Catalogue -> MP3-CD -> Variety Art

Ukrainian boom 2. mp3 collection.

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Ukrainian boom 2. mp3 collection.
If before you could listen to only separate collections of the best samples of Ukrainian variety art, now globalization has reached here as well. As a result, this disc contains four latest releases of the "Ukrains’ky Boom" series. Collections of this series are stably in demand – and not without reason. For they really represent the most popular songs, the most popular performers – and thus the most popular variants of this or that song. It is nice that one cannot say that they are recollected with real satisfaction only during parties. Absolutely no – these songs have really found sincere recognition of a huge audience. Of both informed people and those not very experienced in variety arts. It is hardly possible to assert that the majority of Ukrainians listen to such music, but that it is listened by quite a lot of people is a sure fact.

Format: mp3

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Publisher: Artur Music
Catalogue number: CD 387
Year: 2007

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  Ukrajins‘kyy bum 8:
1.  Chervonyy mak (Natalia Buchynska)
2. Mp3Tuman (Sofija Rotaru)
3.  Mamo moja (Victor Pavlik)
4.  Ne zabuvay (Ivo Bobul)
5.  Dyvo-kvitka (Mykola Hnatyuk)
6. Mp3Zavorozhene shchastja (Julia Raj)
7.  Druzhyni (Stepan Hiha)
8. Mp3Ivanka-horjanka (Ivan Popovych)
9.  Ridna Ukrajina (Alla Kudlay)
10.  Prosty (V. Hrim)
11. Mp3Moja ridnja (N. Kadysheva + (Hetman quartet)
12.  Melodija kokhannja (T. Piskar‘ova)
13. Mp3Kokhana – kokhanyy (V. Humenchuk, N. Mel‘nyk)
14.  Pani ta panove (Vitaly Bilonozhko)
15.  Krajina moja (E. Skydanova)
16.  Kybytka (A. Rotaru, M. Mykhaylov)
17.  Sladkaja ljubov‘ (V. Hrin + (Kateryna Buzhynska)
18.  Kakoe schast‘e (Ivo Bobul)
19.  Dorohaja (Pavlo Zibrov)
20.  Halyna (Mykola Hnatyuk)
  Ukrajins‘kyy bum 7:
21.  Znov (Mykola Hnatyuk)
22.  To ljubov (Natalia Buchynska)
23.  Muzyko hray ()
24. Mp3Try porady (Olexander Ponomariov)
25.  Tvoji ochi (Victor Pavlik)
26.  Dvi zori (K. Buzhyns‘ka i P. Chornyy)
27.  Obnimy (Alla Kudlay)
28.  Niby vchora (V. Zinkevych)
29. Mp3A vzhe osin‘ (Ivo Bobul)
30.  Muzyka ridnoho domu ()
31.  Vyshen‘ka-chereshen‘ka (Hetman quartet)
32.  Karpaty (Nadija Shestak)
33. Mp3I til‘ky snyt‘sja pisnja solov’jina (R. Dovhalis)
34.  Sertse-serden‘ko (H. Viter)
35.  Halja-moloda (Gallina)
36.  Kokhanochka (Mandry)
37. Mp3Vinochok (XS)
38.  Jak u nas na Ukrajini (K. Buzhyns‘ka)
39.  Molinnja za kozachku (Ivo Bobul)
40.  Horobyna (Victor Pavlik)
  Ukrajins‘kyy bum 6:
41. Mp3Ne zabud‘ (N. Buchyns‘ka)
42.  Vesna (Victor Pavlik)
43.  Mamo, moja mamo (Mykola Hnatyuk)
44.  Salo ()
45.  Dykyy med (O. Bohdanovych)
46.  A my udvokh (V. Leont‘ev)
47. Mp3Til‘ky ty (Pavlo Zibrov)
48.  Chervona ruzha (K. Buzhyns‘ka)
49.  Mamyna sorochka (O. Kobyljans‘ka)
50.  Pershe kokhannja (N. Buchyns‘ka)
51.  Zorjani pobachennja (Lebedi Kohannya)
52.  Dolen‘ka (A. Rotaru)
53.  Kyjiv i kyjany (Ivo Bobul)
54.  Karpats‘kyy kray (Ivan Popovych)
55.  Druzjam (Alla Kudlay)
56. Mp3Kvitka-dusha (Nina Matvienko)
57.  Ty, moja Ukrajino (M. Baskov)
58. Mp3Vesillja u Karpatakh (Victor Pavlik)
59.  Normal‘no (khor "Berehynja")
60.  Hrishna ljubov (N. Buchyns‘ka)
61.  Khay zavzhdy bude dobre (Mykola Hnatyuk)
  Ukrajins‘kyy bum. Naykrashche:
62.  Odna kalyna (Sofija Rotaru)
63.  Divchyna-vesna (Natalia Buchynska)
64.  Horobyna nich (Oxana Bilozir)
65. Mp3U rays‘kim sadu (Stepan Hiha)
66.  Zoloto Karpat (Ivan Popovych)
67. Mp3Salo ()
68.  Hey vy kozachen‘ky (Nazariy Yaremchuk)
69. Mp3Bereh ljubovi (Ivo Bobul, Lilija Sandulesa)
70.  Na berezi zhyttja (V. Zinkevych)
71.  Khreshchatyk (Pavlo Zibrov)
72.  Krasyva zhinka nezamizhnja (Alla Kudlay)
73.  Smerekova khata (Pavlo Dvorsky)
74.  Chortopolokh ()
75.  Ja khochu buty shchaslyvoju (Lilija Sandulesa)
76.  Moji bat‘ky (Ljubov i Victor Anisimovy)
77.  O, smereko (Mykola Hnatyuk)
78.  Bili cheremkhy (Victor Pavlik)
79.  Odna jedyna (Ivo Bobul)
80.  Chervona Ruta (Sofija Rotaru)
81. Mp3Moja Ukrajina (Natalia Buchynska)

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Pearls of Classical Music. Volume 2. Ukrainian mp3 Collection.

The first part is instrumental music: it is world classics collection, as well as a collection of extraordinarily familiar and popular waltzes performed by brass orchestras. The second part is two collections devoted to the vocal art: "Ukrainian Solo Singing" and world classics performed by children choral collectives.
Domestic price: 370.44UAH, International price: $18.90USD

Duet "Svitjaz'". 46 tracks in mp3 format.

Earlier, songs of the duet could be found only in various collections. It surprises even more considering that virtually no serious variety art festival can do without these two men – and it is already far not the first year that it is so.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

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