Catalogue -> Modern Pop -> Pop in Russian

. Ja vernus'.

Reviews (2)
. Ja vernus'.

Today one of the first albums of Ani Lorak is almost a rarity. At those times she was almost a young girl, but still already then she had an expressive and pleasant voice - and a charming smile. As of today, she has already proved that she can be the author of both lyrics and music, but as before, her songs are about love, of course, that is, they are full of entire romanticism. And it is quite natural, because there has always been not so many women like Janis Joplin or Vika Vradiy, and in any case lyrical topic, the topic of love, has never lost its actuality. It is well known that the force of expressiveness of a song being performed directly depends on life experience of a singer, but if a singer has such voice as Ani Lorak has, then any song will sound nice. It is not without reason, that she is considered to be one of the best performers of Ukraine, though she is so young. I think she might perform even jazz songs - if only she wanted. Still the public likes her, as she is - so, she has found her place and has not made a mistake. We will see what will happen next. And one more thing. The twelfth track is a surprise. For those who will have enough patience.

Most of the songs are in Russian.

Publisher: Lavina Music
Catalogue number: LM CD 289
Year: 2003

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1.  Kak v detstve
music: A. Ehorov
lyrics: A. Ehorov
2.  Utionok
music: H. Uskov & V. Tyshler
lyrics: Ju. Fal¸s
3. Mp3Mne vsio ravno
music: L. Ostapenko
lyrics: L. Ostapenko
4.  Greshnaja ljubov'
music: A. Matvejchuk
lyrics: A. Matvejchuk
5.  Yzhoj
music: A. Novak & Ju. Falesa
lyrics: A. Novak & Ju. Falesa
6. Mp3O moja ljubov
music: O. Majovskyj
lyrics: O. Majovskyj
7.  Vrednaja
music: S. Chanturyja
lyrics: S. Chanturyja
8.  Chuzhoj horod
music: Vjach. Leschenko
lyrics: Ju. Fal¸s
9. Mp3Ja vernus'
music: S. Krucenko
lyrics: A. Jaremenko
10.  Schytalochka
lyrics: N. Brovchenko
11.  Osen' s toboju
music: O. Kulyk
lyrics: O. Kulyk
12. Mp3Svet zvezdy
music: A. Ehorov
lyrics: A. Ehorov
 Total playing time: 51:56

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

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Reviews (2)

  ìàðòà , Ãîðîäîê, óêðà¿íà
06-06-2007 12:06

Ò³íà Êàðîëü ÿ âàøà ïîêëîí³öà íà ìîþ äóìêó âè ñàìà ëó÷à ñï³âà÷êà.² ÿ âàñ äóæå ëþáëþ. Ïàêà.Ïàêà.

  Àîüðîáò , î
29-11-2006 04:09

Ani Lorak the best