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Catalogue -> MP3-CD -> Variety Art

Sofija Rotaru. Collection of Albums: Part 1. (mp3).

Reviews (3)
Sofija Rotaru. Collection of Albums: Part 1. (mp3).
We can finally say: finally... During the last about thirty years Sophia Rotaru has not needed any special advertising, recommendations – songs in her performance continuously sound within an enormous territory, in hundreds of thousands of houses. But, whatever songs of the last years might be, you should agree – real glory was brought to her by songs sung as far back as in the 1970s and 1980s. At that, then Sophia Rotaru was virtually the only our singer who identically freely sang in Moldavian, Ukrainian and Russian – everywhere. And everywhere she was welcomed warmly, with fascination – regardless of to which language they had got used. Actually, this may be considered one of examples of how beauty is able to rescue the world... Thus, on this disc you will hear songs of the most legendary period of Sophia Rotaru's work – from 1972 till 1988. Names of these songs are familiar to everyone, that is why we will not repeat them. But pay attention to that in the table of contents all the names of songs are in Russian – as it was on original envelopes of the LPs. Nevertheless, the songs sound here in all the three languages – Russian, Ukrainian, Moldavian. So you listen to this singing – and you understand that it just could not be otherwise, glory could not fail to come. It is impossible to pass by this voice – and not to stop, not to listen. Regardless of whether you have heard this voice before, it is really able – to enchant.

Names of all files are in Russian.

Disclamer: All software proposed AS IS. We do not guarantee that it will be working on your PC. We have tested every CD on our PC and it works fine.

Publisher: Mp3 records
Catalogue number: mp3 00603
Year: 2006

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Sofija Rotaru

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  Poet Sofyja Rotaru (1972)
1. Mp3Pesnja o moem horode
2. Mp3Zheltyy lyst
3. Mp3Syzokrylaja ptakha
4.  Pod ten‘ju staroho duba
5.  Lozh‘
6.  Ne zhdy, ja ne vernus‘
7.  Na Yvana, na Kupala
  Sofyja Rotaru (1974)
8.  Tvoy sledy
9.  Radost‘
10. Mp3Lysh‘ raz tsvetet ljubov‘
11.  Kolybel‘ vetru
12. Mp3Husy, husy
13. Mp3Poshel Yvan
14.  Verny mne muzyku
15.  Kto-to
16. Mp3Pozdnjaja ljubov‘
17.  Marychka
18.  Lebedynaja vernost‘
  Sofyja Rotaru (1975)
19. Mp3Ballada o skrypkakh
20.  Skazka
21.  Dva perstnja
22. Mp3Pesnja budet s namy
23. Mp3Tol‘ko ty
24.  Vspomynay menja
25.  Tvoja vyna
26. Mp3Ja zhdu vesnu
27.  Rasskazhy mne skazku
28.  Aleshen‘ka
  Tol‘ko tebe (1979)
29. Mp3Vesna
30. Mp3Ekho tvoykh shahov
31.  Day kryl‘ja mne
32. Mp3Doroha
33.  Chereshnevyy hay
34. Mp3Obychnaja ystoryja
35.  Tol‘ko tebe
36.  Ver‘ mne
  Pesny yz kynofyl‘ma "Hde ty, ljubov‘" (1981)
37. Mp3Krasnaja strela
38.  Pervyy dozhd‘
39. Mp3Nachalo maja
40.  Osobyy druh
41.  Hde ty, ljubov‘
42.  Vse, kak vsehda
43. Mp3Prydy
44. Mp3Moy mylyy Yvanushka
45.  Ne zabyvay
  Sofyja Rotaru (1981)
46.  Rodyna moja
47. Mp3Chayky nad vodoy
48.  Otchyy dom
49. Mp3Pryznanye
50.  Zyma
51.  Ja vernus‘
52. Mp3Pryhlasy v sny
  Nezhnaja melodyja (1985)
53.  Mahazyn "Tsvety"
54. Mp3Pesnja o moey zhyzny
55.  A muzyka zvuchyt
56.  Hrustnaja pesnja
57. Mp3Zhyzn‘
58. Mp3Romantyka
59.  Nezhnaja melodyja
60.  Slaydy
  Monoloh o ljubvy (1986)
61.  Pesnja nasheho leta
62. Mp3Noch‘
63.  Osen‘
64. Mp3Okean
65.  Mashyna "Retro"
66.  Poslednyy most
67.  Uletely lyst‘ja
68.  Malen‘koe proysshestvye
69. Mp3Teatr
  Zolotoe serdtse (1988)
70. Mp3Tol‘ko etoho malo
71.  Juzhnyy veter
72.  Proshchal‘nyy perron
73. Mp3Bylo, no proshlo
74.  Vremja moe
75. Mp3Zolotoe serdtse
76.  Ekho
77.  Poka ne konchen put‘
  Rannye zapysy y rarytety (1974-1987)
78.  Vspomynay menja vsehda
79.  Dva perstnja
80. Mp3Yonel
81.  Ymeet mama odnu doch‘
82. Mp3Predvestye
83.  Vospomynanye
84.  Muzyka kapely
85. Mp3Ty
86.  Skrypka
87.  Posvjashchenye
88.  Ljubov‘
89. Mp3Tvoy sledy
90.  Pesnja o moem horode

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Pearls of Classical Music. Volume 2. Ukrainian mp3 Collection.

The first part is instrumental music: it is world classics collection, as well as a collection of extraordinarily familiar and popular waltzes performed by brass orchestras. The second part is two collections devoted to the vocal art: "Ukrainian Solo Singing" and world classics performed by children choral collectives.
Domestic price: 370.44UAH, International price: $18.90USD

Duet "Svitjaz'". 46 tracks in mp3 format.

Earlier, songs of the duet could be found only in various collections. It surprises even more considering that virtually no serious variety art festival can do without these two men – and it is already far not the first year that it is so.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Reviews (3)

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