This album is, we won't conceal this, a confession of love. And Ekateryna Buzhinska's confession, probably, may not be anything but a song. For she is not just a successful singer – let's not forget that she was the winner of the "Slavjansky Bazar" competition. That is, the beauty and expressiveness of her voice are recognized at the international level, and that does mean something. However, in variety art one needs to prove his/her professionalism each day – otherwise, one won't have anything left but winner's diplomas. So, we listen to not just songs about love – we listen to a brand-new proof of that the voice of the performer Ekateryna Buzhinska is an ornament of the Ukrainian variety art. And, probably, not only Ukrainian one - for not only Ukrainians listen to her, and she sings not only in Ukrainian. Actually, mainly – in Russian, but on this disk, there are songs in the both languages. It is necessary to specify that the singer has not been greedy as for the material – the album contains as many as eighteen tracks. So, there are in store for you more than an hour of a woman's stories about romantic relations, about difficulties and joys of correct choices in love. The voice sounds beautiful – thus, it will be a pleasure to listen to the stories. songs are in Russian.
Publisher: Artur Music Catalogue number: CD 297 Year: 2005
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Kateryna Buzhynska
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
, Киев
05-01-2009 17:39 |
Катя! ТЫ просто молодец, Девушка Которая Состоялась в свои молодые годы как женщина, как отличная певица, как мама, не обращай внимания на негативные отзывы,Это делают я считаю глупые люди.Желаю тебе всего самого найлучшего ты это заслуживаешь!
, Васильків, Україна
05-12-2007 21:43 |
Катюха ти кльова чувіха !!! Так триматься
, Houston, Texas, USA
26-05-2007 06:53 |
This CD is quickly becoming one of my favorite Russian / Ukrainian CDs. I have been listening to it constantly since I bought it. Ekaterina Buzhynskaya's voice is beautiful and she has incredible range. The songs are upbeat and fun to listen to, and even with eighteen tracks, the music never gets boring or repetitive. Great CD.
26-03-2007 23:06 |
, Львів
15-02-2007 13:29 |
Чим пишатися? Не справжнє, показушне, не щире!!!
Правильный год
, Украинский, Украинская
03-02-2007 13:27 |
Насколько мне известно, этот альбом был выпущен в прошлом году, т.е. в 2006, а не в 2005, как здесь указано.
22-01-2007 22:36 |
ти посто чудо
, Кировоград, украина
03-01-2007 21:41 |
Ш, ш, ш ,Злые Вы.
, ш, ш
25-12-2006 00:46 |
нi щиростi. нi глибини, незрозумiло що... якась показуха, вульгарного виду спiвачка... просто жахливо
, 4erkassyt
13-10-2006 14:23 |
Na ejo vozrast klasno vugljadit
sunny indie
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