Viy. Hata skraju sela. /digi-pack/. (Hut At the Edge of the Village) | | Track Reviews (7) |
"Vij" is one of a few groups that really know how to keep silent. In a qualitative, saturated way. They say little, but to the point – and then silence falls down for a long time. Sometimes, it even causes cold shiver, so many various meanings are hidden there. And sometimes – everything becomes so simple, clear, clean, that your own silence get filled with light as a reply... Only real masters may be so calm and balanced – it's been a long time since when they needed to prove anything, to pretend anyone. They just do their business now – in a maximally efficient way. They choose a short path – as though a stone to the bottom. In my perception, "Vij" is one of the best Ukrainian embodiments of such thing as "sheer rock". Because, behind their external simplicity, there is transparent depth, honesty and honor, heart and wisdom. Because only a person who knows real meanings of words is able to make pauses correctly. Because the one who is not afraid to look inside is able to see and accept everything. Such a person does not change the world. He/she changes oneself – and then the world changes...
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Premium second release of the album of 2003, updated and complemented (booklet with lyrics, bonus tracks).
Publisher: Tempora Catalogue number: 18-3-2006 Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Viy
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Audio cassette/ ..Have a trip through the world Ukrainian folk tales and legends.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
Some of these songs could be heard at Foma's performances back in 2014. Time flies, sure – now there are more of them. Because the theme remains unchanged – the war, which came about then, lasts as of the eve of 2018, when the album is finally released. The country is painfully transforming itself. The price is loss of illusions, inoculated so long ago and so deeply...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
It would seem that with such a title one should expect from the album if not pink tears with ruffles – then, in any case, some average ballads. But "Rock-H" from the very beginning stood out against the background, and this time, too, they do not disappoint.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Even though "Wonderful World" seems to continue the trend of combining rock aesthetics with ethnics – now it sounds different. It sounds as if the band was able to rethink and synthesize all the previous groundwork – thus, when Oleh Skrypka defines this new piece as "velvet symphonic punk", that is not that much of an exaggeration..
Domestic price: 390.04UAH,
International price: $19.90USD
"Kozak System" offers a bright mixture of modern and folk poetry, powerful rock, ska-punk with insertions of reggae, and everything is kept together by the serious frame of the Ukrainian folk root. In short - you should meet them again.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..It’s hard to pinpoint exact influences that aptly mirror what Dark Patrick is going for here, though a safe bet would want to include nods to numerous strata of organic electronica, soundtrack ambient, world ethnotronica, psych and trip-hop. Additionally, the band claims some affiliation to the fertile soils of reggae, dub and trance...
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
...However, they thus somehow fit into the concept of "ethno-rock" – but nevertheless the entire picture comes out very colorful. And – it is nice that within the same style one can hear so diverse, unconventional, brilliant music.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Well, finally a new disc by the boyan Zhyvosyl – Vasyl Lyuty – has appeared. I think that anyone who had already heard his songs before could not help waiting for something new. There is such force in his texts, and in music – live indeed – that it is almost impossible to listen indifferently, not to get penetrated with it.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..."Lehenda pro Ivanka ta Odarku" is a collection of fairy tales, legends and stories which "Mandry" spread in front of our reverie eyes as a rich carpet. Some paints are up to a pain native and familiar, others are absolutely not familiar and even exotic...
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
, Львів
06-05-2014 14:09 |
Альбом-містика. "Серед тіней" вражає неймовірно. Це, без перебільшення, досвід містерії. Одна така пісня вносить автора до касти втаємничених. Зайвим буде говорити, що вже заради однієї такої пісні варто купити альбом
11-11-2013 09:06 |
до Євгена:
чесно кажучи, з такою проблемою ми майже не стикаємося. Але Ви праві - це неприємно. Причини можуть бути різні, людський фактор і вплив часу скасувати неможливо - але зазвичай Темпора клеїть все добре, тож це більш схоже на прикру випадковість. У будь-якому разі, вибачте за неприємну ситуацію.
, Козятин, україна
11-11-2013 00:19 |
Знав що купляю один з кращих творів українського музичного ринку. Гідне перевидання видатного музичного твору, але не сподобалось, що після того як зняв зихисну плівку з коробки, то побачив що відсік з диском, якій має бути приклеєний до коробки, чомусь тримається лиша на одній краплі клєю. Інші три вже його не тримали. Наступного дня він зовсім відклеївся. Невже у видавників немає нормального клею, чи після покупки у нас як і раніше все треба доробляти своїми руками?
02-09-2011 14:04 |
Гідне перевидання хорошого альбому.
, Київ, Україна
27-02-2008 21:38 |
Думав, що вже з раніше виданого хорошого українського я все слухав. Виявилось, що не чув одне з кращих. Зараз відкрив для себе "Вій". Мабуть, важко непомітити стиль аля Пікнік, але все на щось схоже. В цілому дуже українське, приємне і зі змістом на вищому рівні. Більше б такого.
, boussoit, belgique
26-09-2005 19:01 |
trОs belles chansons
, San Diego, USA
09-07-2005 03:49 |
This is a GREAT band!! I like the mystical slavic pagan ritual I would like to hear more in this style.