Catalogue -> Rock & Alternative -> Reggae

5'nizza. KU. /super-pack/.

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5'nizza. KU. /super-pack/.
Two years ago, when 5'nizza released three fresh songs, that looked like a small miracle, the more so that after that the guys went silent again. But the story, as we can see once again, goes on, even when it seems impossible. Behold – here is a new full-fledged album, and exactly where copies of the previous two have been exhausted... What has changed? The degree of professionalism – despite the usual sparkle of "simple" arrangements, the music is performed with a significantly different quality depth, and the invited musicians are there not for nothing: at a few instances they significantly transform the "point of assembly". The drive – there is much less boyish hooliganism, the characters have matured, sure, thus having lost something cloudless. And having gained something significant in return, it seems. At least, they have something to say and sometimes may even do that with a smile – which now contains much more shades. The lyrics... it's something that has not changed much – they are ambiguous. It is easy to find here both verbal balancing for fun – and the bead play with senses, multi-layered and inspired. What you will hear – depends primarily on yourself. 5'nizza opens various doors – sometimes with the casual ease of aerial acrobats without a safety wire. One may fall down. Or enter.

Publisher: Lavina Music
Catalogue number: LM CD 637
Year: 2017

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:

Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
1. Mp3Ku
2.  Chelovek dozhdja
3. Mp3Opana
4.  Samolet
5. Mp3Daleko
6.  Vverkh
7. Mp3Ale
8. Mp3Nastojashchee
9.  Mytja
10. Mp3Vitajemo
11.  Nehasymaja
12. Mp3Pochemu
13.  Razdety
14. Mp3Zhyttja
 Total playing time: 43:47

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

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