Catalogue -> Modern Pop -> Pop in Russian

. 15.

Reviews (3)
. 15.
Songs are in Russian.

Publisher: Lavina Music
Catalogue number: LM CD 522
Year: 2007

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1. Mp3S pervoho vzhljada
lyrics: Ani Lorak, L. Arkhypenko
2.  Sem‘ vetrov Song text
lyrics: L. Arkhypenko
3.  Ukrady Song text
lyrics: A. Rayz
4.  Yskala Song text
lyrics: Ani Lorak
5. Mp3Ja ne budu tvoey Song text
lyrics: Ani Lorak, L. Arkhypenko
6. Mp3Sprosy Song text
lyrics: L. Arkhypenko
7.  Verny moju ljubov‘ Song text
lyrics: K. Meladze
8. Mp3Ja s toboy Song text
lyrics: Nick Brovchenko, Ani Lorak
9.  Zhdu tebja Song text
lyrics: Ani Lorak
10.  It's my life (live) Song text
music: J. Bon Jovi, R. Sambora, M. Martin
lyrics: J. Bon Jovi, R. Sambora, M. Martin
11. Mp3Ja stanu morem Song text
lyrics: Nick Brovchenko
12.  Verny moju ljubov‘ (s V. Meladze)
13.  S pervoho vzhljada (rmx)
14.  S pervoho vzhljada
15.  Ja s toboy
 Total playing time: 47:45

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Monatik. Zvychyt. /digi-pack/. (It Sounds)

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Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

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The fact is that since her last album "Slidom za toboju"(Following you) had been released interesting and promising Gaitana became one of the best pop-singers of Ukraine. Now the quality grows not from album to album but from song to song – and this staggers a lot.
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Gaytana. Taynye zhelanyja.

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Assia Akhat. Chocolate.

So, what does this album consist of? First of all, of light, almost transparent melancholy – it frequently happens with all those romantic confessions and meditations. It is they that penetrate through texts of all the songs. But, first of all, it is an album of nice pop music.
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Reviews (3)

  , Belgium
16-04-2008 10:49

Not her best album, but not bad at all
I prefer Ani singing in her own language instead of English, so in that way this album is perfect

  GFaulkner , Omaha, NE, U.S.A.
25-12-2007 02:13

This is some pretty high energy pop/rock that's worth checking out. Be sure to catch the cheesy video at the end, and English speakers will get a kick out of the Bon Jovi cover song.

  , W., Pol'sha
03-12-2007 18:00

v principie ponravilos'. Zhal', cto nekotoriye kompozicii javliajutsya primitivnoy uzhasnoy, russkojazycnoy popsoy / umtsa-umtsa /.
Cto interesno, ved' ukrainskuyu koshmarnuyu i strasnuyu musiku / v celom / ves' civilizovannyi mir otvergayet...