Today Taisiya Povaliy is one of the few pop singers who possess a nice jazz vocal. If she had chosen another road, we might have had a bright jazz star in her person. As it is, we have a bright pop star, because the voice of Taisiya Povaliy undoubtedly deserves high appreciation. Deep, flexible, possessing a very pleasant rich timbre – it is capable to render diverse shadows of peoples' emotions. Great experience is felt in the sounding of this voice – both life and purely professional experience. That’s why Ukrainian folk songs, as well as modern lyrics, performed by this singer, sound equally organic – at that, not only in Ukrainian, but in Russian as well. As for me, it is a sign of an exceptional skill, which is beyond the capacity of many singers. Besides, many people think that the voice of Taisiya Povaliy is the voice of a real woman in all her manifestations – from a girl, a beloved girl, a wife – to a mother. So, it is not surprising that men respect her not less than a better half of humanity.
Format: mp3
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Publisher: Artur Music Catalogue number: CD 415 Year: 2008
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CD1 |
| | Za toboy (2007)
1. |
| Pust‘ vam povezet v ljubvy |
2. |
 | Za toboy
3. |
| S juha-severa |
4. |
| Sed‘moe nebo |
5. |
 | Perezhyvu
6. |
| Tol‘ko moy |
7. |
 | Dostuchat‘sja do nebes
8. |
| Vyrazhy |
9. |
| Tvoy svet |
10. |
| Noch‘-razluchnytsa |
11. |
| Ja znaju, chto ty znaesh‘ |
12. |
 | Sto bessonnykh nochey
13. |
| Ne pomnju |
14. |
 | Snehom belym (s N. Baskovym)
15. |
| Otpusty menja (s N. Baskovym) |
16. |
| Ty daleko (s N. Baskovym) |
| | Otpusty menja (2005) (Taysyja Povalyy y Nykolay Baskov)
17. |
| Otpusty menja |
18. |
| Ja budu ruky tvoy tselovat‘ |
19. |
| Akh, schast‘e |
20. |
| Reka sud‘by |
21. |
| Ty moja Ukrajina |
22. |
| Chervona ruta |
23. |
| Akh, eta noch‘ |
| | Vozvrashchaju (2003)
24. |
| Odolzhyla |
25. |
| Vozvrashchaju |
26. |
| Ptytsa vol‘naja |
27. |
| Ljubymyy moy |
28. |
| Huby alye |
29. |
| Ja budu s toboy |
30. |
| Sladkyy hrekh |
31. |
 | Belaja ptytsa
32. |
 | Vecherok
33. |
| Zamelo |
34. |
| Planeta ljubvy |
35. |
 | Try zymy
36. |
 | Ne spuhnyte zhenykha
37. |
| Okol‘tsovannaja ptytsa |
| | Sladkyy hrekh (2003)
38. |
 | Sladkyy hrekh
39. |
| Tol‘ko ty |
40. |
| Teleshou |
41. |
| Zazerkal‘e dushy |
42. |
 | Hde zhe ty
43. |
 | Sny
44. |
| Vecherok |
45. |
| Kuplju sebe mashynu |
46. |
 | Belaja ptytsa
47. |
| Zamelo |
48. |
| Osen‘ y zyma |
49. |
| Khey! |
| | Ptytsa vol‘naja
50. |
| Odolzhyla |
51. |
| Ja budu s toboy |
52. |
 | Potseluychyk v shchechku
53. |
| Ptytsa vol‘naja |
54. |
 | Try zymy
55. |
| Planeta ljubvy |
56. |
 | Huby tvoy alye
57. |
| Ljubymyy moy |
58. |
| Strannaja ljubov‘ |
59. |
| Nebo |
60. |
| Okol‘tsovannaja ptytsa |
61. |
 | Peremeny
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
The first part is instrumental music: it is world classics collection, as well as a collection of extraordinarily familiar and popular waltzes performed by brass orchestras. The second part is two collections devoted to the vocal art: "Ukrainian Solo Singing" and world classics performed by children choral collectives.
Domestic price: 370.44UAH,
International price: $18.90USD
Earlier, songs of the duet could be found only in various collections. It surprises even more considering that virtually no serious variety art festival can do without these two men – and it is already far not the first year that it is so.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
29-04-2010 21:28 |
Ukrainian Mother. If you have not listened her music. I recommend that you must see her video clips and listen her folk song or pop one quickly. if not, you lost Ukrainian proper image which has a lot of Ukrainians, in the life usually. I have bought many of her disks, and I thought that's why she is very popular in Ukraine and Russia. Her songs include Ukrainian heart, and her reputation is forever. All Ukrainian people support her performance. I think so, too. My opinion is that she is Ukrainian Mother.
, Москва, Россия
27-03-2008 13:51 |
Классный диск, классные песни, классная Тая Повалий!!! Все очень понравилось!!! Песни супер, особенно альбомы "Серденько", "Українські пісенні перлини"... и все остальные!!)))
, севастополь, украина
24-01-2008 20:47 |
Мне очень понравились оба диска. очень сильное впечетление произвели народные песни на украинском языке!!!
, Червоноград, Україна
21-05-2007 15:16 |
Щодо мене, то я повністю розумію Таю, поважаю і підтримую, оскільки сама співаю і знаю що таке естрада! Звичайні люди, такі, як Галина зі Львова, зрозуміти її не можуть, бо не були в її шкурі! Тая, ти молодець! Тримайся так і надалі!!!
, Львів, Україна
16-05-2007 12:11 |
Дуже прикро за Таїсію Повалій, бо в неї справді чудовий голос, в неї чудові пісні (колись були), а те, що тепер вона співає, і особливо як поводиться на сцені - це трохи соромно!!
Albert Hernandez
27-04-2006 23:11 |
TAISIYA POVALIY, as far as I am concerned, is Ukraine's very best of "divas" !!! Everything she touches turns to gold. I do NOT have an MP3 player, and bought this collection just for the CD with Yosip Kobzon and another one I could not find on its own. A friend is going to burn the audio CD's for me, as I already have all the other ones. The photos are also lovely. Thanks!!!