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Catalogue -> For Children -> Songs and Lulabies

Maria Pylypchak. Mamyna kolyskova. Compilation of authentic Ukrainian lullabies.

Reviews (11)
Maria Pylypchak. Mamyna kolyskova. Compilation of authentic Ukrainian lullabies.

This edition offered to you contains a 16-page booklet including notes for 14 lullabies from among those recorded on this disc.

This is not simply a nice title. This is really a collection of authentic folk lullabies. And undoubtedly, there are some people among us who know these lullabies since birth. But there are much more of those – and I have practically no doubt about that - for whom these lullabies will be a real discovery. If I am right after all, then it is rather sad. Still, it is not without a reason that there appear new discs like that, as well as new books and new research works, though their quantity is not big enough, as we want – as it deserves. Because all that should not be forgotten, it should not be lost. From such things a well-bred person starts. Of course, one might get by with a simple "aa-a", since in the first place a child takes not words, but feelings and emotions. Still, on the other hand, a lullaby should be the tenderest creation of verbal art, and it is exactly in a lullaby that any language of the world shows its inner secret beauty that cannot be found in the talks on policy or something else. And that’s why lullabies have to live longer than policy.

Unfortunately the quality of recording is not very good. We decided to present this CD on the web site because it may be interesting for many admirers of Ukrainian music.

Publisher: SAME TAK!
Year: 2006

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Maria Pylypchak

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1.  Povishu kolysku
2. Mp3Oy, khodyt‘ son kolo vikon
3.  Kolysala baba dida
4.  Ljuljaj, ljuljaj, kolyshu ti
5. Mp3Oj, hodyt' son
6.  Ho-na, ho-na-na
7. Mp3Hodyt' zajchyk
8.  Oj, ty kit, vorkit
9. Mp3Oj, kotochok
10.  Lele, lele
11. Mp3Kycja mura
12.  Kotyku siren'kyj
13. Mp3Oj, na kota – vorkota
14.  Hodyt' kotko
15.  Oj, ljuli, kotiv dva
16.  Koty z’jily barana
17.  Hojda, hojdasha
18.  Kolysala baba dida
19.  Oj nu, nu kotu
20.  Hodyt' sonko po vulyci
21.  Oj, nu, ljuli
22.  A-a, khodyt‘ zaychyk
23.  Oj, hodyt' son
24.  Spy, Isuse
25.  Ljuli naletily huli
26.  Oj, nu, kotaru
27.  Kolysala baba dida
28.  Oj, hodyt' son
 Total playing time: 61:38

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Tanya Sha, MuzBat. Kolyskova vid Tata. /song book+CD/. (Dad's Lullaby)

(this edition is an exclusive thing, and you cannot buy it. But you can get it as a present). – It just so happens that it is women who usually sing lullabies. We decided to advance the tradition and create an album of lullabies sung by men.. – Tanya Sha
Domestic price: 0.00UAH, International price: $0.00USD

Reviews (11)

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