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Catalogue -> Folk -> Singers

Ihor Borko. Z holosu zemli mojeji. (From the Voice of My Land)

Reviews (8)
Ihor Borko. Z holosu zemli mojeji. (From the Voice of My Land)
To all appearances, today you have the chance to listen to one of the best tenors of the modern Ukrainian opera. May be, there is no need for me to present the list of all of his prizes at different international contests, as the booklet to this disc contains a detailed information on that. I would like to mention only one fact - Ihor Borko was the last student, the last graduate of Kostyantyn Ohnevyi, and at that, a brilliant student. At the same time, he is so talented that even before entering the Conservatoire, he already presented Ukraine with great dignity to the audience abroad. But all that is nothing. The thing, which is really important, and you will really hear it, is his voice. Sincere, Tender, flexible, tender, really lyrical – you can’t but notice it, and of course, you can’t turn a deaf ear to it. Besides, this person seems to have a difficult fate, because his singing sounds with such deep, gentle and at the same time rich nuances. You feel at once – a person that has no rich inner emotional experience of his own, as well as experience of disappointment and blooming, will not be able to sing like that. Here no imagination will help. This singing comes through the heart and from the hart. And to your heart. So, it is not accidental that at this disc not opera arias, but simple Ukrainian songs are recorded, because when they are performed the way they are performed at this recording, these are not simply songs. Check by yourselves.

Publisher: UKRmusic
Catalogue number: CD003
Year: 2004

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Ihor Borko

Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
1.  Oh meadow don't rustle (Oj ne shumy luzhe)
music: M. Lysenko
lyrics: Kotljarevs'kyj Ivan
2.  There's a Linden (Oj na hori lypka)
music: Lemko Song
3.  Where there are thorns, there are thorns (De ternja, tam ternja)
music: Lemko Song
4.  An Interesting night (Nichko cikavaja)
music: Song of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen
lyrics: O. Romanova
5.  There Stands a High Hill (Stojit' hora vysokaja)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
lyrics: L. Hlibov
6. Mp3I walk through the Garden (Po sadochku hodzhu)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
7.  Oh I Loved and Cherished (Oj ljubyv ta kohav)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
8.  Little Green Oak (Zelenyj dubochku)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
9. Mp3In the Meadow by the Road (Oj tam u luzi pry dorozi)
music: Song of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army
10.  The Green Grove (Dibrova zelena)
music: Ukrainian Historical Song
11.  Testament (Zapovit)
music: M. Lysenko
lyrics: T. Shevchenko
12. Mp3Oh Mountain, Mountain (Oj ty hora, hora)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
13.  A Moonlit Night (Nich jaka misjachna)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
lyrics: M. Staryc'kyj
14.  The Winds of the Steppe Blew (Povijav viter stepovyj)
music: Song of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen
15.  In the Field there is a Well (Oj u poli krynychenka)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
16.  One High Hill (Odna hora vysokaja)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
17. Mp3The Rowboat is Rocking (Chovnyk hytajet'sja)
music: Song of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen
lyrics: R. Kupchyns'kyj
18.  The Ballad About Morozenko (Duma pro Morozenka)
music: Ukrainian Traditional Song
 Total playing time: 61.51

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD

Reviews (8)

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