Sometimes it happens that you want to listen to what the coryphaeuses of the Ukrainian variety art perform, but there’s no possibility to do that, as, for example, your radio does not pick up the waves, which give the possibility to be in the know of our pop-art events, or you are reluctant to listen to advertisements, or there’s something else. In such situations the collection like that becomes very useful. As for the number of tracks, there are 21 of them, while the names of the performers do not require extra advertisement. You see, it is not for the first year that Pavlyk, Hnatyuk, Leontyev, Bobul, Matviyenko, Baskov and Kudlai are popular with the public. On the other hand, it is pleasant that this collection contains the songs that have turned into customary elements of musical setting of leisure. That is, they may be used not only as a pleasant unobtrusive background for communication, but also as a subject of purposeful listening. Since romanticism is always in the centre of attention of the pop art, then it is easy to imagine exactly into what kind of mood this disc sets you. The only thing to do is to switch it on.
Publisher: Artur Music Catalogue number: CD 239 Year: 2005
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