрябіну" після того, як пішов з нього Ростик Домішевський, - от у нього була глибина). Чуттєвість, проте, справді виразна і насамперед звукова, що для музики найкрще. Хоч, як уже наголошував, текст "пасує". Іноді заворожує. Хоч альбом уже не новий, та все ж, коли з*явилась можливість прокоментувати, охоче нею користуюсь.
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD