Four albums and live concert of the popular Ukrainian rock-group.
Unfortunately we do not have some items of this set on the stock.
This set consists of:
Okean Elzy. Supersymmetry.
Pay attention at the title of the album – it displays its content and its essence very well. The composition of the album and every of its songs, as well as their forms and content, strive to logical harmonicity, adjustedness of every musical move, every note.
Domestic price: 0.00UAH,
International price: $0.00USD
Okean Elzy. Model.
From the one hand, the songs on this disc are very different, but on another hand, they have common energy deeply inside. This album is a juicy mixture of hard rock music of 70-th, Oriental melodic and modern electronic rhythms.
Domestic price: 0.00UAH,
International price: $0.00USD
Okean Elzy. Tam, de nas nema.
On this album they are still young man, which inherent children's awkwardness, any other "thoroughbred puppy". It is frank music, and outstanding Svyatoslav Vakarchuk's lyrics. His songs are as silent light in a fog.
Domestic price: 0.00UAH,
International price: $0.00USD
Okean Elzy. Yananebibuv. /digi-pack/.
This group represents Ukrainian rock'n'roll music of today. It is popular in Ukraine and in Russia by its drive music, strong, unusual vocal, own style. This is their second album. Their style has slightly changed according to modern music tendencies.
Domestic price: 0.00UAH,
International price: $0.00USD
Okean Elzy. tviy format.
"Frankly speaking, seventy percent of our songs I like much more in this variant then in album versions. Especially Divchyna" (S. Vakarchuk, leader of OE)
Domestic price: 605.64UAH,
International price: $30.90USD
Unfortunately we do not have some items of this set on the stock. Please leave your e-mail here and we will certainly inform you when they are available..
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, San Antonio, USA
27-05-2008 00:16 |
Okean Elzy is a new discovery for me. My sister from Ukraine mailed me one of their CDs. It got broked in the mail, so my husband ordered me a set of five on you web site. That was a good decision! It's funny how they are not like anybody else in the music world, but they have reached a part of me I did not know about. Different, simple, sad, strong and honest... Also I love your website, a lot of different CD's that I can listen to (some of the new artists) , payment options and shipping to USA. Thank you.
Andre Hotzler
, near Munich, Germany
10-09-2007 02:00 |
An Okean Elzy collection withoutt the best album "GLORIA"?
19-06-2007 09:32 |
This was a great deal... I purchased these CDs a few months ago and I am still listening to them...I love every one of them, but my favorites of this bunch are "Model" and "tvij format"... their newer albums, "GLORIA" and "Mira" are even better and more sophisticated... :)
, Hamburg, Germany
18-06-2007 18:25 |
Although I don't understand a word (besides Suzy :)) I really enjoy listening to Ocean Elzy. My boyfriend brought their CDs after a trip to Ukraine. I thought they've split up? Does anybody know a website with translations of their songs? Although the music is enough, I'd really like to know what they're singing about :)
, Kiev, Ukraine
24-05-2007 23:06 |
Kiev concert on 22 of May was amazing!!! It's real wild energy! I enjoyed it so much. OCEAN IS THE BEST UKRAINIAN MUSIC!
, Kiev, Ukraine
24-05-2007 23:06 |
Kiev concert on 22 of May was amazing!!! It's real wild energy! I enjoyed it so much. OCEAN IS THE BEST UKRAINIAN MUSIC!
, rzeszow, poland
16-05-2007 13:19 |
okean elzy!!!to super muzyka!!!nie dziwie sie,ze pazurowie to uwielbiaja!!!jestescie tacy fajni,ze az zabardzo!!!pozdrawiam
, warsaw, poland
26-04-2007 22:11 |
I love this music! It's delicious! I can listen OE every time
, Bloomfield, Ukrayina
01-10-2006 04:43 |
Model naykrashchyy yixnyy albom. Vin prosto perfektnyy i yoho ne mozhna zrobyty krashchym. Kozhna pisnya, kozhna nota tam musyt buty i nema ni odnoyi za bahato. Inshi albomy mayut deyaki dobri pisni, ale ne mayut taku komposytsiyu i harmoniyu yak tsey.
, Brooklyn, NY, USA
16-08-2006 03:55 |
THE BEST OF THE BEST!!! I Love Okean Elzy and listen to their music every morning before I go to work! Thank you! You are wonderful!!! Chudovi texty, prekrasni melodii, talanovyti hlopci i klasne oformlennia CDs!!!
, Las Vegas, USA
12-08-2006 11:01 |
Barabanshik gruppi Okean El`zi svodit menya s uma...tol`ko jal` on ob etom ne znaet...A ix pesnya ya ne zdamsya bez boyu-eto samaya ,samaya...!!!Thank you for your music,thank you for what you are!!! I LLLOOOVVVEEE UUU!!!
, Калининград, Россия
11-08-2006 15:26 |
ОКЕАН ЕЛЬЗИ - это лучшее, что мог придумать Бог и природа. Я уже шесть лет люблю группу. !!! И в ноябре хочу поехать в Варшаву на концерт. Может, кто-то тоже едет. Присоединяйтесь. Всё лучшее будет 23 числа. Нас много и я в это верю. Привет, ЛЬВОВУ и ВСЕМ ЛЬВОВЯНАМ
, Tenino, USA
04-08-2006 00:22 |
Ocean Elzy is the bomb! My Ukrainian girlfiend turned me on to them and I listen to them endlessly! Now if i could just get her to grow out of Bon Jovi!
, лодзь, poland
14-07-2006 22:11 |
класна музика але чому так дорого?
, Chicago, USA
12-06-2006 05:05 |
Okean Elzy is great. I loved them in concert in Chicago. I'm missing Ukraine very much and they make me feel better.