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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Songbooks, Notes, Poetry

Paul Celan. Nichyina troyanda. /bilingual/. (Nobody's Rose)

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Paul Celan. Nichyina troyanda. /bilingual/. (Nobody's Rose)
"Collection "Nobody's Rose" is central to poetic works by Celan and is considered the apex of his creativity. It contains a distinct poetological program, which is also the project of being. Construction of the new reality involves existential issues and issues of cultural identity, especially the suffering caused by Holocaust, and the discovery of the Russian literature, the epitome of which for him was Russian-Jewish poet Osip Mandelstam. "What makes his poetry so complicated is one thing – they are not hermetic, their every word, every image, every rhythm, every opening, every silence are significant." Michael Hamburger

Translated from German, postscript by (in German and Ukrainian) – Petro Rykhlo.
Bilingual: German / Ukrainian
Type of the edition: hard cover, dust cover
Format: 130x210 mm
Number of pages: 200
Publisher: Knyhy-XXI, Chernivtsi


- Es war Erde in ihnem – Zemlja bula v nykh \\ Das Wort vom Zur-Tiefe-Gehen – Tse slovo pro shljakh-do-hlybyn \\ Bei Wein und Verlorenheit – Z vynom i samotnistju \\ Zurich, Zum Storchen – Tsjurykh, hotel‘ "Pid buz‘kom" \\ Selbdritt, selbviert – Triytsja, chetverytsja \\ Soviel Gestirne – Stil‘ky suzir’jiv \\ Dein Hinubersein – Tvoje zahlyblennja \\ Zu beiden Handen – Obiruch mene \\ Zwolf Jahre – Dvanadtsjat‘ rokiv \\ Mit allen Gedanken – Z usima svojimy dumkamy \\ Die Schleuse – Shljuz \\ Stumme Herbstgeruche – Bezmovni zapakhy oseni \\ Eis, Eden – Lid, Edem \\ Psalm – Psalom \\ Tubingen, Janner – Tjubingen, sichen‘ \\ Chymisch – Alkhimichne \\ Eine Gauner- und Ganowenweise – Shakhrays‘ka i zlodiys‘ka balada


- Flimmerbaum – Merekhtlyvyy stovbur \\ Erratisch – Eratychne \\ Einiges Handahnliche – Shchos‘ dolonepodibne \\ ...rauscht der Brunnen – ...shumyt‘ dzherelo \\ Es ist nicht mehr – To vzhe ne ta \\ Radix, Matrix – Radix, Matrix \\ Schwarzerde – Chornozeme \\ Einem, der vor der Tur stand – Tomu khto stojav za dveryma \\ Mandorla – Mandorla \\ An niemand geschmiegt – Do nikoho shchokoju \\ Zweihausig, Ewiger – Dvodomnyy, vichnyy \\ Sibirisch – Sybirs‘ke \\ Benedicta – Benedicta \\ A la pointe aceree – A la pointe aceree


- Die hellen Steine – Sjayne kaminnja \\ Anabasis – Anabazys \\ Ein Wurfholz – Bumerang \\ Hawdalah – Havdala \\ Le Menhir – Le Menhir \\ Nachmittag mit Zirkus und Zitadelle – Poluden‘ z tsyrkom i tsytadellju \\ Bei Tag – Uden‘ \\ Kermorvan – Kermorvan \\ Ich habe Bambus geschnitten – Ja rizav bambuk \\ Kolon – Kolon


- Was geschah? – Shcho vidbulos‘? \\ In eins – Vojedyno \\ Hinausgekront – Vyvinchanyy \\ Wohin mir das Wort – Kudy kanulo slovo \\ Les Globes – Les Globes \\ Huhediblu – Vituzhetu \\ Huttenfenster – Vikno khyzhi \\ Die Silbe Schmerz – Sylaba bolju \\ La Contrescarpe – La Contrescarpe \\ Es ist alles anders – Vse inakshe \\ Und mit dem Buch aus Tarussa – Z knyhoju iz Tarusy \\ In der Luft – V povitri

- Nachwort

- Pisljamova

- Hlosariy

Publisher: Knyhy-XXI
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176140993
Year: 2015

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Paul Celan

Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
See also:

Igor Pomerantsev. Homo Eroticus.

Igor Pomerantsev proves that the new forms of the dialogue and of communication have transformed the notion of the erotic. However, the poetic forms that he uses make the ​"eternal themes" poignantly up-to-date, and poetic images – rather bordering on psychology than sexuality, as it was interpreted in the 20th century...
Domestic price: 272.44UAH, International price: $13.90USD

Julian Tuwim. Poeziji ta konteksty. (Poetries and Contexts)

This publication is the most complete author's collection of Julian Tuwim's Ukrainian translations. Marianna Kiyanovska has not only skilfully translated over one hundred and a half of his poems, but has also created a unique reconstruction portrait of the Polish poet of Jewish origin at the background of the epoch, against more than fifty years of the Polish history...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

I pokolinnya prykhodyt'... Anthology of Modern Israeli Poetry. (And Another Generation Comes...)

The Anthology introduces readers to pieces by 16 Israeli authors translated by leading Ukrainian poets. Urban poetry, erotic poetry, poetry about infinity of the war, prayer poems, commentary poems based on sacred text...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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7 june 2024
UMKA plans to take a break
22 february 2022
The "Return Alive" Foundation
His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Oksana Zabuzhko. APOKRYF. Chotyry rozmovy pro Lesyu Ukrainku. (THE APOCRYPHA. Four conversations about Lesya Ukrainka)
THE APOCRYPHA. Four conversations about Lesya Ukrainka
Domestic: 1330.84UAH
International: $67.90USD
Yaroslav Faizulin. Istorija.UA: postati, fakty, versiji. (History.UA: figures, facts, versions)
History.UA: figures, facts, versions
Domestic: 468.44UAH
International: $23.90USD
Tetiana Shkolna. Dobraja hodynonka. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette/. (The Right Time)
Dobraja hodynonka. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette
Domestic: 194.04UAH
International: $9.90USD
Karel Capek. R.U.R. Rossumovi universalni roboty. (Rossum's Universal Robots)
Karel Capek. R.U.R.
Domestic: 292.04UAH
International: $14.90USD