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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
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Domestic: 350.84UAH
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Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
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Catalogue -> Folk -> Traditional Solo Singing and Choirs

Folk group "Vesnyanka". Z drevljans'koho dzherela.

Reviews (1)
Folk group "Vesnyanka". Z drevljans'koho dzherela.

This group is already twenty years old. It has been collecting, keeping, presenting to listeners the song traditions of Rivnyanske Polissya for all this time. As a matter of fact, not simply song tradition, but magic-ritual one. And it is no wonder that the group has a very rich material. For example, there are forty tracks at this disc. There are the so called vesnyanky, Easter songs, bushes songs, berries song, petrivka songs, harvesting songs, wedding songs, everyday songs, Christmas carols and New Year songs here. The list is really surprising. But the performance does not yield to it in variety – after all these are rituals, different seasons, different traditional ceremonies. They all are united by one thing – the feeling of native Ukrainian magic, brought to us through the skill of performance. It is very pleasant that the lyrics of all songs performed are published in the booklet and you have the possibility to understand at once what they are singing about in these songs.

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

Year: 2003

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Folk group "Vesnyanka"

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1.  Da selo, nashe selo (vesnjanka)
2. Mp3Oj, hej, vesna, hej, krasna (vesnjanka)
3.  Vesna vesna vesnjanochko (vesnjanka)
4.  Vil butuje - vesnu chuje (vesnjanka)
5.  Postavlju ja svechu (vesnjanka)
6.  Oj strjelila strjela (vesnjanka)
7.  Jak poletiv Viktor (vesnjanka)
8.  Oj snih ta j metelycja (vesnjanka)
9.  Zbyrajtysa divky-molodyci (vesnjanka)
10.  Oj vijdu ja na rechen'ku (vesnjanka)
11.  Sjerye husy (vesnjanka)
12.  A kryvoho tancja (vesnjanka)
13. Mp3Oj na hori cerkovka (velykodnja)
14.  Oj ja v boru jahod brala (jahidna)
15.  Oj my buli j u vylykomu lisi (kustova)
16.  A v kovalihi sobaki lihi (kupal's'ka)
17. Mp3Na Ivana na Kupajla (kupal's'ka)
18.  Nashyji hlopcy lovcy-lovcy (kupal's'ka)
19.  Petrovochka (petrivchana)
20.  Svjatyj Petro (zhnyvna)
21. Mp3A sosonka letom i zymoj (vesil'na)
22.  Za novoju da svjetliceju (vesil'na)
23.  Vyjshla Haljusja (vesil'na)
24.  Dohadajsa Marijko (vesil'na, do pov'jazuvannja namitky)
25.  Da vzhe mne prodil' (vesil'na, do pov'jazuvannja namitky)
26.  Kotyloso jablochko (vesil'na, do pov'jazuvannja namitky)
27.  My Marijku zav'jazali (vesil'na, do pov'jazuvannja namitky)
28.  Nadobranoch, tovaryshechky (vesil'na, do pov'jazuvannja namitky)
29.  Jshov bratko z sestroju (pobutova)
30.  Oj na horej suhyj dub (pobutova)
31.  Koljadyn-koljadyn (koljadka)
32.  Bihly ovechky (koljadka)
33.  Vashoho dvora ne mynajemo (koljadka)
34.  Oj tam na hori cerkvu budujut' (koljadka)
35.  Na dvore chorna hmara v'etsa (koljadka)
36.  J u konec stola sedyt' Mykolaj (schedrivka)
37.  Schodryj vechor. Dobryj vechor (schedrivka)
38.  Ja shadruju u djad'ka (schedrivka)
39.  Schodryk na bedryk (schedrivka)
40.  Schodryj vechor, dobryj vechor schedrivka)
 Total playing time: 49:08

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Ethnogroup "Silska muzyka". Oy, sered sela... (Hey, Amidst the Village...)

Ethnogroup "Silska Muzyka" is a very close relative of the known folklore group "Vesnyanka". At all events, founding fathers are the same for these collectives. And, actually, their direction of research is also, at least now, close – it is folklore of Rivnenske Polissya.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Folk group "Vesnyanka". Oh come out vesnyanky.

«Vesnysnka» gives us the opportunity to hear and to feel our Ukrainian ceremonial songs the way they were several, if not more than several, centuries ago.
Domestic price: 605.64UAH, International price: $30.90USD

Folk ensemble "Kralytsia". Oj u Kyjevi...

The performance is very close to authentic; even certain minimalism is present in the means of its realization, but thanks exactly to this, the deepness of sense and the beauty of forms and origin come to the foreground.
Domestic price: 644.84UAH, International price: $32.90USD

Reviews (1)

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