Dmytro "Kotra" Fedorenko studied mathematics at National University of Ukraine and classic guitar at music school in Kyiv. Started making music in 1994 as bass player in jazz-noise band Potercha. In 1996 Dmytro found noise duo Zet and made a series of performances with independent visual artists and videomakers in Kyiv. During 1997-1998 Dmytro participated in several video-art, net-art and interactive workshops in Soros Center for Contemporary art in Kyiv. In 1998 after Dmytro left Zet, he started his solo project Kotra. Since that time Dmytro released more than 12 full length albums and collaborations, has worked with Zavoloka, Andrey Kiritchenko, Moljebka Pvlse, Kim Cascone, Pomassl, Jeff Surak, Alexei Borisov and Andreas Berthling. Kotra's tracks were released on different compilations in Europe, USA and Ukraine. Dmytro also made music for miscellaneous interactive CD-r, web and video projects together with Akuvido group. Made insonations for short films. Since 2003 Kotra played live on numerous festivals around Europe, such as Clubtransmediale festival in Berlin, Garage festival in Stralsund, Unsound festival in Krakow, Noise&Fury festival in Moscow and many many others.
... now Kotra runs his own label Kvitnu and organizers concerts for unstable music from bizarre artists.. information from: myspaceofficial site: http://kotra.org.ua/photo from: http://www.nexsound.org/dissilient.html
It thrills. Cool and warm, tart and sweet, quiet and agitated – that is sounding of this disc. Joyful and straightforward – children in love whose feelings are reciprocal can be like that. As to my taste, of course – because who know...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..the monotonous repetition of the structure of formal motions results in that you stop taking this structure into account, noticing it – from now on you see quite different things here. This, if you wish, can be compared with Buddhists' reading of mantras: first you set a structure, and then you go beyond its scopes. So, Kotra has not abandoned the quest – and again tries to fit the listener into a situation of liberation.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Every new work by Dmytro Fedorenko aka Kotra is something interesting, non-trivial. But this time his new album, probably, will most of all entertain fans of the minimalist discrete noise – if this sort of a definition makes any sense at all. However, it does not describe all compositions on the album – there are rhythmic structures, and structured noise...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"Kallista" is an hour-long journey through contrasts. Sometimes muted, soft, sometimes – quite sharp. But, in any case, these are deep, voluminous sound miniatures, in which there is space for meditative immersion, and for purely urban drive, and for futuristic fantasies, and for essentially shamanistic experiences.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..the spaces of, in particular, Andrey Kiritchenko – regardless of what exact mixtures he prepares this or another time – are always an invitation to a very intimate, that is friendly, calm-and-attentive dialog. Exactly a dialog – the audience's attention creates this music together with the musician, that's why each time this music may be substantially different. And – must be different.
Domestic price: 320.60UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
"Kallista" is an hour-long journey through contrasts. Sometimes muted, soft, sometimes – quite sharp. But, in any case, these are deep, voluminous sound miniatures, in which there is space for meditative immersion, and for purely urban drive, and for futuristic fantasies, and for essentially shamanistic experiences.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD