Traditional Singing
Marenych Trio, Kobza, Dudaryk and others.
...this album contains, apart from the rest, songs for Christmas and Easter. However, the objective of that concert program was to demonstrate to Ukrainians the widest possible palette of Georgian singing – so, festive, lyrical, feast, humorous and other songs from various regions of Georgia, instrumental melodies, as well as solo singing could be heard there.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Folk duo "Dva Koliory" sing popular Ukrainian folk songs with unprecedented artistry and professionalism. Known songs in their performance get absolutely new sounding.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
Domestic price: 644.84UAH,
International price: $32.90USD
"Three Poplars" is the first CD by Marenych Trio. The greatest treasure of Ukrainians are songs, they reflect the soul of the nation. And the Marenych family, as no one else, have managed to successfully interpret the finest examples of folk and author songs – and to retain at that the pristine beauty of the melodie...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This release, distinguished Audience, represents the last studio work by the renowned group of true artists. Even authors' songs – both their own and by other artists – are stylistically intertwined with the Ukrainian folk song...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This ensemble, which is actually a duet, performs the most popular Ukrainian folk songs. But – pay attention – an academic vocal performance sounds here. As for the musical accompaniment, it is not academic at all. That’s why this disc is meant for those listeners who do not like opera so much, but listen to a beautiful and skilful singing with great pleasure.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Rushnychok ensemble consists of only two people – but when listening to the disc you would never say that. However, another thing is the main specificity of the ensemble. Namely – the voices of the both vocalists.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Ostap Stakhiv is related to a considerable number of various projects in this or that way linked with revival and popularization of Ukrainian, in particular singing folklore. One of ways to do that was creation of Ostap Stakhiv's Folklore Theater – and you will be able to hear some outcomes of the work already now, on this disc.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
Sometimes we have a holiday tete-a-tete, sometimes we have a holiday for everybody - this music suits exactly the second one. It suits the holiday during which you gladly greet every unknown person you meet in the street only because you feel glad. By the way, these marches are so melodious that you can easily dance at them. These marches are not without reason Ukrainian.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD