Folklore Band "Kyiv", Anatoliy Rudenko. Veseli ukrajins'ki narodni pisni. (Merry Ukrainian Folk Songs) | | Track Reviews (2) |
In fact, Anatoly Rudenko himself is an absolutely self-sufficient creative personality able to attract audience. Similarly, folklore group "Kyiv" has its own sounding, therefore it does not need any urgent reinforcement. But, you should agree, a successful creative tandem – it is also good and interesting. We see in this case that collaboration has developed well. On the one hand – saturated, varied displays of the instrumental constituent of the group. Here, there are no innovative arrangements, but there is the quality of performance, which attracts with its sincerity, clarity of lines. There are also here two songs in variety art arrangement – but we could consider it as a sort of exceptions. And on the other hand – the voice of Anatoly Rudenko. Nice, deep baritone, in which there is both velvet and hardness mixed in correct proportions, that is why to listen to this voice is real pleasure. Real masculine voice – quiet but strong. Even without the back-vocals it would sound beautifully, but with them it acquires its sparkle. Add here the theme of the album declared in its name – here, actually, it is. Merry songs, when they are sung beautifully, – that is good indeed.
Publisher: UKRmusic Catalogue number: UM-CD 075 Year: 2007
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Folklore Band "Kyiv"
- Anatoliy Rudenko
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CD1 |
1. |
 | A ja vse dyvljusja...
2. |
| Iz syrom pyrohy |
3. |
 | Oj, Marichko, chycheri...
4. |
| Volynjanochka |
5. |
| Rozprjahajte, hlopci, konej |
6. |
 | Jak ishov ja z Debrechyna
7. |
| Mav ja raz divchynon'ku |
8. |
 | Jarema
9. |
| Oj, kum do kumy zalycjavsja |
10. |
 | Hej, nalyvajte...
11. |
| Dva kol'ory |
12. |
| Jihav kozak za Dunaj |
13. |
| Teche voda kalamutna |
14. |
| Jihav kozak mistom |
15. |
| Oj, chorna ja sy, chorna |
16. |
| Oj, vydno selo |
17. |
| Susidka |
18. |
| Oj, na hori zhenci zhnut' |
19. |
| Nalyvajte, brattja |
20. |
| Himn Ukrajiny |
| Total playing time: 44:10 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
...here, one can hear remarkable, very beautiful Ukrainian romances – this is, however surprising, quite a rare genre. Still, the contents of the album does not go down to romances only – for, as we already mentioned, the ensemble feels easy in various genres.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
The group likes to arrange folk songs – and often chooses not too well-known variants for this purpose. Here and there, own, author songs by "Susidy" appear among folk ones – but this is even not always noticeable at once, because everything is done in the same stylistics. It happened so this time again.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
..the new disc is special for three reasons at once. The first one: until now, no discs devoted to Ukrainian folk dances have yet been released within the limits of the collection. The second – in this case, you will almost not see known names. Well, and the third reason is already more habitual: you will hardly be able to find the recordings represented here anywhere else, in fact, they were made especially for the NRCU funds.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Levko Durko, as usual, does not limit himself to just collecting enough songs for an album and releasing it. As he says himself, songs do not come to him upon request – an impulse from outside is needed. Some event, a funny scene, conversation or even simply a word – and only then songs appear quite independently. Thus, as you see, not one by one, but in real thematic cycles.
Domestic price: 194.04UAH,
International price: $9.90USD
...in general the notion of Ukrainian folk songs by half comprises of the idea that these songs are mostly doleful...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Well, here is an absolutely fresh creation by Levko Durko. If his previous discs were intended, in fact, for children, this one will be able to cheer up adults as well. Actually, it is even advisable not to offer this disc to the junior generation – it contains such jokes that may be heard only in an adult company.
Domestic price: 194.04UAH,
International price: $9.90USD
, Versailles, France
28-09-2007 22:11 |
Disque très agréable sans être très original.
, Perkinsville, USA
11-09-2007 16:27 |
Want to put an instant smile on your face and set your feet tapping, or dancing around the room? Then do purchase this wonderful CD filled with happy Ukrainian folk songs. The music and artists are top of the line, showcasing the rich tapestry of folk music of the Ukraine. You will not be disappointed if you have "happy feet" and a "happy spirit". My home makes a wonderful dance floor for me to happily exercise to the music of this special CD. It will be enjoyed much in the years to come.