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Yuri Zdorenko & Hash. P’janyy shanson abo Trokhy viski. (EP). /digi-pack/. (Drunk Chanson or a Bit of Whisky)

Reviews (2)
Yuri Zdorenko & Hash. P’janyy shanson abo Trokhy viski. (EP). /digi-pack/. (Drunk Chanson or a Bit of Whisky)
Yury Zdorenko told in one of his interviews that hash was an Armenian dish, which very efficiently helped to overcome hangover, and it was exactly from a culinary book that he had taken the name for his new group; besides, if we go back to English slang, this word can also mean a "fight", "mincing machine". Well, and let us mention as chance offers (but without comments) that in that same slang a "hash" may also mean "cash". And what about such synonym as "bullshit"? Thus, the name appeared surprisingly polysemantic – while the new project by Zdorenko could hardly be referred to as monosemantic either. On the one hand – the drive to which everybody has got used to due to "Borsch", but at a bit different angle. On the other – the careful arrangement of the music: there is now less of the punk roughness, while a strange "fashionable" gloss has appeared there instead. On the third – Zdorenko in his texts does not step back from the previously invented recipe: merging of the comical and marginal. All of that together really reminds a strange energizing drink – and there is nothing more left to do but to regret that now "Hash" performs not that frequently. Judging by this mini-album, there will be no indifferent or languid listeners at concerts by Zdorenko and Co)

Publisher: Moon records
Catalogue number: MR 4390-2
Year: 2009

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Yuri Zdorenko & Hash

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1. Mp3P’janyy shanson abo trokhy viski
2.  Buena-chacha
3.  Snizhna koroleva
4. Mp3Zhest‘
5. Mp3Bomba
6.  Bomba
7.  Zhest‘
 Total playing time: 17:06

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

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Reviews (2)

  , äíåïðîëåòðîâñê, óêðàèíà
30-12-2010 18:37

Çäðàâñòâóéòå, Þðèé! Ïîçäðàâëÿþ Âàñ ñ Íîâûì ãîäîì! Æåëàþ òâîð÷åñêèõ óñïåõîâ è ÷òîáû ï¸ðëî â æèçíè âîîáùå.
Åñòü îäèí âîïðîñ - äàâíî óæå èùó îäèí ðåëèç â êîòîðîì Âû (êàæåòñÿ) ïðèíèìàëè ó÷àñòèå. Íå ïîìíþ íàçâàíèå, íî òàì áûëè òðåêè : "Âñå ÷óõàåòñÿ, âñå ñâåðáèòü" ,"Êàê áû çà...", "Î, Âåíåöèÿ - ãîðîä ìîíãîëüñêèé", "Îäèí ñïëîøíîé íîÿáðü" è äð. Êàæåòñÿ ýòî áûë ñáîðíèê íåôîðìàòíîé ìóçûêè â âèäå êàññåòû. Íà "êîâåðå" áûëè èçîáðàæåíû æåíñêèå ãóáû è ìèêðîôîí Shure 57, ó êîòîðîãî âìåñòî ãîëîâêè áûëà ãîëîâêà ÷ëåíà (èçâèíèòå). Áîëüøàÿ ïðîñüáà - åñëè ó âàñ åñòü ýòà çàïèñü, âûëîæèòå å¸ äëÿ ìåíÿ , èëè õîòÿ áû ïîäñêàæèòå - ãäå å¸ ìîæíî ñêà÷àòü, èëè êàê îíà íàçûâàåòñÿ - ýòî î÷åíü êðóòîé ñò¸á è ÿ õîòåë áû èìåòü åãî â ñâîåé ôîíîòåêå (îðèãèíàë "çàìûëèëè" äðóçüÿ).
Ìîé àäðåñ .
Ñïàñèáî çà Far Far Avay - ýòî êðóòî!
Õàïïà íþ ó Èð!
Íåêòî Øìàë¸â.

19-11-2009 21:11

îòëè÷íûé àëüáîì! òîëüêî ïåñåí ìàëî!