There is such a pleasant temptation – to speak about this disc long, and better with eyes, not with words... I listened to it for the second time in a pouring rain, for the seventh – in a stream of a warm night wind, I listen to it over and over, and each time this is joy, simple and real joy. This is something so personal and, at the same time, universal – as field flowers, whose beauty does not impose itself on anybody, but warms everyone who is not lazy and looks – to be surprised... Sometimes the feeling arises as though you sit in a large empty room. Clean walls, high ceiling, transparent and sensible air, the air is music, and it draws fragile pictures, almost invisible, close, fragrant. You draw it slowly, as though a precious drink and the room melts, the limits get lost, what remains is – light, aftertaste, an echo of a warm smile... The whole album is perceived at one go, as an integral harmonious composition, not a collection of well-matched fragments. Excuse me if you think otherwise, but in my opinion today "Yellow Dandelion" is the best of albums by Lesya and Galya Telnyuk. Not in that dry sense that it is the most sophisticated, or the most beautiful or refined – I do not want to judge about it, now I speak not about such categories. At least, with me it causes the desire to just say – native. Quite subjectively, clearly – but for me this is the main proof that "Yellow Dandelion" grew from the very heart, not from some banal routine grounds. And I want that this disc became native for many people – and, sure, that is what's going to happen. Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Comp music Year: 2007
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- Telnyuk Sisters
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CD1 |
1. |
 | Vechirnyk
music: Lesya Telnyuk
lyrics: Halyna Telnyuk
2. |
| Lastivka
music: Lesya Telnyuk
lyrics: Halyna Telnyuk
3. |
| Shum
music: Lesya Telnyuk
lyrics: Halyna Telnyuk
4. |
 | Kol‘orovyy litak
music: Lesya Telnyuk
lyrics: Halyna Telnyuk
5. |
| Ja znaju...
music: Lesya Telnyuk
lyrics: Lesya Telnyuk
6. |
 | Tvoji dorohy...
music: Lesya Telnyuk
lyrics: Lesya Telnyuk
7. |
 | Divchatko-klenchatko
music: Lesya Telnyuk
lyrics: Stanislav Telnuk
8. |
| Holos Tviy...
music: Lesya Telnyuk
lyrics: Halyna Telnyuk
9. |
 | Zhovta kul‘baba. Harlem
music: Lesya Telnyuk
lyrics: Halyna Telnyjuk
10. |
| Tatku, miy ridnyy!
music: Lesya Telnyuk
lyrics: Halyna Telnyuk
| Total playing time: 42:02 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
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, Київ, Україна
19-05-2010 14:16 |
Дуже глибока, образна, символічна, густа (концентрована) єдність музики й текстів. Вражаючі за своєю силою й емоційністю голоси. Якість і професіоналізм в аранжуванні, записі й виконанні.
Це елітарна українська творчість, яка збагачує слухача. Це справжнє і нестаріюче. Це те, що залишиться актуальним і через 20 років.
Щиро бажаю творчих успіхів гуртові "Тельнюк: Сестри".
, Київ, Україна
05-12-2008 12:09 |
Щось надзвичайне. Не альбом, а чиста радість. Я для себе особисто знайшов у ньому те, чого шукав у західній та російській музиках і до чого (коли знаходив) мені завжди не вистачало притомних українських текстів. Нарешті.
, buffalo, usa
20-09-2007 22:54 |
This a great cd. The fusion of the music with their poetry is the best ever. . The music itself is innovative and driving. This is clearly one of their best.albums.I recommend it enthusiastically.
Ірина К
, Київ, Україна
17-09-2007 18:58 |
Дівчата, я давня прихильниця вашої творчості. Сьогодні вдалося придбати Ваш альбом. Мушу сказати, що Ви перевершими самі себе.
Неповторно, Красиво та Професійно!
Я люблю Вас, Сестри Тельнюк!
, Полтава, Україна
05-08-2007 10:46 |
Ох, як довго я чекав на вихід цього альбому!!!
І нарешті він з’явився!!!
Сестри - як завжди на висоті!!! Усім рекомендую!!!