Yes, listening to such music you want not only to stamp your feet under the table, but also to stir your heart with a dance. Mixes seem to fly up and invite to join them. Victor Pavlik is, as usual, a burst of kind and light energy. He is not so tall, especially as compared with guys of nearly two metres high, still it is not a drawback. May be, you have noticed that short people are powerful accumulators and generators (sorry for my technical language) of energy for those around them. If you haven’t noticed that, remember such person as Napoleon, or, better, Charley Chaplin. In any case, with every new album Victor Pavlik brings and presents a cheerful mood, the desire to enjoy life, to discover something new and romantic – and to be glad and glad. His songs are full of optimism – it may be surprising, but sad songs as well. May be, it is particularly in this that the secret of his successes lies. After all, it is a great ability to be sad with a smile. Just as to be glad. Such is Victor Pavlik, such is his ability, and such is his album.
Publisher: GroLis Year: 2004
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Victor Pavlik
Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD