The first CD of the princes of romantics. Young voice, melodious music, shiny lyrics. Rock-group and symphonic orchestra took part in this recording. In fact, there are two albums on this CD. The first is "Myt' Vesny", recorded in the studio, and the second is live "Dzvinky Viter".
Publisher: Comp music
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Ruslana
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CD1 |
| | Myt' Vesny.
1. |
| Vesnjana Introdukcija |
2. |
| Myt' Vesny |
3. |
| Svitanok |
4. |
 | Svitlo J Tin'
5. |
| Ostannja Podorozh |
6. |
| Balada Pro Pryncesu |
7. |
| Schastja |
8. |
| Ty |
9. |
| Tik-Tak Kolyskova |
| | Dzvinkyj Viter Live.
10. |
 | Vam I Ne Snylosja
11. |
| Ostannja Podorozh |
12. |
| Ty |
13. |
| Svitanok |
14. |
| Try Tysjachi Rokiv Tomu |
15. |
| Vtrachenyj Raj |
16. |
| Polum'ja Doschu |
17. |
| Luna (Vidlunnja) |
18. |
| Balada Pro Pryncesu |
19. |
 | Oj, Letily Dyky Husy
| Total playing time: 73:03 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Death cannot attribute meaning if it was not there from the start. But it may highlight some senses and rearrange accents – I think that in the case of songs by Scriabin this will be going on for many more years..
Domestic price: 558.60UAH,
International price: $39.90USD
This recording is the case of an exclusive creative collaboration of two personalities significant for the modern Ukrainian culture. It is a pity that Les Podervyansky does not sing here. Instead, Oleh Skrypka actively participates in duping the plays, and this creates an additional comic and grotesque effect.. Published for the first time.
Domestic price: 558.60UAH,
International price: $39.90USD
Speaking about live sounding – it is impossible not to note perfectionism in the attitude of the group's musicians to their case. "Telnyuk: Sisters" play literally each of their concerts as though for the last time, as though they might have no other opportunity to change anything for the better. And what is that if not true, unfeigned respect to their audience?
Domestic price: 320.60UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
...the second album is a recording of the performance within the framework of the TV project "Tviy Format". As recording of the program took place in May 2008, the core of the program was made of pieces from the debut work "Amore". But, sure, they did not do without novelties either – and this is a whole third of the current disc.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Punk music, played by Braty Gadiukiny has, so to say, national colour. In a seem to be simple everyday stories, cocktail of dirt and trick make us to laugh at ourselves.
Domestic price: 390.60UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
This time this is an alive recording during a concert, a kind of distinctive unplugged, as Foma accompanies his singing with a guitar only. Still because of that songs do not lose anything. Most likely it, as usual, gives the opportunity to listen more attentively to singing itself, exactly to inner melody of the songs, and they do not lack it at all.
Domestic price: 390.60UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
...the songs, which are well-known to us, are performed in a jazz manner, and people say that Skhid-Side ("East-Side") is in fact one of the best jazz bands of Ukraine... Especially because in this particular case it is not only jazz, but also TNMKongo - this mixture turns out to be strikingly successful...
Domestic price: 418.60UAH,
International price: $29.90USD
"Frankly speaking, seventy percent of our songs I like much more in this variant then in album versions. Especially Divchyna" (S. Vakarchuk, leader of OE)
Domestic price: 614.60UAH,
International price: $43.90USD
, Amsterdam, Netherland
19-01-2011 12:10 |
The shipping was really fast, the service is great.
I recommend to everyone, it's an excellent clear and well produced cd.
I spend all the christmas and new year listening the CD , was cool !
, Луганск, Erhfbyf
01-08-2008 18:28 |
Это самый лучший альбом Русланы, ох как долго я его искала...
, Черкаси
11-05-2008 13:55 |
Це мій самий любимий альбом Руслани. Я його слухав ще на касеті. Дуже романтична і лірична музика. Дуже світла за настрієм...
, Чернівці
09-05-2008 06:24 |
Вже кілька років чекала на цей диск -- перший і найкращий (оце сумно) альбом Руслани
, Shanghai, China
09-05-2008 06:11 |
我 早就 听說 Ruslana 的 唱歌 很 好听.但是 沒 想 到 她 的 歌祠 也 很 有 意思 !
, Івано-Франківськ
10-02-2008 21:49 |
Тут так давно не писали. Я мушу сказати, що цей диск - це справді щось прекрасне! Дуже емоційний. Він весь промок львівською романтикою! А особисто для мене - фанатки Львова - ця вся музика надзвичайно вражаюча та зворушлива!!!
, Chiefland, USA
10-02-2008 20:28 |
Stirring and infinitely soul satisfying music. I recommend to all, it is an excellent clear and well produced cd.
Oleg (UMKA)
17-08-2007 10:35 |
kastRk, зауважу, що це альбом 97 року.
, 4убЙорк, Україна
17-08-2007 10:23 |
Диск купував, як подарунок дівчині, вона вже давно прагнула мати його в колекції, взагалі дуже сподобався, але, я розумію, що це до UMKY не має ніякого відношення, якість запису потрібно виводити на більш високий рівень, нехай навіть носії будуть дорожче!!!
, Netherlands
05-01-2007 14:14 |
I know the songs for over 2 years now and I really love them!!! Ruslana is one of the best singers I have ever heard and seen. With this Album she shows the world that she CAN sing!! A lot of people say that she can't and that her voice is to loud and only usable for songs as Wild Dances. But with this album she shows that she really has a beautifull voice!!
, barcelona, spain
28-11-2006 22:34 |
me encanta ruslana, me gusta todas las canciones,y sus videos tambien,pa mi es la mejor
, The Netherlands
17-09-2006 19:28 |
I ordered this CD a few weeks ago, shipping was really fast, service is great.
Well back to the CD: The CD is really great, I love listening to it while doing my homework. 100% Ruslana POWER!!!
, Kiev, Ukraine
05-06-2006 20:05 |
Simply one word;GREAT!(I love your wild dances!)
01-04-2006 23:39 |
прослушал CD мне понравилось, полько жалко, что там не было клипа "Свитанок"!
, _, Ukraine
12-03-2006 02:45 |
Диск отличный, но записан, к сожалению, отвратительно ... Жаль, очень хотелось бы послушать его в нормальном качестве ...