Catalogue -> Modern Pop -> Lyric

NeDilya. NeDilya.

Reviews (19)
NeDilya. NeDilya.
To be on the safe side, I will remind you that Dilya is a ex-vocalist of our celebrated group Tanok na maidani Kongo. And again, just in case – I will remind you that TNMKongo is almost the first Ukrainian group which has become a real popularizer of hip-hop on the territory of Ukraine. And now, just to make sure, I will say that Dilya, as they say in Odessa, is "two great differences" for TNMK. In general, it should be like that, because it is a solo project. The things which are taken out of context. In this particular case, lyrically coloured thoughts are taken out of context. The thoughts which are a bit difficult for uttering by forceful recitative. The thoughts which require an unhurried development in the form of emotions and intensive examination at different shades of light. The thoughts which look more like the shadows of thoughts, the track of rash silver fish which have flashed by somewhere in the depth. They resemble reminiscences, and reminiscences not so much of head as of heart. And the music of this album is just the same as the lyrics – not aggressive, but bright-aniline. It looks more like a background than a separate canvas, a background that is not importunate at all, but saturated. This is the background which does not draw your attention away, it only accentuates the main lyrical theme. I think, it will be much more pleasant to listen to this album in the evening. After supper.

Publisher: Moon records
Catalogue number: MR 785-2 bonus
Year: 2005

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:

Domestic price: 311.64UAH
International price: $15.90USD
1.  Odyn den' - maljunok
2.  Bezmezhnyj svit
3. Mp3Znovu sama
4.  Mynula nich
5.  Til'ky dosch
6. Mp3Vyj, mij ranok... (Rosava, NeDilya)
7.  Za nebom
8. Mp3Dopomozhy...
9.  Ja tebe kohaju
10. Mp3Tratatata
11.  Znovu sama (Vil'nivid_movy sunny rmx)
12.  My angel
13.  I will fly (Rosava, NeDilya)
14.  Znovu sama (Sergey Druz mix)
15.  Til'ky dosch (Jee mix)
16.  I Will Fly (Dans remix by Tim)
17.  Til'ky dosch (video)
 Total playing time: 71:40

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Arlett. Arlett. /digi-pack/.

..Eventually, the debut album by Arlett generally somehow avoids excesses, sticks to certain mainstream – which, incidentally, has its zest. It is read as being without a mask, simple expression, a sort of a light conversation. Due to which, probably, there will be a chance and the will for a deeper conversation.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Gouache. Simple me. (CD+DVD).

"Gouache" has already become one of the most noticeable and interesting recent novices. The guys immediately set the goal of, so to speak, "western" quality – and they are successfully implementing their objective. Everything went right: having heard songs by "Gouache", our audience frequently fails to believe that it is a purely Ukrainian product sounding.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Green Silence. .

The group says about itself that in the search for its own style it arrived at funk with jazz – and afterwards added into the mixture blues, Brazilian and Hutsul ethno, and not only that. The search continues, windows are open. Suggestions are being accepted. In the end, it is really so – here, it is possible to hear a mixture of "everything with everything", but the mixture is sustained, not aimless eclecticism.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

NeDilya. Trohy teplyh sliv. (Some warm words)

A music of NeDilya group has very kind, light and positive mood. It is not of any particular style but it has well-defined direction – from heart to heart.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Reviews (19)

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  , Коломия, Україна
20-04-2006 20:33

Купивши цей диск я не очікував такої ліричної музики!!!
"Вий мій ранок"-файна пісня!!!Зачипає за живе!!!Діля, Росава та його команда гарно попрацювали над цим альбомом, за те їм велике -ДЯКУЮ- !!!
ще одне: хто б не читав цей відгук, я закликаю слухати українську музику бо вона того варта!!!
!!!---Цінуйте своє і вас будуть поважати---!!!

  , Днепропетровск, Украина
05-04-2006 17:17

Я и ожидала от Дили качественной музыки. Но ТАКОГО звучания...нет. пластинка записана настолько качественно, что после нее немогу слушать другие диски...про радио не говорю вообще.
Дуэт с Росавой-супер!!!

  , Едмонтон, Канада
06-03-2006 05:20

Чудово компакт диск.! Я дуже люблю їх відео "Тільки Дощ" і хочу купувати їх наступний к.д

  R@man , Kolomuya, Ukraine
02-03-2006 17:57

Я такого не очікував!!!
Пишіть мені на (namoroliy@Rambler)!!!
Роман!!!220-686-986---ICQ.Буваю після 18:00/18:30...

  , UA
02-03-2006 10:37

Ребята подскажите где можна найти текст песни My Angel группи НеДіля? Если у кого есть прошу скиньте на

  , Коломия, Україна
25-02-2006 21:11

ті, хто шанує таку музику, як ТНМК,НеДіля,Beatles,ВВ,Med Heads---пишіт на (namoroliy@rambler)(220686986-ICQ).
Буду радий поспілкуватися з однодумцями!!!

  Дмитрий , Иркутск, Россия
05-02-2006 23:40

А вы представляете себе, как сложно достать этот альбом в Иркутске? Красиво. Очень красиво. Давно ждал чего-то подобного, но ТАКОГО не ожидал. Покорен и очарован.

  , Майдан, Конго
31-01-2006 07:47

оце ТАК!!! я очікувала багато від Ділі але такого...!!! СУУУПЕЕЕР!!!

20-01-2006 10:26


18-01-2006 16:05

"Вий мiй ранок" просто класс

18-01-2006 16:02


  , Бурштин, UKR
03-11-2005 09:32

Я в захваті від Росави і Ділі сподіваюсь на нові пісні і альбоми.

  Руслан , Україна
22-10-2005 08:51

Николо казав: Такое говно , что слушать тошно !!! Дурню йди і слухай шансон!!! А це дійсно Музика!!!

  , львів
08-09-2005 19:49

просто супер.нема слів

  , Бурштин
23-08-2005 14:26

ООО. Голос просто торба, як побачив по тєліку кліп, зразу кинувся в інтернет шукати її пісні. Музика нема слів. Взагалі вона молодець. Дякую за таку чудову музику.