Those, who have been visiting our web-site for a long time, should know this music very well. You seldom find chanson here, but Erko is that kind of chanson that can give you a real quiet satisfaction. While listening to such music, you seem to find yourself in a small cosy restaurant somewhere in a coastal town at the seaside. And you have the feeling as if you had already been acquainted with musicians of the local tiny orchestra and with the half of the customers of the restaurant for ages, though in reality you meet them for the first time. Besides, all that is taking place not today, but in the twentieth of the previous century, when towns were not so speeded up and people were more attentive. It is astonishing, but Erko is able to create the atmosphere of idyll, in which different people - accidental passers-by, heroes of some old books or constant guests – feel equally well. He performs very simple songs, so that there’s no need for you to look for double content hidden in them. At that, he performs them so sincerely that all the rest imperceptibly disappears – only sincerity remains. And you want very much to believe in it. And you believe.
Publisher: UKRmusic Catalogue number: UM - CD - 024 Year: 2005
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Erko
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CD1 |
1. |
 | Til'ky tobi
music: ERKA
lyrics: Ju. Hodovancja
2. |
| Koly b ja mav
music: Lavrivs'kyj
lyrics: Lavrivs'kyj
3. |
| Dva holuby
music: folk song
4. |
| Konvaliji bili
music: M. Palydovych
lyrics: M. Palydovych
5. |
| Ochi
music: unknown author
lyrics: unknown author
6. |
| V kraju mojim
music: Ju. Hodovancja
lyrics: F. Staruh
7. |
 | Ja maju ljalju v Monrealju
music: V. Hentysh
lyrics: V. Hentysh
8. |
| Cile moje zhyttja
music: M. Palydovych
lyrics: M. Palydovych
9. |
| Nehaj bude
music: folk song
10. |
| Bili narcyzy
music: V. Kryschenka
lyrics: V. Kryschenka
11. |
| Emihrantka
music: M. Hadenka
lyrics: M. Hadenka
12. |
 | L'viv vzhe spyt'
music: I. Chumy
lyrics: I. Chumy
13. |
| Roste chereshnja
music: A. Horchyns'koho
lyrics: A. Horchyns'koho
14. |
| Namaljuj meni nich
music: B. Veselovs'koho
lyrics: M. Petrenka
15. |
| Zahraj my cyhane
music: folk song
16. |
| V sadu zozulja
music: folk song
17. |
 | Ty z ljubovy sobi ne zhartuj
music: B. Veselovs'koho
lyrics: B. Veselovs'koho
18. |
| Chervoni vyshni
music: folk song
19. |
| Druzi moji
music: S. Hiha
lyrics: S. Hiha
20. |
| U rajs'kim sadu
music: S. Hiha
lyrics: S. Haljabarda
| Total playing time: 74:40 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
In our opinion, it is the album "Room in the Middle of my Heart" that turns out the best studio album among Viktor Pavlik's works – and it still remains such. So, it is very nice that this disc is now re-issued in good quality – we believe it has not lost its relevance, as good drinks and elegant clothes do not lose it...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...here, one can hear both a capella compositions, and orchestrated ones, and those recorded in the variety art genre. And such variety, as a result, presents Olexander Vasylenko as a vocalist in a very positive light – because different styles, sure, imply different performance nature. And he has succeeded in this – easily, convincingly.
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International price: $10.90USD
Olexander Vasylenko has released two more related, interconnected works: "Night Garden Flower" and "I Feel Good With You". They are dedicated – to the romance. Thus, it is nice that the term here implies a rather broad sense.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
The premium box set includes the following CDs: - "With Ukraine in heart", - "International songs", - "Ukrainian folk song & dumy".
Domestic price: 856.52UAH 770.87UAH
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For Ukrainians, it is already the highest time to get rid of the inferiority complex. Only those nations that do not yield their authenticity and culture will manage to withstand and preserve their historical prospect in the contemporary cruel, dynamic, technological and changeable world...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
He got his first real popularity approximately 30 years ago. And it was huge – as it was measured by the scale of the Soviet Union. Then there was the victory at the festival in Sopot – and here in those times this was considered a sort of a peak of a variety art career.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
03-11-2009 16:52 |
, київ, україна
06-10-2009 18:44 |
з великим задоволенням познайомився з творчістю пана Ерка. Це дійсно український, а саме львівський, міський шансон. На жаль, будучи у Львові нещодавно не зміг придбати записи шановного пана Палидовича, лише в одному магазині пообіцяли, але, на жаль, не знайшли. А як би звучали його пісні у чудових львівських кав"ярнях ! Але і там про співака нічого не знають...Жаль.
, Antogonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
23-06-2006 06:47 |
INCREDIBLE! I have never expected to find such music in modern Ukraine. Is Erko alive? Who is he? Where was he born? Hi sings a lot of Diaspora songs nobody else tries to sing in Ukraine today. Thank you very much for providing us with this wonderful opportunity to enjoy chanson that does not sound cheap.
, Царское село, Россия
02-02-2006 00:44 |
Прослухав не без значного задоволеня ! Посумував адже мен1 не скоро бути в Украв1н1. Бажаю творчих усп1х1в. Хочу мати п1сню маестро Гаденка "Ем1грантка" до свого репертуару-з-года?"
03-12-2005 00:48 |
well this is my second album by him and you get hooked to his voice, strange as it is, and I like it. This album does duplicate some of his songs from another album, so I feel shortchanged but its OK.
, НьюЙорк, Usa
14-11-2005 01:14 |
Та невже наш хлопака таке може. Чого ніхтo не сказав?
, melbourne, Australia
10-07-2005 09:19 |
Erko is definitely a favourite of mine. Nice to see his picture as well! he has such a clear voice and his choice of songs are rich in earthiness!
, Kyiv, Ukraine
17-06-2005 21:33 |
Конкуренція - річ корисна. Помилку виправлено.
, Париж, Франція
17-06-2005 20:46 |
Привіт! А хто видав цьго чудового виконавця ? Щось Ви продукцію Укрмюзік тримаєте в таємниці ? Мабуть боєтесь конкуренції ?