Catalogue -> Variety Art -> Poets and Composers

Mykola Tomenko. Bili ptytsi snihiv. (White birds of snows)

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Mykola Tomenko. Bili ptytsi snihiv. (White birds of snows)

The name of Mykola Tomenko must be known well to all those who appreciate Ukrainian variety art. At least – the variety art that is, so to speak, classic. For songs based on lyrics by Mykola Tomenko have been appearing in repertoire of our singers for almost half-a-century already – he has a really long creative way behind his back, a dozen and a half of books of poetry, a set of literary awards. However, in this case another thing is important: songs with his lyrics were not just created – they were beautiful and grew popular indeed. Of course, that is to a great extent due to the composers. In the end, such names as Bilash, Shamo – do speak about something. And we should not forget about performance either – for these songs sounded performed by such masters as R. Kyrychenko, the Honored Chapel of Bandura-Players, A. Mokrenko, V. Bilonozhko. Should I say that these people with their performance did manage to glorify quite a lot of beautiful songs? Thus, in store for you – a date with beautiful poetry, beautiful music, beautiful performance. And what else should a song be?

Publisher: National Radio Company of Ukraine
Year: 2007

Domestic price: 233.24UAH 116.62UAH
International price: $11.90USD $5.95USD
Discount: 50%
1.  Red Horsemen (Chervoni vershnyky) (National Honored Bandurist Capella)
music: O. Bilash
2. Mp3Don't Be Noisy (Oy, ne shumit‘ (Trio bandurystok Ukrajiny))
music: L. Levitova
3. Mp3A Springs Comes Beneath the Willow Tree (Pid verboju b’je dzherel‘tse (V. Oberenko))
music: K. Mjaskov
4.  I Am Your Last Summer (Ja tvoje ostannje lito) (Raisa Kyrychenko)
music: A. Pashkevych
5.  Wonderland (Dyvokray (O. Vasylenko))
music: L. Vysochyns‘ka
6. Mp3Mertsishor (Mertsishor (L. Mykhaylenko))
music: A. Haydenko
7. Mp3Song of Grey Swan (Pisnja syvoho lebedja) (Vitaly Bilonozhko)
music: I. Shamo
8.  Mother's Hands (Mamyni ruky) (Raisa Kyrychenko)
music: A. Pashkevych
9. Mp3We write letters very seldom (My tak ridko pyshemo lysty (O. Dovhopol))
music: V. Dem'janyshyn
10.  Mulberry Tree (Shovkovytsja) (National Honored Bandurist Capella)
music: O. Bilash
11. Mp3White Birds of Snows (Bili ptytsi snihiv (D. Vyshnja))
music: O. Bilash
12.  Stork (Leleka (V. Shport‘ko))
music: A. Haydenko
13.  Thought about Field (Duma pro pole) (Anatoliy Mokrenko)
music: A. Haydenko
14. Mp3Come To Me To My Bluish Evenings (Prykhod‘ u moji syzi vechory (Ju. Rozhkov))
music: K. Mjaskov
15.  I Could Not Believe that Youth Will Be Gone (Ja ne viryv molodist‘ mynet‘sja (Ja. Hnatjuk))
music: O. Bilash
16. Mp3Horses Running (Bihly koni (Ans. pisni i tantsju Chervonopraporn. Zakh. prykordon. okruhu))
music: O. Bilash
17.  Horses Running (Bihly koni (Ans. pisni i tantsju "L‘onok"))
music: O. Bilash
18.  It is so difficult to be the first in life (Nelehko v zhytti buty pershym (V. Bokoch))
music: I. Shamo
 Total playing time: 57:56

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

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