Catalogue -> Variety Art -> Poets and Composers

Songs by Platon Mayboroda. (2CD).

Reviews (1)
Songs by Platon Mayboroda. (2CD).
"There is something truly magnetic in this name – Poltava region – which implies the land of outstanding beauty where there is everything – steppes and ravines, Cossack woodlands, orchards, forests and woods, blue-eyed ponds and..."chafers buzzing over cherry trees"... Undoubtedly, this generous environmental wealth was reflected in a whole cluster of literary, artistic, scientific and grain-growing world-class talents. Especially – in music.

...And if we try to search for sources of Platon Mayboroda's genius, in addition to the "Divine Sparkle" we must also refer to the primal flint and steel that cast it. Those hundreds and thousands of expansive, as Poltava steppes, songs that entered the life of a peasant. Both the legendary Marusya Churay, and the salty, in the Cossack way sound humor up to the sarcasm of Ivan Kotlyarevsky, and the mystical word of the immortal Gogol who addressed the times to come, and Lysenko's supernal music... Strong, reliable and generous foundation. So generous that in some hick Pelehivschyna hamlet, in one grain-growing Mayboroda family it blessed for the world glory two prominent composers at once – the brothers Georgy and Platon.

...Platon Mayboroda is a whole, and – I am sure! – intransitive era in the multinational song history. Moreover, relying on the powerful foundation of the unique Ukrainian song heritage, he, eventually, truly universally glorified our folk songs due to his work." Borys Oliynik, the Chair of the Ukrainian Culture Foundation, poet (information from the publication polygraphy)

Publisher: National Radio Company of Ukraine

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1.  Khay pisnja sklykaje druziv (Velykyy dytjachyy khor Ukrajins‘koho radio)
2. Mp3Kyjivs‘kyy val‘s (Khorova kapela Ukrradio)
3. Mp3Pisnja pro rushnyk (O. Taranets‘)
4.  Topolyna barkarola (K. Stoljar)
5. Mp3Bili chayky (Bayko sisters)
6. Mp3Pisnja dlja tebe (O. Taranets‘)
7.  Vchytel‘ko moja (Kostiantyn Ohnevyj)
8. Mp3My pidem, de travy pokhyli (H. Tuftina)
9. Mp3Ridna zemle moja (V. Buymister, S. Kanajeva)
10.  Elehija (T. Shtonda)
11.  Vyrostesh ty, synu (R. Mayboroda)
12.  Duma z fil‘mu "Krov ljuds‘ka ne vodytsja" (M. Hryshko)
13.  Stezhyna (Bayko sisters)
14.  Ljubov moja (T. Shtonda)
15.  Jak na dal‘nim neboskhyli (Ans. pisni y tantsju Zakhidnoho prykordonnoho okruhu)
16.  Rozljahalysja tumany (National Honored Bandurist Capella)
17.  Ne zbyvay, zozule, tsvitu (H. Tuftina)
18.  Vohnyk (K. Stoljar)
19.  Vidlunnja (Anatoliy Mokrenko)
 Total playing time: 75:44
1. Mp3Tam, de Jatran‘ kruto v’jet‘sja (Mykola Shopsha)
2.  Zore moja vechirnjaja (D. Petrynenko)
3. Mp3Ta zabilyly snihy (K. Stoljar)
4.  Bili kashtany (M. Fokin, S. Kozak)
5. Mp3Jak meni darovano bahato (V.Turets‘)
6.  O, junist‘, junist‘ (L. Ostapenko)
7. Mp3Tebe ja klykav (M. Hryshko)
8.  Koly b ne morozy na kvity (Bayko sisters)
9. Mp3Shcho zh ty khodysh (M. Fokin)
10.  Vmije rozstavatys‘ toy, khto vmiv ljubyt‘ (V. Zarkov, O. Turets‘)
11. Mp3Kolyskova (Dudaryk, Nina Matvienko)
12.  Ja do tebe, matusju, u pisni idu (R. Mayboroda)
13.  Pisnja moho dytynstva /Romen-tsvit/ (Anatoliy Mokrenko)
14.  Partyzans‘ka duma (H. Krasulja)
15.  Pisnja vidvazhnykh (P. Dovbnja, (Anatoliy Mokrenko)
16.  Elehija (Estradno-symfonichnyy orkestr Ukrradio)
17.  Kraju miy jasnyy (Bayko sisters)
18.  Ty i ja – odna sim’ja (Kobza, Valeriy Viter)
19.  Druzi khoroshi moji (V. Buymister, K. Stoljar, I. Horlyts‘ka, H. Bebykh)
20.  Kyjivs‘kyy val‘s (kontsertnyy ansambl‘ Ukrradio)
 Total playing time: 74:41

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

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Reviews (1)

  Íàòàë³ÿ , Óêðà¿íà
29-04-2011 23:54

Ç ïðèâîäó äèñêó Ïëàòîíà Ìàéáîðîäè:
Òàê, ñïîäîáàâñÿ. Õî÷à Ìàéáîðîäà é áóâ âåëüìè "çàòî÷åíèì" ÓÐÑгâñüêèì êîìïîçèòîðîì, êð³çü áàãàòî éîãî ï³ñåíü â³ä÷óâàºòüñÿ íåàáèÿêèé òàëàíò (îñîáëèâî ïîì³òíî â CD2). Ïðèºìíèì ñþðïðèçîì äëÿ ìåíå áóëî òå, ùî â³í ïèñàâ ìóçèêó ó æàíð³ àêàäåì³÷íîãî ðîìàíñó, äóæå ìíîþ âïîäîáàíîãî ³ çîâñ³ì íå äîñë³äæåíîãî íà òåðåíàõ Óêðà¿íè, íà æàëü.
Ãàðí³ êëàñèêè-âèêîíàâö³ ï³ñåíü íà öüîìó CD.