...My music career began at the age of five. Thanks to mummy...
After completing the Music Pedagogical Institute, 15 years later, I played for an army orchestra, at dances, weddings, for TV programmes before becoming a serious musician...Thanks to the Soviet Army!
The next stage in my development was at the age of 22, under the auspices of the "Ukr-Concert" organisation. Like a "Music-man" I played on keyboards, guitar, bass and other instruments for various bands and groups. My debut as a composer on the big stage was in 1979 when my music was put to Moris Carem’s lyrics. My creative life started!
...The yearning for real creative work as a composer led to self-education on such subjects as history of music, arrangement, music forms etc. My music began to resound throughout the USSR on TV and Radio...
A new milestone was reached when I started to experiment with electronic music. This experiment is still continuing...
Another big interest was journalism. I interviewed such stars as: Ravi Shankar, Pat Mathini, Pink Floyd, Stas Namin, Alexander Gradsky, Emi Steward, Suzy Quatro. Such interviews were welcomed by the press, moreover, they were a novelty at that time...Thanks to that time...
The result of endless searches for self-improvement was reflected in a discography of 9 albums varying in content, form and spirit...
information, photo from official site: http://www.sparinsky.kiev.ua/