"Braty Gadjukiny" do not leave us at rest – or, maybe, something does not leave them at rest. Thus, all those who did not manage to attend the latter (or was it really the last?) concert of the group – you may smile, because this concert is here, on these two discs. And those who did go there – smile and cry, because it is recorded well. Personally I after that concert had my ears humming for two days – and here everything is ok, you can hear everything well, nothing goes off scale, vsjo chotko... It appears, it is this album that has become for the group the first really high-quality live record, because all the previous ones were recorded directly to the recorder, that is everything is clear about their quality – however, that only adds a special taste to them. But here – everything is quite adult, the record was done to 24 channels. And, honestly speaking, it is very pleasant to listen to that indeed. Forgive my repeating it – nothing can be compared with high-quality record of a live performance, because here is not only the idea and trade, but also – the living soul, direct intercourse of energies of thousands of people. In this connection, I am happy to emphasize – this record was done not in vain, because "Braty Gadjukiny" obviously have not lost their skills both in music, and in communication. The both discs are listened to, as they say, at one go, and it becomes easy and transparent due to that. There happens, you know, such pleasant fatigue after some well-done work – this is exactly the case. And you know what, "Braty"? Do not leave us at rest...
Anton Jozhik Lejba (Hedgehog)
Video of the concert: http://www.umka.com.ua/eng/catalogue/2588/
Publisher: GAD Records Catalogue number: GDR-004 Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Braty Hadyukiny
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CD1 |
1. |
| Intro |
2. |
| Bulo ne ljubyty
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
3. |
| Arividerchi Roma
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
4. |
| "Karpaty" prohraly futbol
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
5. |
| Oj, lyho
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
6. |
| Zv'ozdochka moja
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
7. |
| Mostys'ka
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
8. |
| Shejk
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
9. |
| My hodyly, dyly, dyly
10. |
| Narkomany na horodi
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
11. |
| Mis'ku vvazhaj
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
| Total playing time: 49:16 |
CD2 |
1. |
| Roxoljana
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
2. |
| Ternopil'
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
3. |
| Sorok pachok "Verhovyny"
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
4. |
| Ameryka
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
5. |
| Dupa dzhalizovaja
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
6. |
| Libido
7. |
| Zhovti strichky
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
8. |
| Divchyna z Kolomyji |
9. |
| 117 stattja
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
10. |
| Vs'o chotko
lyrics: S. Kuz‘myns‘kyy
| Total playing time: 48:42 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Death cannot attribute meaning if it was not there from the start. But it may highlight some senses and rearrange accents – I think that in the case of songs by Scriabin this will be going on for many more years..
Domestic price: 558.60UAH,
International price: $39.90USD
This recording is the case of an exclusive creative collaboration of two personalities significant for the modern Ukrainian culture. It is a pity that Les Podervyansky does not sing here. Instead, Oleh Skrypka actively participates in duping the plays, and this creates an additional comic and grotesque effect.. Published for the first time.
Domestic price: 558.60UAH,
International price: $39.90USD
Speaking about live sounding – it is impossible not to note perfectionism in the attitude of the group's musicians to their case. "Telnyuk: Sisters" play literally each of their concerts as though for the last time, as though they might have no other opportunity to change anything for the better. And what is that if not true, unfeigned respect to their audience?
Domestic price: 320.60UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
...the second album is a recording of the performance within the framework of the TV project "Tviy Format". As recording of the program took place in May 2008, the core of the program was made of pieces from the debut work "Amore". But, sure, they did not do without novelties either – and this is a whole third of the current disc.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Punk music, played by Braty Gadiukiny has, so to say, national colour. In a seem to be simple everyday stories, cocktail of dirt and trick make us to laugh at ourselves.
Domestic price: 390.60UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
This time this is an alive recording during a concert, a kind of distinctive unplugged, as Foma accompanies his singing with a guitar only. Still because of that songs do not lose anything. Most likely it, as usual, gives the opportunity to listen more attentively to singing itself, exactly to inner melody of the songs, and they do not lack it at all.
Domestic price: 390.60UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
...the songs, which are well-known to us, are performed in a jazz manner, and people say that Skhid-Side ("East-Side") is in fact one of the best jazz bands of Ukraine... Especially because in this particular case it is not only jazz, but also TNMKongo - this mixture turns out to be strikingly successful...
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International price: $43.90USD
, dzìáàáâå
07-11-2006 04:42 |
DVD êîíöåðòó áóäå âèäàíî (òàê îá³öÿëè)
, Êèåâ, Óêðàèíà
28-09-2006 09:31 |
Äèñêè ïðîñòî óëåòíûå! Çâóê ïðîñòî ïðåêðàñíûé. À ÿ êàê ðàç íîðìàëüíûå íàóøíèêè âçÿë. Òàê áûëî îùóùåíèå ÷òî ïðÿìî íà ñöåíå ñòîþ. Ïîäáîð òðåêîâ - èçóìèòåëüíûé. Äèñê ìîæíî ñìåëî íàçûâàòü "Áðàòè Ãàäþê³íè - Êðàùå". Åñëè áóäåò âèäåîçàïèñü êîíöåðòà - ïðèîáðåòó íà ÄÂÄ îáÿçàòåëüíî!
, Ëóöüê
18-09-2006 11:53 |
Íà êîíöåðò³ ïîáóâàâ êîëè ïðîñëóõàâ äèñê. Ñóïåð, Ãàäè æèâ³, Ãàäè, îæèâàéòå!
, Êèåâ, Óêðàèíà
14-09-2006 00:22 |
ÝÝÝÕÕÕ!!!Êîíöåðò áûë ïðîñòî âîëøåáíûé!!!1Òàêîå íå ðàç â 10 ëåò áûâàåò,à íàâåðíîå äàæå ðåæå!!!
Ýòî áûëî íå÷òî!!!
Ïðàâäà,áýê-âîêàëèñòêè íåìíîãî íåäîòÿãèòâàþò è â çàïèñè ýòî ñëûøíî êóäà ñèëüíåé ,íî âñå-ðàâíî ñäåëàíî äîñòàòî÷íî êà÷åñòâåííî.=)
Âûïóñòÿò DVD- îáÿçàòåëüíî ïðèîáðåòó!
, Êè¿â
11-09-2006 11:54 |
Äóæå ãàðíî...äóæå...çàäóþ êîíöåðò...îò ÿêáè ùå â³äåî çðîáèëè áóëî á ïðîñòî ñóïåð
, Õìåëüíèöüêèé, Óêðà¿íà
12-08-2006 22:18 |
×óìîâèé êîíöåðòíèê ç áðîíåá³éíèì íàáîðîì òðåê³â.ßê íà ìåíå,íîâà÷êàì ñë³ä ïî÷èíàòè çíàéîìñòâî ç Ãàäàìè ñàìå ç öüîãî çàïèñó.
, Kyiv
29-07-2006 17:12 |
Ñàóíä ïðîñòî ñóïåð! Àòìîñôåðà êîíöåðòó, à ÷óòíî âñ³ ³íñòðóìåíòè. Õòî áóâ íà êîíöåðò³ áóäóòü âðàæåí³ ð³çíèöåþ, ó êðàùó ñòîðîíó, çâè÷àéíî.
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD