Very often we are considered to be some crazy psychos with hints on drug addiction. There’s a slight part of truth in these words but it’s only our appearance and not our inner side. It’s impossible for us to create really good songs under influence of drugs. The brain must be absolutely pure. The stage is a perfect substitution for lsd , ecstasy and all that stuff taken together. We enjoy performing at the concerts and this is much than killing your body and burning your brain’s cells.
We’ve got a lot of negative critics on our first video "L’amour de Trois", in which lesbian love was shown. Actually we didn’t try to show the very fact of having sex, we showed the relationships of three people. We are trying to show people something they already have and feel, but they’re just afraid to admit it. We want to break into pieces the stereotypes and superstitions. The most paradoxical thing is that we don’t feel like we are not in scheme, - we are! We are the mechanisms of full value of a stereotypical society, which is constantly blaming us. The society itself gives us food for creation. One may argue for a long time about who is wrong – us or society, in which we live, - but we’re just retelling what is going on in this society. We’re composing songs about everything that is going on around us and about ourselves; about deep and frivolous feelings; about society’s globalization; about some psychedelic events; about complicated relationships which lead us to tragedy and on the contrary – to happiness.
information, photo from: http://www.myspace.com/bionikband