Catalogue -> Rock & Alternative -> Lyrical Underground

Kroky. Volodar Tajemnyts‘. (Lord of Secrets)

Reviews (4)
Kroky. Volodar Tajemnyts‘. (Lord of Secrets)
In Ukraine, development of Christian music is only spinning up now – at least about 10 years ago it was difficult enough to imagine that this kind of discs would be released here. On the other hand... The group Kroky (Steps) stands out for two reasons. First – against the general background, as creativity of the group is subordinated to ideas not quite typical for lyric underground. And to continue – the group advantageously differs even against the background of their trend colleagues. Honestly speaking, if that ambiguous phenomenon that is conditionally named Christian rock more often had such an attractive appearance as here – this would be just great. For, I am sure, no religious beliefs can prevent one from listening to Indian ragas with pleasure – because this is, at least, simply beautiful. The same is here – this is a really beautiful, light album, and it seems to me that it is able to cause positive emotions only. At the condition of interlocutors' tolerance, certainly... Religious views of the musicians are their personal business. But if it helps them to create really nice, harmonious music – we have nothing left but being glad for that. And then, actually, already our – listeners' – work starts. To experience, realize – to understand that each of us follows his/her own way, and dignity of our ways does not depend on anybody but us.

Publisher: Zosimova O.V.
Year: 2007

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:

Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
1. Mp3Misto
2.  Rytm
3. Mp3Volodar Tajemnyts‘
4.  Dyki levy
5. Mp3S‘ohodni
6.  Sonjakhy
7.  Kroky
8.  Tudy
9. Mp3Pan Sujeta
10. Mp3Siri
11.  Shljakh do nebes
12.  Zorja
13.  Volodar Tajemnyts‘ remix
 Total playing time: 54:01

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Bria Blessing. Chapter 2: Of Good News & Great Joy. /eco-pack/. the Christmas holiday is rather an initial impulse, an occasion to talk about the joy of life, birth, the joy of paving the way towards something positive in one's own heart – something that makes one capable of giving and receiving gifts with gratitude.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Victor Pavlik. Djakujuchy Bohu.

Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Voanerges. Hay "Da" Maky. (Steppe'N'Poppies)

No visible haste, confident motions, precise lines, rich colors – but natural, not artificial. There is no dissonance in these bright flashes – that is why they come into notice, and at that they are not boring. There seems to be less external drive now, but the internal force has become more perceptible – and it touches deeper than the ordinary drive.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Opozicia. Odyn iz tysjach. (One of Thousands)

..topics of songs by Opozicia cover an extensive range of themes. And, strictly speaking, Christian morality is the foundation, not a flag. That is why in the group's texts it is possible to hear a great number of poignant social issues – these guys are not afraid to admit that problems exist, they are not afraid to give them their true names.
Domestic price: 280.28UAH 154.25UAH
International price: $14.30USD $7.87USD

Reviews (4)

  , kyiv, ua
11-11-2018 00:39

гартно і витончено по-дівочому, глибоко, широко і високо! )) Крокуйте, дівчата, далі!

  Олег , Київ
29-01-2010 21:32

Кроки створюють дуже приємну музику! Бажаю їм незкінченного натхнення в їхній творчості !!!

  Diver , Київ
23-07-2008 18:11

Класно!! Дякую адміністраторам сайту, що надали про альбом ДУЖЕ цікавий та об'єктивний відгук. При сьогоднішньому ставленні до християнської (сучасної) музики в Україні - приємно чути оцінку в першу чергу музики, лірики та стилю, а вже потім особистих переконань людей, які її грають...

UMKA - зачет!!

  Мisha , Tyachiv, Ukrinian
21-11-2007 15:34
