Live video recording from a concert.
Attention! This disc is made for the DVD 5 region!
Video format - PAL
Publisher: Mp3 records Year: 2005
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Maria Burmaka
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CD1 |
1. |
| Lyst pershyj |
2. |
| Lety |
3. |
| De ty teper |
4. |
| Pivdennoho vitru oblychchja |
5. |
| Jij holodno |
6. |
| Ja ljublju tvoji kroky |
7. |
| Pomizh namy nich |
8. |
| Dosch |
9. |
| Htos' iz dytjam udvoh |
10. |
| Chorni chereshni |
11. |
| Na pivdorozi |
12. |
| Anhel ohoronec' |
13. |
| Soncem, nebom, doschem |
14. |
| Lyst ostannij |
15. |
| Nehaj |
| | Bonus
16. |
| Soncem, nebom, doschem |
17. |
| Sklo |
18. |
| Ja sama |
See also:
"We Will Defeat the Time" is a dedication to memory of fighters for freedom of Ukraine and the 50th anniversary of death of Stepan Bandera. A sort of a call – not to forget about those who fought, militated, perished when young. Not to forget that history tends to repetitions – and what the next repetition will be like depends on us only.
Domestic price: 194.60UAH,
International price: $13.90USD
The first author performance demonstrated in 1998, after the many months of careful preparation. The project includes not only the festive songs set, but also theatrical and ballet pieces. The chamber orchestra "Virtuosos of Lviv", the choir and musicians of the rock group "Klub Shanuvalnykiv Chaju" accompanied the singer.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
A concert film based on materials of Christmas performances – won the award as the best music film of 1999. Almost all inhabitants of Lviv were involved in its production. And such sights of the global value as the Dominican cathedral, the Pototsky's palace etc. The quality of the music material satisfied even the most snappy music critics.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Christmas 2003 project. This time, Ruslana invited friends, stars of the Ukrainian variety art, to celebrate Christmas in the picturesque snow-bound Carpathians and at a real carnival in the center of the ancient Lviv. Taisiya Povaliy, Ani Lorak, Evgenia Vlasova, others took part in the film. The film's soundtrack is Christmas songs performed by them.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Zaporozhian Cossacks captivated by Turks dream to break free. Gossips about that reach the sultan. He disguises and penetrates unnoticed into the settlement of Cossacks, where he meets Ivan Karas. The sultan invites Ivan to the palace. The clever Karas, though quite drunk, looks closely and notices everything. And when time comes, due to his attentiveness and smartness Cossacks break free.
Domestic price: 278.60UAH,
International price: $19.90USD
Domestic price: 208.60UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
Death cannot attribute meaning if it was not there from the start. But it may highlight some senses and rearrange accents – I think that in the case of songs by Scriabin this will be going on for many more years..
Domestic price: 558.60UAH,
International price: $39.90USD
This recording is the case of an exclusive creative collaboration of two personalities significant for the modern Ukrainian culture. It is a pity that Les Podervyansky does not sing here. Instead, Oleh Skrypka actively participates in duping the plays, and this creates an additional comic and grotesque effect.. Published for the first time.
Domestic price: 558.60UAH,
International price: $39.90USD
Speaking about live sounding – it is impossible not to note perfectionism in the attitude of the group's musicians to their case. "Telnyuk: Sisters" play literally each of their concerts as though for the last time, as though they might have no other opportunity to change anything for the better. And what is that if not true, unfeigned respect to their audience?
Domestic price: 320.60UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
...the second album is a recording of the performance within the framework of the TV project "Tviy Format". As recording of the program took place in May 2008, the core of the program was made of pieces from the debut work "Amore". But, sure, they did not do without novelties either – and this is a whole third of the current disc.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Punk music, played by Braty Gadiukiny has, so to say, national colour. In a seem to be simple everyday stories, cocktail of dirt and trick make us to laugh at ourselves.
Domestic price: 390.60UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
This time this is an alive recording during a concert, a kind of distinctive unplugged, as Foma accompanies his singing with a guitar only. Still because of that songs do not lose anything. Most likely it, as usual, gives the opportunity to listen more attentively to singing itself, exactly to inner melody of the songs, and they do not lack it at all.
Domestic price: 390.60UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
...the songs, which are well-known to us, are performed in a jazz manner, and people say that Skhid-Side ("East-Side") is in fact one of the best jazz bands of Ukraine... Especially because in this particular case it is not only jazz, but also TNMKongo - this mixture turns out to be strikingly successful...
