Catalogue -> For Children -> Music therapy

Stefan Nederytsa. House of Water. Dolphin Therapy. "Intelligent Child" Series.

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Stefan Nederytsa. House of Water. Dolphin Therapy. "Intelligent Child" Series.
"Investigations into the brain physiology – on the one hand, and child psychology – on the other have shown that the key to development of a child's mental capacities is personal experience of the child's learning during the first three years of life, i.e. during the period of brain cells' development. It is upbringing that is responsible for the splitting of children into apt and dull, timid and aggressive ones. The main objective of early development is to prevent appearance of unhappy children. The main thing is to develop boundless potential capacities of the child, so that there were more joy in his/her life and in the world.

This CD will promote comprehensive development of children. Memory, attention, imagination, thinking, feeling, intelligence – everything that is an integral part of a creative person will harmoniously develop. This requires daily listening to at least one of the discs I've compiled for kids. My discs also offer a therapeutic, healing effect. And this disc harmonizes blood, lymph and restores the immune system.

Moreover, this disc is a music complement to a wonderful book by the talented tale-teller and tale therapist Kateryna Yehorushkyna. Her book "House of Water" from the series "Music Tale Therapy for Infants" continues the tradition of good quality books complemented with dolphin therapy experience." Stepan Nederytsya

Publisher: author
Year: 2011

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Stefan Nederytsa

Domestic price: 292.04UAH
International price: $14.90USD
1. Mp3Arija iz Sjujity ¹3 Re mazhor "Efir" (del‘finy v okeani)
music: J.S.Bach
2.  Bahateli dlja fortepiano "Allegretto", op.119 (holosy del‘finiv)
music: L.van Beethoven
3. Mp3Karnaval tvaryn, "Akvarium" (zvuky strumka ta povitrja)
music: K.Sen-Saens
4.  "Lebid‘" (zvuky zhuravliv)
music: E. Grieg
5. Mp3Dytjachyy al‘bom, "Starovynna frantsuz‘ka pisen‘ka" (del‘finy)
music: P. Chaykovsky
6.  "Polit dzhmelja" (dzhmil‘)
music: N. Rimsky-Korsakov
7. Mp3"Menuet" iz "Malen‘koji nichnoji serenady" (smikh khlopchyka Ra ta Del‘finjatka)
music: W.A.Mozart
8.  Baletna sjujita "Popeljushka", "Feja Lita" (zvuky chayok, morja)
music: S. Prokofiev
9. Mp3"Hondol‘jery" (pleskannja vesel po vodi)
music: F. Mendelssohn
10.  Kvintet ¹11 "Menuet" (zvuky strumka)
music: L. Boccherini
11. Mp3"More" (zvuky del‘finiv) (Dmitry Krasnoukhov)
12.  Dzhazova sjujita "Chay na dvokh" (zvuky morja, paroplava)
music: D. Shestakovich
13.  Kontsert dlja truby y orkestru Re mazhor, ch.2 (zvuky del‘finiv)
music: J. Haydn
14.  "Tamburyn" (dity kupajut‘sja v mori)
music: J. Leclair
15.  Dytjachyy al‘bom, "Muzychna skryn‘ka" (zvuky doshchu)
music: H.Sviridov
16.  "Lebid‘" iz sjujity "Karnaval tvaryn" (lisove ozero ta ptakhy)
music: K.Sen-Saens
17.  Dytjachyy al‘bom, "Nimets‘ka pisen‘ka" (zvuky kytiv)
music: P. Chaykovsky
18.  "Dobre temperovanyy klavir", ¹13 (zvuky vody u pecheri)
music: J.S.Bach
19.  "Pislja snu", ¹1, op.7 (zvuky del‘finiv pid vodoju)
music: G. Faure
20.  Tantsi ljal‘ok, "Lirychnyy val‘s" (zvuky kytiv)
music: D. Shestakovich
21.  "Barkarola" (zvuky okeanu)
music: P. Chaykovsky
22.  Kontsert dlja skrypky ta orkestru ¹4, ch.2 (holosy del‘finiv)
music: W.A.Mozart
23.  Dytjachi stseny, "Dytyna zasynaje" (zvuky konykiv, zhab ta vody)
music: R. Schumann
24.  Zvuky del‘finiv
 Total playing time: 79:14

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Stefan Nederytsa. Znayka and Wild Animals. Imagination. "Intelligent Child" Series.

What is creativity? If you define it in the simplest way – it is a free flight of imagination, acute intuition, which may transform into inventions and discoveries. There is no doubt that children's fantasies, which adults consider far from the real life, are actually seeds of creativity.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Stefan Nederytsa. Znayka in the Village. Memory. "Intelligent Child" Series.

"I remember how impressed I was with a local shepherd’s playing a homemade sopilka. Melodies poured from it like a horn of plenty... I had no less satisfaction from listening to sounds of the Nature around. Rain, chirr of grasshoppers, birds’ singing, voices of domestic animals fascinated my ear every second..."
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Stefan Nederytsa. Znayka and Birds. Intellect. "Intelligent Child" Series.

Such things as thinking, imagination, creativity, feelings develop after the age of three, but they utilize the base formed before reaching this age. The effect on an infant’s brain of high-frequency vibration is the most effective way of forming his/her brain and thus – his/her talents (intellect).
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Stefan Nederytsa. Mozart Effect: Music for Newborns. "The Book of the Living" Series.

"Disc for newborns is revolutionary. It is my own invention – to put on the same pieces by Mozart here as on the first disc. The difference is that here these pieces are performed on instruments that have the highest-pitch sound, thereby further increasing the beneficial impact on brain cells."
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Stefan Nederytsa. Child Album No.4. Moonlight. "Intelligent Child" Series.

"Sure, during its long life, waltz changed its character, however, during the three centuries a lot of other dances appeared and disappeared – while it continued living... There is something in this dance so unusual that it enchants people of different epochs and nationalities, different ways of life and different age group..."
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Charivni kolyskovi pryrody. (Magic lullabies of nature)

"Atlantic" represents a unique collection of voices and sounds of nature. Acquaintance of your kid with voices of nature will become one of his/her first steps towards cognition of things in the world outside. This collection contributes into good moods and quiet sleep of the little one.
Domestic price: 221.48UAH, International price: $11.30USD

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