Domestic price: 418.60UAH,
International price: $29.90USD
"Frankly speaking, seventy percent of our songs I like much more in this variant then in album versions. Especially Divchyna" (S. Vakarchuk, leader of OE)
Domestic price: 614.60UAH,
International price: $43.90USD
18-09-2006 09:25 |
Un bel video ed una musica piacevole, Ein schoener DVD und eine angenehme Musik Ciao
, львів
11-06-2006 10:36 |
, Moscow, Russia
30-05-2006 20:47 |
To Hans Sluiman, Scotland I agree totally with You
, Scotland
17-04-2006 17:01 |
This is quite an interesting recording of a live concert by Maria Burmaka especially for people like me who only know Maria from sound recordings. The good thing about live concert videos is that they offer an opportunity to get to know the personality of the artist which is always rather difficult by listening to a CD. I would have recommend this DVD wholeheartedly to all fans of this singer were it not for the fact that the sound quality of this DVD is very poor. I don't know if I have a duff disk but when I play the video on my usual DVD player which is connected to a HiFi Stereo system the concert is simply unlistenable. Even the free low-quality previews of album songs offered by sites like UMKA sound better! Many of the songs on this DVD are also on a live CD "Maria Burmaka Live" (I cannot say whether it is a recording of the same concert) but the sound quality of the CD is 1000% better. So, for a truly enjoyable listening experience of a live performance of this unique artist, get the CD (available from UMKA) and forget about the DVD. I wonder whether the other reviewers of this title have made the same complaint - unfortunately I don't understand Ukrainian ;-(
, Москва, Росія
05-01-2006 23:06 |
Як і обіцяв розповідаю про своє враження від перегляду запису концерту "МІА" Марії Бурмаки на DVD диску. Концерт дуже цікавий, тому що можна познайомитись із живим виконанням пісень, подивитись в обличчя співачки та її музикантів, відчути як робиться справжня музика і народжується музичне диво. Щодо мистецьких якостей програми, то заперечень немає ніяких. Хочеться тільки висловити побажання на майбутнє. Якість запису звуку на цьому диску не відповідає сучасним вимогам. Думаю, що у 2002 році цей запис був пристосований більше для телебачення, а не для прослуховування на техніці з декілька більшими технічними можливостями. Приклади таких сучасних записів інших виконавців у мене що називається під рукою. Маю на увазі відео-концерти групи "Прем"єр-міністр" та співачки Ірини Богушевської. Тут є можливість вибирати звук у трьох вариантах. Зрозуміло, що виробник диску і співачка все це добре розуміють і у недалекому майбутньому запишуть нову концертну програму з неперевершеною якістю звуку, а про зміст цього дійства можна буде тільки мріяти та чекати з нетерпінням на нову можливість придбання чогось найновішого від Марії Бурмаки! Звичайно, я рекомендую!!!
, Буринь, Україна
05-01-2006 00:32 |
МАРІЯ БУРМАКА це справжня УКРАЇНА !!! Це наша національна гордість і обличчя ! Справжнім Українцям-купувати обов'язково !
Олександр Петров
, Вінниця, Українонька
23-12-2005 09:58 |
Jesus love you ! Молодець, сонечко мое!
, Москва, Росія
08-12-2005 20:15 |
Шановні господарі! Звичайно я планую розказати ось тут о своїх враженнях від останніх так би мовити інтегральних мистецьких продуктів від Марії Бурмаки. Як тільки буду тримати ці диски у своїх руках, а це вже дуже скоро відбудеться. З творчістю Марії знайомий вже не один рік. Буде дуже цікаво оцінити якість цих нових "старих" платівок, їх оформлення, альбоми "Ой, не квітни весно" у цифровому варианті та "Лишається надія", який свого часу придбати не вийшло. І найголовніше відео концерту "МІА". Чекатиму і обов"язково висловлю свої враження. А своим соотечественникам россиянам, которые заинтересуются современной музыкой экстра-класса, рождённой в братской Украине, настоятельно советую приобрести все три диска в МР3 и DVD форматах (10 аудиоальбомов и 1 видео), поскольку это уникальный случай познакомиться с творчеством уважаемой мною певицы за последние 15 лет!
, Хмельницький, Україна
23-11-2005 09:50 |
Марійка - це завжди душевно, гарно і професійно!!!